MG375 Discussion Post



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MG375 Discussion Post
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Select one of these Concepts:

An example of a business adopting a forecasting model to develop business plans. Identify the type of forecasting model and why it was chosen for this application,
An example of a business situation and your evaluation of the type of forecasting model to apply in forecasting business demand. Explain why it was chosen and others rejected.
An example that illustrates Capacity Utilization Rate and why it is important to Operations.
A manufacturing example that illustrates the choice of flexible capacity or focused capacity.
An example that illustrates the differences in managing services Operations capacity versus manufacturing Operations capacity

Then find a current event in an article from the resources below to illustrate that concept:

Analysis Post:

After reviewing and analyzing at least one of the current events articles, compose an analysis of that event or situation using the unit operations concept that you selected. Note: Remember to focus upon your selected operations concept in your analysis.

Do not use any other source materiel for this assignment other than the resources provided.