Page 1: Your name, Industry Name, Firm Name, and Table of Contents
Pages 2-4: Written explanation describing the state of the industry/firm (double spaced, Times
New Roman, 12 pt. font)
Pages 5-?: Add figures, tables, charts, appendix, and references (APA format preferred).
What to include:
Vision, Mission, and Goals (of the firm) (CH 2)
External environment → PESTEL (CH 3)
Industry level analyses
Porter’s Five Forces (CH 3)
Strategic Groups (CH 3)
Internal Environment (tends to be more firm centric)
Does the firm have Valuable, Rare, Inimitable, and Non-substitutable
(VRIN) resources?
Value Chain (CH 4)
Generic Strategy
What Generic Strategy does the firm employ? (CH 5)
What are the advantages/disadvantages of this generic strategy? (CH 5)
Any action steps they should take? (CH 5)
Other tips:
Work on concise writing and a high value per word ration.
Get down to business… e.g. show me how a framework is used rather than
describing what it is.
Build your figures and tables first and then use the written explanation to further
explain the more complicated topics.
Hand-drawn and scanned figures are acceptable.
Most of these mini reports, while only 2-3 pages written, will probably be an
approximately 8-10 page document.