Mentor Evaluation


The purpose of this assignment is to collect feedback from the mentee on the effectiveness of your “Individual Development Plan” as well as their perspective regarding your application of coaching or mentoring techniques.

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LDR-612: Implementation of Individual Development Plan
Directions for Documenting Your Plan:
Continue documenting the plan by completing this log. With the exception of “Reflection on the
Monitoring Process that has a higher word count, in 100-150 words each, respond to the
following prompts.
Mentee Name:
Identify Selected Activities and Rationale (connection to behavior or skill goal)
Activities to Meet Long-Term Goals
© 2022. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.
Documentation of Applied Activities (Provide notes from mentoring session experience here
that will serve to inform your reflection)
Reflection on the Monitoring Process (250-500 words)
Have you set a timeframe to implement the two chosen activities with your mentee? Be
sure to prioritize this conversation so you are both clear on the plan and the time expectations.
Do you plan to coach or mentor? Be to provide a rationale for your decision.
Develop a Mentorship Experience Evaluation Tool
Rebekah Taylor
Barbara Gast
Grand Canyon University
January 10, 2024
Mentor Experience Evaluation Tool
As you embark on this mentoring program, remember that we appreciate the
time and effort being put to it. We would love to have your insights about the program
as they would help in refining it. Allocated in this program are some inquiries that we
would love you to focus on and dedicate time on evaluating the efficacy and even
affording us insights that may help improve it.
1. Mentor availability and frequency of meetings

Were you able to schedule meetings with your mentor as needed?

How frequently did you meet with your mentor?
2. Mentor communication

How would you rank the regularity and lucidity of your mentor’s communication?

Was there a prompt response from your mentor to your correspondence?
3. Mentor demonstration of interest

Did your mentor show genuine interest in your goals and progress?

Did your mentor provide support and encouragement throughout the mentorship?
4. Mentor knowledge, competency, and guidance toward goal achievement

Did your mentor have the skills and knowledge required to help you reach your

How well did your mentor’s advice enable you to move closer to your objectives?
5. Mentor attitude of advocacy and demonstration of integrity

Did your mentor advocate for you and your ideas?

Did your mentor demonstrate integrity and act as a trustworthy mentor?
6. Value, efficacy, and clarity of mentorship activities

How valuable were the mentorship activities (e.g., goal setting, guidelines,
feedback) in helping you progress?

Was the purpose and timeframe of the mentorship clearly communicated to you?
Please provide any additional comments or feedback on the above prompts:
7. Most/least beneficial activities

What mentorship activities did you find the most beneficial?

What mentorship activities did you find the least beneficial?
8. Completion of goals planned
Were you able to achieve the goals you had planned with your mentor?
9. Mentor guidance with networking
Did your mentor provide guidance or support in networking or making professional
10. Most advantageous personal development or change and overall personal

During the mentorship, which personal development or change did you find most

How has the mentorship program contributed to your personal growth?
11. Suggestions for enhancing the effectiveness of the mentoring partnership

What do you think could be featured in the mentorship to enhance its efficiency?

Based on the mentorship experience you’ve had, what other factors do you think
should be made part of it to help improve it?
12. The mentorship program’s overall worth
On a scale of 1 to 10, kindly afford us your honest opinion of what you think to be the
worth of the rendered mentorship program?

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