Mgt315 legal environment of business


purpose of the project is to assess the following learning outcomes as stated in the course guidelines:

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Mgt315 legal environment of business
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Describe the importance of ethics in business organizations.
Demonstrate theoretical knowledge in simulated and real-life settings.
Apply decision-making skills to real-life ethical situations
Assess the ethical considerations and suitable values for business organization
Demonstrate an understanding of corporate social responsibility and its relationship with business ethics
Demonstrate critical thinking when presented with problems and express their views and opinions clearly and articulately.

Read the instructions carefully and apply practical and critical skills to complete the project.

Individual Assignment:

Making Ethical Decisions in Everyday Life


Apply decision-making skills to a challenging ethical situation by examining Islamic and Western perspectives on cheating.


Step into the shoes of a student facing this dilemma:

You are in a classroom where cheating has become alarmingly common. Your friend, who you know is not attending class, sleeping late, has no interest in completing assignments and regularly cheats on assignments and exams, approaches you with a request: “Please don’t tell the teacher about my cheating. I promise I’ll stop, but I’m afraid I will fail the course if I do not cheat.”


1. Understanding the Situation:

Put yourself in the situation and grasp your ethical dilemma.

2. Theoretical Knowledge:

Recall what you have learned about ethical decision-making. Consider the foundational principles of honesty, integrity, and fairness and how these values are critical in educational environments.

3. Islamic Perspective – Quranic Guidance:

Delve into the Quranic teachings regarding honesty and integrity. Reflect on verses like “Do not consume one another’s wealth unjustly or send it [in bribery] to the rulers so that [they might aid] you [to] consume a portion of the wealth of the people in sin, while you know [it is unlawful].” (Quran, 2:188). How does this direct you towards the right choice?

4. Western Perspective – Philosophical Insights:

Explore Western philosophical perspectives on cheating. Consider the thoughts of renowned philosophers like Immanuel Kant, who emphasized the importance of moral principles like the categorical imperative. Think about how cheating affects personal development, the value of education, and the broader impact on society.

5. Decision-Making Process:

Weigh the potential outcomes of your decision – both reporting and not reporting. Contemplate the effects on your friendship, your friend’s academic growth, and the overall integrity of the educational system from both an Islamic and Western ethical standpoint.

6. Your Decision:

Decide on a course of action in this complex situation. Write a paragraph explaining your choice, highlighting the factors from Islamic and Western perspectives that influenced your decision.

7. Referencing Quranic and Western Ethical Insights:

Mention the Quranic verse that resonated with you and a Western ethical principle or philosopher’s perspective that aligned with your decision.

This assignment will immerse you in a challenging ethical scenario, encouraging deep contemplation and decision-making rooted in Islamic and Western ethical considerations.


Submit your decision paragraph, referencing Quranic and Western ethical perspectives, through the LMS platform.

By grappling with this nuanced ethical dilemma, you will develop a well-rounded understanding of the complexities that underlie ethical decision-making processes.

Guidelines for preparing the project report:

You are required to prepare and write a report. The report must have FIVE sections, and each section must answer the associated questions:

Section One:
Introduction and problem statement – list the assignment problem and write an introduction on ethical decision-making. You may include a definition of ethical decision-making and briefly describe your cheating experience at university.
Section Two:
Briefly explain the concept of ethics and ethical decision-making from an Islamic perspective.
Section Three:
Briefly explain the concept of ethics and ethical decision-making from a Western perspective.

Section Four:

Decide on a course of action in this complex situation. Write a paragraph explaining your choice, highlighting the factors from Islamic and Western perspectives that influenced your decision.
Section Five: