MGT 311 – Introduction to Operations Management


1. To what extent could (or should) Dean expect to apply the philosophies and techniques of JIT to the running of the staircase cell? 2. What are likely to be the main categories of costs and benefits in establishing the cell? Are there any non-financial benefits which should be taken into account? 3.How different would the cell work (job design) be to that in the main Joinery Department? 4. What risks are associated with Dean’s proposal?

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‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬
‫وزارة التعليم‬
‫الجامعة السعودية اإللكترونية‬
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Education
Saudi Electronic University
College of Administrative and Financial Sciences
Assignment 2
Introduction to Operations Management (MGT 311)
Due Date: 30/03/2024 @ 23:59
Course Name: Introduction to Operations
Course Code: MGT 311
Student’s Name:
Semester: second
Student’s ID Number:
Academic Year:2023-24-2nd
For Instructor’s Use only
Instructor’s Name: Dr. Khadija Saidi
Students’ Grade:
Marks Obtained/Out of 10
Level of Marks: High/Middle/Low

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Learning Outcomes:

To designing profitable services that provide high level of quality to satisfy
business needs.
To ensure that the services delivered are reasonable and relevant to the customers.
To gain an understanding of the business rules and ensure if the results are in
alignment with the organizational goals.
Go through the given case scenario
‘There must be a better way of running this place!’ said Dean Hammond,
recently recruited General Manager of Boys and Boden, as he finished a
somewhat stressful conversation with a complaining customer, a large and
loyal local building contractor.
‘We had six weeks to make their special staircase, and we are still late! I’ll
have to persuade one of the joiners to work overtime this weekend to get
everything ready for Monday. We never seem to get complaints about
quality, as our men always do an excellent job … but there is usually a big
backlog of work, and something always gets finished late, so how should we
set priorities? We could do the most profitable work first, or the work for our
biggest customers, or the jobs which are most behind on. In practice, we try
to satisfy everyone as best we can, but inevitably someone’s order will be
late. In theory, each job should be quite profitable, since we build into the
price a big allowance for waste, and for timber defects. And we know the
work content of almost any task we would have to do; this is the basis of our
estimating system. But, overall, the department is disappointingly
unprofitable, and most problems seem to end up with a higher-thananticipated cost, and with late deliveries!’
Boys and Boden was a small, successful, privately-owned timber and
building materials merchant based in a small town. Over the years it had
established a large Joinery Department, which made doors, windows,
staircases and other timber products, all to the exact special requirements of
the customers, mostly comprising numerous local and regional builders. In
addition, the joiners would cut and prepare special orders of timber, such as
non-standard sections and special profiles, including old designs of skirting
board, sometimes at very short notice, and often even while the customers
waited. Typically, for larger joinery items, the customer provided simple
dimensioned sketches of the required products. These were then passed to
the central Estimating and Quotations Department which, in conjunction
with the Joinery Manager, calculated costs and prepared a written quotation,
which was faxed or posted to the customer. This first stage was normally
completed within two or three days, but on occasions could take a week or
more. On receipt of an order, the original sketches and estimating details
were passed back to the Joinery Manager, who roughly scheduled them into
his manufacturing plan, allocating them to individual craftsmen as each
became available. Most of the joiners were capable of making any product,
and enjoyed the wide variety of challenging work.
The Joinery Department appeared congested and somewhat untidy, but
everyone believed that this was acceptable and normal for job shops, since
there was no single flow route for materials. Whatever the design of the item
being made, it was normal for the joiner to select the required bulk timber
from the storage building across the yard. This roughly-sawn timber was
then prepared using a planer-thicknesser machine which gave it smooth,
parallel surfaces. After that, the joiners would use a variety of processes,
depending on product. The timber could be machined into different crosssectional shapes, cut into component lengths using a radial arm saw, joints
were formed by hand tools, or using a morticing machine, and so on. Finally
the products would be glued and assembled with screws and nails, sanded
smooth by hand or by machine, and treated with preservatives, stains or
varnishes if required. All the large and more expensive floor-standing
machines were grouped together by type (for example, saws) or were single
pieces of equipment shared by all 10 joiners. Every joiner also owned a
complete set of hand tools which they guarded and cared for with pride.
Dean described what one might observe on a random visit to the Joinery
‘One or two long staircases partly assembled, and crossing several work
areas; large door frames on trestles being assembled; stacks of window
components for a large contract being prepared and jointed, and so on.
Offcuts and wood shavings are scattered around the work area, but are
periodically cleared when they get in the way or form a hazard. The joiners
try to fit in with each other over the use of machinery, so are often working
on several, part-finished items at once. Varnishing or staining has to be done
when it’s quiet, for example towards the end of the working day or at
weekends, or even outside, to avoid sawdust contamination. Long offcuts are
stacked around the workshop, to be used up on any future occasion when
these lengths or sections are required. However, it is often easier to take a
new length of timber for each job, so the offcuts do tend to build up over
time. Unfortunately, everything I have described is getting worse as we get
busier … our sales are increasing so the system is getting more congested.
The joiners are almost climbing over each other to complete their work.
Unfortunately, despite having more orders, the department has remained
stubbornly unprofitable!
’Whilst analysing in detail the lack of profit, we were horrified to find that,
for the majority of orders, the actual times booked by the joiners exceeded
the estimated times by up to 50 per cent. Sometimes this was clearly
attributable to the inexperience of newly employed joiners. Although fully
trained and qualified, they might lack the experience needed to complete a
complex job in the time an Estimator would expect; but there had been no
feedback of this to the individual. We then put one of these men on doors
only; having overcome his initial reluctance, he has become an enthusiastic
“door expert” and gets closely involved in quotations too, so now he always
does his work within the time estimates! However, the main time losses
were found to be the result of general delays caused by congestion,
interference, double-handling, and rework to rectify in-process damage.
Moreover, we found that a joiner walked an average of nearly 5 km a day,
usually carrying around heavy bits of wood.
‘When I did my operations management course on my MBA, the professor
described the application of cellular manufacturing and JIT. From what I can
remember, the idea seems to be to get better flow, reducing the times and
distances in the process, and thus achieving quicker throughput times. That
is just what we needed, but these concepts were explained in the context of
high-volume, repetitive production of bicycles, whereas all the products we
make are one-offs. However, although we do make a lot of different
staircases, they all use roughly the same process steps:
1 Cutting timber to width and length
2 Sanding
3 Machining
4 Tenoning
5 Manual assembly (glue and wedges)
‘We have a lot of unused factory floor space, so it would be relatively easy
to set up a self-contained staircase cell. There is a huge demand for
specially-made stairs in this region, but also a lot of competing small joinery
businesses with low overheads, which can beat us on price and lead-time. So
we go to a lot of trouble quoting for stairs, but only win about 20 per cent of
the business. If we could get the cell idea to work, we should be more
competitive on price and delivery, hence winning more orders. At least that
is the theory. I know we will need a lot more volume to justify establishing
the cell, so it’s really a case of whether to construct a cell in anticipation of
higher demand, or to try to win more business first. To do the latter, we
would have to reduce our selling prices and lead-times, and then allocate
more joiners to complete the higher volumes of orders until we had enough
work to set up the cell. I personally favour setting up the cell first so that we
can have a “capacity leads demand” strategy.’
1. To what extent could (or should) Dean expect to apply the philosophies
and techniques of JIT to the running of the staircase cell?
(2.5 MM)
2. What are likely to be the main categories of costs and benefits in
establishing the cell? Are there any non-financial benefits which should be
taken into account?
(2.5 MM)
3.How different would the cell work (job design) be to that in the main
Joinery Department?
(2.5 MM)
4. What risks are associated with Dean’s proposal?
(2.5 MM)

You must include at least 5 references.
Format your references using APA style.
Each answer must not be less than 300 words
1. Answer2. Answer3. Answer4. Answer-
Assignment 2 – MGT311
Answer to the Question 1
Walmart is the organization I’ve selected for my study. One of the largest retailers in the world,
Walmart provides an assortment of goods and operates in several nations. I am going to focus on
Walmart’s operations in the USA and emphasize some of the most significant goods inside its
business, including food items, gadgets, and clothing, to provide an in-depth look.
The Supply Chain at Walmart: Acquisition, transportation, storage, and transportation are all a part
of Walmart’s supply chain, which is an extremely sophisticated and complex system. The
organization’s primary objective is to provide the greatest goods, services, and costs to its clients.
Walmart has put in place an extremely linked supply chain, noted for its efficiency and
affordability, to achieve this.
Chain of Supply Administration: A few basic concepts form the foundation of Walmart’s supply
chain approach. They put a focus on successful and direct purchasing from manufacturers and
suppliers first. As an outcome, they can negotiate for lower costs and ensure a steady supply of
commodities. To specifically estimate demands as well as efficiently manage inventory, Walmart
also makes major investments in technology as well as information analysis. To reduce surplus
and stock outs, they utilize leading-edge inventory management solutions. To ensure prompt
delivery to stores, Walmart’s tackle also includes a vast network of distribution facilities and an
extremely effective transportation infrastructure.
First, vendor collaboration is a key factor in an integrated supply chain. Strong ties are
kept between Walmart and its suppliers. To ensure quality, timely pickup, and cost-effectiveness,
they collaborate closely with vendors. This cooperative strategy aids in ensuring a consistent flow
of supplies. Then, Walmart uses technology to manage inventories and estimate demand. This
data-driven strategy minimizes the danger of stock outs by ensuring that products are always
available in the proper quantities. Additionally, Walmart has a regional and local distribution
network that is well-optimized. These facilities contribute to lower transportation costs and quick
product delivery to shops. Walmart also transports people using its private fleet of trucks. They
can manage delivery times and limit prices because they have this amount of control over logistics.
Finally, the business is well known for its collaboration distribution strategy. To do this, goods
from incoming trucks must be unloaded and then immediately loaded onto departing vehicles. This
cuts down on processing expenses and time spent storing.
A “Push-Pull” supply chain model is used by Walmart. The ‘push’ element may be seen in their
inventory management and procurement, where they ‘push’ products into stores based on demand
studies and forecasts. At the store level, products are refilled based on current sales information,
client preferences, and demand signals. This is where the “pull” component is seen (Negi & Anand,
In conclusion, the company’s supply chain is an excellent example of an efficient, well-integrated
system that assures the delivery of high-quality goods at reasonable costs. The “Push-Pull”
concept, supplier cooperation, innovative technology, a well-optimized network of distribution,
and effective transportation have all helped Walmart create a network of suppliers that is the
admiration by the retail sector.
Answer to the Question 2
Knowing the management of supply chains at an important retail organization can be greatly
helped by knowing how the company’s logistics procedure typically operates. Walmart,
which although not the ideal company in this situation, demonstrates important aspects of an
effective supply chain. Strong relationships with suppliers, effective storage, efficient
transportation, intelligent inventory control, and solutions based on technology are some of these
Partnerships with suppliers are vital since they demand reasonable costs, strict guidelines, and
quick fulfilment. Transportation hubs and driven by technology inventory management in storage
guarantee that goods will be reachable when required. Continuous monitoring and Walmart’s huge
transport system further enhance the efficiency of its supply chain.
The use of reverse logistics might be helpful in the context of another organization, like a chain of
fast-food restaurants. The reverse logistics sector mostly concerns recycling and trash management
for a fast-food chain. The collection and right disposal of packing stuff, machinery retirement, and
food particles are all part of this process.
A key aspect is waste collecting. Fast-food chains collect containers and food scraps created during
operations. Recycling and correct disposal are important considerations. In contrast to packaging
materials like plastic, cardboard, and aluminium, food particles can be burned or sent to recycling
In addition, it’s necessary that you get rid of outdated equipment safely. Fast-food businesses need
an organized process for getting rid of defunct devices, whether by selling, reusing, or appropriate
removal, as they update the machinery or replace sections like fryers, freezers, and ovens (Tan et
al., 2018)
In summary, even if the supply network for the restaurant industry may not be as intricate as
Walmart’s, reverse logistics is still essential for waste management and minimizing environmental
effects. In today’s business the weather, where sustainable and ethical behaviour hold important
value, appropriate recycling and waste management are crucial.
Answer to the Question 3
For the purpose of my research, I selected Walmart, one of the largest grocery and supermarket
organisations in the world. Walmart has operations across multiple countries, but for the sake of
this research, I will focus on those in the United States of America, where it provides an extensive
range of goods. I’ll focus on three products in particular—fresh produce, technology, and
clothing—to look at the modes of transport used by Walmart to figure out how effective they are.
Walmart controls its supplier network by using a range of logistical methods. To preserve the
products freshness and maintain the quality, there is a substantial reliance on cooled trucks and
trains for food that is fresh. This strategy works well to maintain the quality of the product while
providing that perishable items get to shops on time. In regard to sustainability, the is still potential
for economic growth. To lessen its impact on the environment, Walmart might look into additional
sources of energy for refrigeration, such as electric or hydrogen-fuelled automobiles.
Walmart delivers electronics from industrial hubs, especially in Asia, to its distribution centres
using an amalgamation of sea and air transport. Though economical, sea travel can be tedious.
While air travel is quick, it has less of an environmental impact due to its higher emissions. To
reduce its influence on the planet, Walmart can focus on harmonizing these modes efficiently and
spend money on improved energy-efficient ships and airplanes.
Products for the apparel sector are moved using an array of air, rail, and automobiles. For brief
trips between production centres, the road is cheaper and quicker than the rail. Time-sensitive
products ought to only be transported by air. In broad terms, the current structures work well.
Walmart can focus on route optimization and using less polluting gasoline for their fleet of vehicles
to improve sustainability (Arli et al., 2013)
As a result, Walmart uses a variety of transportation methods to fulfil the unique needs of what it
sells, which is a solid way to guarantee the high quality and prompt delivery of goods. However,
there is room for development in the subject of sustainable. To meet its sustainability objectives
and lessen the impact on the environment, the corporation should look into alternative energy
sources, optimize its transportation a network, and invest in environmentally friendly travel
Answer to the Question Number 4
Walmart, being one of the largest retail business in the world, maintains its supply activities with
a intense intricate and efficient warehouse building design. Walmart currently uses an assortment
of several kinds of distribution centres that are carefully placed all around the United States and in
other countries where it performs business. Walmart has a system of supermarkets, cross-dock
facilities, and local distribution centres (RDCs), every one of which has a particular purpose in the
company’s supply chain. Cross-docking is at the centre of Walmart’s existing warehouse
architecture. This procedure includes quick sorting and loading products onto departure vehicles
for transportation to stores when they get there at the distribution centre. Cross-docking
significantly decreases handling expenses and the period of time that products need to be stored in
the distribution centre while also reducing the need for extended storage. This layout indicates
Walmart’s focus on cost-effectiveness and rapid delivery.
A suitable design for a warehouse should change periodically to reflect changing market dynamics
and consumer demands. E-commerce and the “Omni channel,” or tactics, in which clients may
make transactions both online and in practical stores, have become essential parts of the retailing
industry. Walmart should make expenditures in newer distribution facilities with automated,
artificially intelligent, and machine learning technologies to accommodate this. By boosting
productivity and precision, these methods can guarantee on-time delivery and greater quality
Similarly, Walmart might look into green storage options as a result of the greater focus on ecology
and sustainable practices. These could include utilizing sustainable resources, energy-efficient
designs, and energy from natural sources like solar power panels. Sustainable warehouses serve
the eco-aware customers while also decreasing their environmental impact.
Walmart should also use analysis of data and AI to correctly forecast demand. Improved inventory
control and a proactive approach to supply chain adjustments are made available as a consequence
of this. (Harsono, 2013)
In a nutshell, future storage designs should be increasingly technology-driven, profitable, and
flexible to the evolving retail landscape, even though Walmart’s existing facility layout prioritizes
cross-docking for prompt and inexpensive delivery. Walmart may keep its leadership position in
the highly competitive retail sector while also meeting the changing needs of customers and other
interested parties by implementing innovative technology and sustainable business practices.
Answer to the Question 5
Effective inventory control is crucial for an international retail powerhouse like Walmart, which
deals with an extensive variety of items and operates in several countries. Just-in-time, or JIT,
inventory management is a form of control over inventory that Walmart should utilize.
JIT is an approach that has a focus on minimizing the amount of inventory while providing that
goods are ready when and where they are necessary. For several motives, an organization like
Walmart could profit greatly from such an approach.
First off, Walmart’s wide variety of products includes food, technology, and clothing. Furthermore,
and more. JIT helps Walmart to save holding costs and lower the probability that products will get
dated or unsellable, which matters for products with a short lifespan.
In addition, Walmart operates in markets that are extremely competitive and where costeffectiveness is crucial. JIT assists with cutting carrying costs, which are important to cost control
and include logistics, insurance, and warehousing (Pham, 2019).
Quality, cost, timely arrival, and service are four more key advantages for Walmart, and JIT can
assist assure that deliveries occur on time to satisfy customer requests. Walmart can lessen the
need for excessive warehouse space and increase the efficiency of its supply chain by ensuring
that products come just in time.
JIT has the added advantage of fostering an alliance relationship with manufacturers for Walmart.
It promotes greater cooperation with suppliers to guarantee a consistent supply of goods, which
could result in better quality control and chances for savings in costs.
JIT can also assist Walmart in reducing excess inventory and lowering the negative environmental
effects connected to storage and transportation in an age where conservation and eradicating waste
are becoming more and more vital (Pham, 2019)
In closing, JIT inventory leadership is the best plan of action given Walmart’s broad selection of
products, strong rivalry, and worldwide operations. It permits Walmart to maintain minimal
warehouse costs, and successfully meet customer demands, while retaining a position which is
advantageous in the retail market.
Arli, V., Dylke, S., Burgess, R., Campus, R., & Soldo, E. (2013). Woolworths Australia and
Walmart US: Best practices in supply chain collaboration. Journal of Economics, Business, &
Accountancy Ventura, 16(1).
Harsono, A. (2013). How Walmart and P&G Can Enhance Supply Chain Management with CPFR
Initiatives. How Walmart and P&G Can Enhance Supply Chain Management with CPFR
Negi, S., & Anand, N. (2014). Green and Sustainable Supply Chain Management Practices-A
Study of Wal-Mart. Emerging Business Sustainability, 141-157.
Pham, H. (2018). The impact of Blockchain Technology on the improvement of Food Supply
Chain Management: Transparency and Traceability: A case study of Walmart and Atria.
Tan, B., Yan, J., Chen, S., & Liu, X. (2018). The impact of blockchain on food supply chain: The
case of walmart. In Smart Blockchain: First International Conference, SmartBlock 2018, Tokyo,
Japan, December 10–12, 2018, Proceedings 1 (pp. 167-177). Springer International Publishing.
Organization: Amazon
Answer 1Basic working of Amazon’s supply chain:
Amazon’s supply chain is one of the most complex and efficient in the world. It involves
a global network of suppliers, warehouses, and distribution centers, as well as a variety of
transportation modes.
The first step in Amazon’s supply chain is for suppliers to deliver products to Amazon’s
warehouses. Amazon has a network of over 185 fulfillment centers worldwide, where
products are stored and picked for shipment.
When a customer places an order on Amazon, the order is routed to the nearest
fulfillment center. The products are then picked, packed, and shipped to the customer.
Amazon offers a variety of shipping options, including Prime shipping, which offers free
two-day shipping on eligible items. Amazon also offers Same-Day Delivery and OneDay Delivery in select areas.
Strategy used by Amazon:
Amazon’s supply chain strategy is focused on two main goals: speed and efficiency.
Amazon wants to be able to deliver products to customers as quickly as possible, at the
lowest possible cost.
To achieve these goals, Amazon has invested heavily in its supply chain infrastructure.
Amazon has built a network of fulfillment centers that are strategically located near
major population centers. Amazon has also invested in transportation technology, such as
self-driving vehicles and drones.
Amazon also uses a variety of data analytics tools to optimize its supply chain. Amazon
uses these tools to predict demand, track inventory levels, and make routing decisions.
Key drivers for achieving an integrated supply chain
Amazon has achieved a highly integrated supply chain by focusing on the following key
Data analytics: Amazon uses data analytics to optimize its supply chain at every level.
Amazon uses these tools to predict demand, track inventory levels, and make routing
Technology: Amazon has invested heavily in technology to improve the efficiency of its
supply chain. Amazon uses technology such as self-driving vehicles, drones, and robotics
to automate tasks and move products more quickly.
Partnerships: Amazon has formed partnerships with a variety of suppliers and
transportation providers to improve the efficiency of its supply chain. Amazon works
closely with its partners to ensure that products are delivered to customers on time and at
the lowest possible cost.
SCM model used:
Amazon uses a variety of SCM models, including:
Direct fulfillment: Amazon stores and ships products directly from its own warehouses.
Third-party fulfillment: Amazon outsources the storage and shipping of some products to
third-party logistics providers.
Drop shipping: Amazon allows some suppliers to ship products directly to customers.
Amazon uses the SCM model that is most appropriate for each product and supplier.
Answer 2Logistics process of Amazon:
Amazon’s logistics process is designed to deliver products to customers as quickly as
possible, at the lowest possible cost. The process begins when a customer places an order
on Amazon. The order is then routed to the nearest fulfillment center. The products are
then picked, packed, and shipped to the customer.
Amazon offers a variety of shipping options, including Prime shipping, which offers free
two-day shipping on eligible items. Amazon also offers Same-Day Delivery and OneDay Delivery in select areas.
Role of reverse logistics for Amazon:
Yes, there is a role for reverse logistics for Amazon’s products and services. Reverse
logistics is the process of returning products to Amazon. Amazon accepts returns for a
variety of reasons, including defects, damage, and unwanted items.
To return an item, customers can simply go to Amazon’s website or app and initiate a
return. Amazon will then send the customer a return shipping label. The customer can
then drop off the item at a UPS location or schedule a pickup.
Once Amazon receives the returned item, it will be inspected and processed. If the item is
defective or damaged, Amazon will issue a refund or replacement. If the item is
unwanted, Amazon may issue a refund or offer a store credit.
Reverse logistics process for Amazon:
The reverse logistics process for Amazon is as follows:
1- The customer initiates a return on Amazon’s website or app.
2- Amazon sends the customer a return shipping label.
3- The customer drops off the item at a UPS location or schedules a pickup.
4- Amazon receives the returned item and inspects it.
5- Amazon issues a refund or replacement, or offers a store credit, depending on the
reason for the return.
Benefits of reverse logistics for Amazon:
Reverse logistics offers a number of benefits for Amazon, including:
Improved customer satisfaction: Reverse logistics allows Amazon to offer its
customers a hassle-free returns process. This can help to improve customer satisfaction
and loyalty.
Reduced waste: Reverse logistics allows Amazon to reduce the amount of waste it
produces. Amazon can refurbish and resell returned items, or donate them to charity.
Increased sales: Reverse logistics can help Amazon to increase sales. For example,
Amazon may offer customers a discount on their next purchase if they return an
unwanted item.
Answer 3Amazon employs a variety of transportation modes to deliver products to
customers, including:
Ground transportation: Amazon uses trucks to deliver products to its fulfillment
centers and to customers’ homes and businesses.
Air transportation: Amazon uses airplanes to deliver products between its fulfillment
centers and to customers in remote areas.
Water transportation: Amazon uses ships to deliver products between its fulfillment
centers and to customers in international markets.
Effectiveness of current arrangements:
Amazon’s current transportation arrangements are generally effective. Amazon is able to
deliver products to customers quickly and at a relatively low cost. However, there are
some areas where Amazon could improve its transportation arrangements to make them
more sustainable and efficient.
Improvements for making the transportation sustainable:
Amazon could make its transportation arrangements more sustainable by:
Investing in electric vehicles: Amazon could invest in electric trucks and airplanes to
reduce its carbon footprint.
Using renewable energy: Amazon could use renewable energy to power its fulfillment
centers and transportation fleet.
Optimizing routes: Amazon could use data analytics to optimize its transportation routes
and reduce fuel consumption.
New modes of transportation:
Amazon is exploring a number of new modes of transportation, including:
Drones: Amazon is developing drones that can deliver products to customers’ homes.
Self-driving vehicles: Amazon is developing self-driving trucks and vans that can
deliver products to customers’ homes and businesses.
Robots: Amazon is developing robots that can deliver products within its fulfillment
Answer 4Amazon uses a variety of warehouse designs, depending on the size and location of
the warehouse. However, all of Amazon’s warehouses are designed to be efficient
and productive.
One of the key features of Amazon’s warehouse design is the use of chaotic storage.
Chaotic storage is a method of storing products in any available location, regardless
of product type or size. This allows Amazon to maximize the storage capacity of its
warehouses and to pick and pack orders more quickly.
Another key feature of Amazon’s warehouse design is the use of automation.
Amazon uses a variety of automated systems in its warehouses, including robots and
conveyors. These systems help to pick and pack orders more quickly and accurately
than manual systems.
Appropriate warehouse design for the future:
I believe that the most appropriate warehouse design for the future is a highly automated
warehouse that uses chaotic storage. This type of warehouse design is efficient,
productive, and sustainable.
Advantages of a highly automated warehouse with chaotic storage:
Efficiency: Highly automated warehouses with chaotic storage can pick and pack orders
much more quickly than manual wareho