MGMT696 1 Discussion Question 2 Responses



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MGMT696 1 Discussion Question 2 Responses
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Did you know that Career Services is very familiar with the e-portfolio? As an APU/AMU grad, you can use career counseling anytime. Those in career services can help you tweak your e-portfolio or even update it for a certain position. How will you use Career Services to help make your e-portfolio more powerful? Do you see yourself using Career Services in the future?


Absolutely, the awareness that Career Services is well-acquainted with e-portfolios is a game-changer for APU/AMU grads. The prospect of utilizing career counseling at any time is a valuable resource. Personally, I envision leveraging Career Services to enhance my e-portfolio in several ways. First and foremost, seeking their expertise to fine-tune my existing e-portfolio, ensuring it aligns seamlessly with my career goals and effectively showcases my skills and achievements. The ability to receive guidance on tailoring it for specific positions is particularly appealing, as it speaks directly to the targeted approach needed in today’s competitive job market.

Moreover, I see Career Services playing a pivotal role in staying updated on industry trends and employer expectations, helping me keep my e-portfolio relevant and impactful. As the professional landscape evolves, having a resource like Career Services becomes indispensable for adapting my portfolio to meet the changing demands of the workforce.

Looking ahead, I definitely see myself utilizing Career Services in the future. Continuous improvement is essential for career growth, and having a dedicated support system for refining and updating my e-portfolio aligns with my commitment to staying competitive in my field. The prospect of tapping into their expertise for strategic career planning, skill development, and navigating the job market is an invaluable asset that I plan to leverage throughout my professional journey. The synergy between Career Services and e-portfolios is a dynamic combination, ensuring that my career narrative is not only compelling but also adaptable to the evolving landscape of opportunities.



Did you know that Career Services is very familiar with the e-portfolio?

I wasn’t aware that career services are familiar with e-portfolios, but I did notice that they assist students with resume writing and editing. I haven’t decided yet on whether I want to use their services. It would be helpful to see some success stories about their resume assistance before deciding. I don’t want to use a service without knowing the level and quality of service being provided. So, I think I’ll research first and see what other people say about their services. This will give me a better indication of whether I should use them. Thus, I will be sure to research career services more before deciding. After some thought I feel that maybe what the capstone should focus on is resume building or utilizing Career Services or how to use those services and allow the eighty-five dollar “Technical Fee” pay to use those services temporarily and produce a solid resume.

How will you use Career Services to help make your e-portfolio more powerful?

I’m looking to make my e-portfolio very basic, with the career field I intend on entering once, I officially retire from the military I’m unsure if I’ll use Career Services, the organizations don’t review e-portfolios. Although it may seem daunting, having an excellent online presence is becoming increasingly important nowadays. I will use my portfolio to promote myself and stand out if required. To kickstart this journey, I will attend a day-long LinkedIn Bootcamp class. The class aims to help me create a strong LinkedIn profile and start thinking about my future retirement plans. I’m grateful for the experience and wish everyone the best of luck in their endeavors! Lastly, I would like to say to my classmates that I’ve enjoyed working with you over the past eight weeks, and congratulations to all.