Mediast 10 introduce of media studies


Help me do a full five page essay with the prompt below (I’m a Berkeley student but this essay is too important for me so I want to make sure it get a really hit point, so I can declare my major.

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Mediast 10 introduce of media studies
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Celebrity and Audience Practice: Explain how a specific example of an “audience practice” substantially influenced a celebrity’s “star text.” Explain first the celebrity as understood by their star text before the audience practice. Then describe how and why the practice came about. What was the impact? How specifically did the celebrity attempt to respond or engage with the practice? Ultimately, what does your case study demonstrate about how audience practices can shape how celebrities are understood?



Write a five page essay (12-point font, double-spaced, 1-inch margins) responding to one of the prompts below.
It will be evaluated as per the rubric at the bottom of this page.
Write for a general audience and define all terms you use.
Include an introduction with a thesis statement, body paragraphs with topic sentences, and a conclusion.


Perform research by consulting at least eight appropriate outside sources (trade, popular, academic publications, and/or other applicable material).
You must also draw upon readings and lecture. Rely on lecture, however, only for ideas not addressed in the readings.
Wikipedia and other general reference sources may be useful as you initially look into the background of your topic, but they are not sufficient resources from which to cite and build your argument.
Include in-text citations and an alphabetized bibliography of all sources you cite (including those from class). Use a recognizable scholarly format (MLA, APA, Chicago, etc.).
All essays will be reviewed for plagiarism (including AI-assisted plagiarism). Plagiarism is the failure to properly cite ideas or exact wording from other texts. Essays containing plagiarism will earn a zero on the assigment and merit further disciplinary action.