MGT 248 Business Ethics


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BOOK: Joseph Desjardins, An Introduction to Business Ethics, 7th edition (McGraw Hill, 2024)
Short Answers Questions
Respond in your own words using complete sentences. Do NOT use quotes.
You can be brief and answer the question being asked directly.
1. Why is loyalty to one’s employer always a risk for non-managerial employees
according to the textbook?
2. What is one reason discussed in the textbook that the traditional circular flow model of
economics (goods flow from business to consumers and back to business, etc.) cannot
address issues of sustainability?
3. How could the introduction of large chains into a local economy end up harming
consumers in the long run even though they offer goods at lower prices?
4. If an employee makes a discrimination complaint to HR, is it legal to withhold a
promotion they were being considered for according to federal law? Why or why not?
5. What is one critique of international trade regulations or policies (such as those put in
place by the WTO and World Bank) that stems from concern for “developing” nations
rather than concern for free market values according to the assigned readings?
Essay Response
Respond in 2-4 paragraphs. You are not required to use quotes or research but if you do, you
must include in-text citation.
6. What was the most interesting or important thing you learned in this class and how do
you think it will impact your future actions or learning outside of this class? You may
discuss more than one thing or a general topic if you like. (Answer in 2-4 paragraphs.)

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