Med surg in nursing


Focused review/remediation and required remediation document must meet the following criteria: If not done in the classroom, first attempt must be completed with a closed book and without additional resources.Use the Three Critical Concepts Remediation DocumentFocused review Post-Study quiz must be completed if assigned, and upload screenshot.Focused review topics that are assigned must be included in the 3 critical concepts remediation document to correlate with the ATI Individual Performance Profile report.The 3 critical concepts must be typed with complete and thoughtful answers.Must be original work for each assignment. Assignments are not to be re-used.In one submission, attach both documents – (1) the ATI Individual Performance Profile report and (2) the Completed 3 Critical Concepts Remediation Document.You may submit your work PRIOR to the due date but not ahead of week 5 or 6.

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“3 Critical Concepts – Remediation Document”
Upon completion of the required Practice Assessment, conduct a focused review, by downloading the “ATI Individual Performance Profile” Report.
Complete the “3 Critical Concepts – Remediation Document” by using each NCLEX Client Need Category, listed under the “Topics to Review
Section” in the report to identify 3 Critical Concepts learned and or understand better about the missed concept. Use reliable evidence-based
resources to remediate each topic (ATI Focused Review, ATI eBook, Course textbook per Syllabus). Cite your sources (APA formatting not required).
8 NCLEX Client Need Categories
1) Management of Care, 2) Safety and Infection Control, 3) Basic Care and comfort, 4) Health Promotion and Maintenance, 5) Psychosocial Integrity, 6)
Pharmacological and Parenteral Therapies, 7) Reduction of Risk Potential, and 8) Physiological Adaptation
Reflection Section – Include one of the 6 Cognitive Functions listed below
Reflect on how the 3 critical concepts you learned, helped you gain a better understanding of the 6 Cognitive Functions of the National Council for State
Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) – Clinical Judgement Measurement Model (NCJMM) – which follows the Nursing Process:
o Recognize Cues (Assessment) – Filter information from different sources (i.e., signs, symptoms, health history, environment).
o Analyze Cues (Analysis) – Link recognized cues to a client’s clinical presentation and establishing probable client needs, concerns, or problems.
o Prioritize Hypotheses (Analysis) – Establish priorities of care based on the client’s health problems (i.e. environmental factors, risk assessment,
urgency, signs/ symptoms, diagnostic test, lab values, etc.)
o Generate Solutions (Planning) – Identify expected outcomes and related nursing interventions to ensure clients’ needs are met.
o Take Actions (Implementation) – Implement appropriate interventions based on nursing knowledge, priorities of care, and planned outcomes to
promote, maintain, or restore a client’s health.
o Evaluate Outcomes (Evaluation) – Evaluate a client’s response to nursing interventions and reach a nursing judgment regarding the extent to which
outcomes have been met.
Topics To Review
Management of Care (1 item)
Collaboration with Interdisciplinary Team (1 item)
Priority Findings to Report to the Provider
Safety and Infection Control (1 item)
Use of Restraints/Safety Devices (1 item)
Caring for a Client Who Is in Restraints
Psychosocial Integrity (6 items)
Mental Health Concepts (5 items)
Distinguishing Between Therapies for Dementia, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, and Borderline Personality Disorder
Identifying Findings That Indicate an Improvement in a Client Who Has Anorexia Nervosa
Identifying Risk Factors of Delirium
Interventions for a Client Who Is Aggressive
Nursing Actions for a Client Who Is Experiencing Delirium
Behavioral Interventions (1 item)
Evaluating Responses of Client Who Is in Seclusion and Restraints
Reduction of Risk Potential (2 items)
Changes/Abnormalities in Vital Signs (1 item)
Identifying Potential Prescriptions from the Provider for a Client Who Has Delirium
Potential for Complications of Diagnostic Tests/Treatments/Procedures (1 Item)
Evaluating a Client’s Condition
Pharmacological and Parenteral Therapies (1 Item)
Expected Actions/Outcomes (1 item)
Medications for Depressive Disorders: Expected Outcomes of Amitriptyline
Student Name
Instructor Name
Diamond JewelStar
Dr. Candace James-Marrast
Assessment Name
RN Mental Health Online Practice Assessment 2019 B with NGN
# of Topics to Review
NCLEX Client Need Category
Management of Care (1 item)
3 Critical Concepts (I learned, and/or
understand better about this topic)
Reflection – Address 1 of the 6
Cognitive Functions
Collaboration with Interdisciplinary
(1 item)
Priority Findings to
Report to the Provider
1. The importance of ensuring the client
has adequate fluid intake because
delirium can result in electrolyte
Take Actions (Implementation)
I need to make sure to identify the
priority findings and required findings to
report to the provider. I need more
practice on identifying the priority. I
2. Monitor vital signs is a key
component of nursing care because tachycardia, elevated b/p, sweating,
dilated pupils, can be associated with
delirium. These are findings I will
need to report to the provider
3. Perceptual disturbances can be
present, such as hallucination and
illusion for a client with delirium.
also need to make sure that I practice
knowing which client is priority by
using Acute vs Chronic, Urgent vs
Nonurgent, and Stable vs Unstable
Professor I can improve by reviewing
the nurse logic priority setting
Safety and Infection Control (1 item)
3 Critical Concepts (I learned, and/or
understand better about this topic)
Reflection – Address 1 of the 6
Cognitive Functions
Use of Restraints/ Safety Devices
(1 item)
Caring for client who is
in restraints
1. Clients with restraints need frequent
2. The importance of discussing ways for
clients to keep control during the
aggression cycle.
3. Encouraging the client to talk about the
incident, what triggered and escalated
the aggression from the client’s
• Conduct on going evaluation of the
• Determine the need for restraints.
• Check facility protocol when times for
application of restraints.
Take Actions (Implementation)
I need to remember that clients with
restraints need ongoing evaluations.
(Every 15 minutes – not 30 minutes
until the restraints are no longer
necessary). Professor, I will review the
nursing care for clients with restraints.
I need to properly read the question
I remembered after clicking the continue
that you assess every hour and note
findings. I will include more test taking
questions to build my understanding
Psychosocial Integrity (6 items)
3 Critical Concepts (I learned, and/or
understand better about this topic)
Reflection – Address 1 of the 6
Cognitive Functions
Mental Health Concepts (5 items)
Distinguishing Between
Therapies for Dementia,
Obsessive Compulsive
Disorder, and Borderline
Personality Disorder
1. Dialectical behavior therapy is for
clients who have a personality
disorder who exhibits self-harm
behavior. Systematic desensitization
is for clients with OCD. Fluoxetine
can be used for both OCD and
borderline personality disorder.
Recognize Cues (Assessment)
I mixed up which disorder is
used for each therapy.
I will need to review the psychotherapy
and the various therapies for each
intended disorder. I will also need to
practice more questions on these topics.
2. SSRIs can be used for MDD, OCD,
Bulimia Nervosa, PDD, Panic
disorders, PTSD, social anxiety
disorder, GAD, and bipolar disorder.
3. Validation Therapy is used for clients
with dementia
• It is important to identify the systemic
• Another Important one is dialectal
behaviors because it focuses on
gradual changes
• It is important to use validation therapy
Distinguishing different disorders is not
my topic so I will continue doing
practice questions and flash cards to
properly distinguish disorders.
Identifying Findings
That Indicate an
Improvement in a Client
Who Has Anorexia
1. Anorexia Nervosa will have
electrolyte imbalance, including
hypokalemia, Hyponatremia,
Hypochloremia hypomagnesemia,
hypophosphatemia, decreased
estrogen, and decreased testosterone.
2. Clients who have anorexia nervosa
have a body weight that is less than
85%. of the expected normal weight.
3. Decrease pulse and temperature
Identifying Risk Factors
of Delirium
1. Risk factors for delirium Include
physiological changes
– neurologic (Parkinson + Huntington
-metabolic, cardiovascular, and respiratory
2. Infections such as HIV/ADs, surgery,
and substance use or withdrawal can also
put the client at risk for Delirium.
3. Other risk factors are older age,
multiple comorbidities, the severity of
disease, polypharmacy, and the client’s
1. I learned that when the patient is
showing aggression can go through
are positive inotropic and
Analyze Cues (Analysis)
I need to make sure to read the
exhibit data more closely. I
thought because the glucose level
was less than the initial reading
It was included, but because it was
still within normal limits.
Looking back at the question I thought It
was referring to the key things that show
anorexia is not improving. I will review
my assessment skills.
Recognize Cues (Assessment)
I will review my assessment skills to
identify the factors that contributed to
the client’s diagnosis and to properly
assure my client receives all the help
they need in order to get all the help.
The reason why I got this wrong was
because I did not know all the factors.
Interventions for a Client
Who Is Aggressive
Take Actions (Implementation)
When administering second line
medications, it is important to note the
Nursing Actions for a
Who Is Experiencing
Behavioral Interventions (1 item)
2. The reactions client can experience
with receiving second line medication
3. Communication with clients calmly and
direct instructions on what they must do
in a particular situation.
1. I learned to approach slowly and from
the front.
2. I also learned ways to promote sleep
for the client
3. As well as providing a low-level
stimuli room for the client
client’s reaction such as (aFIB), Low
HR & and Myocardial
infraction. I did not know this before
and I will review my nursing care for
clients with aggression.
Take Actions (Implementation)
I misread the question. I thought the
question was asking for ways to
promote sleep, not actions to implement
for a client with delirium. I will review
the management of care for a client with
Evaluate Outcomes (Evaluation)
I realize I did not remember a lot about
restraints/seclusion and the client’s
expected behavior. I will review this
topic in my ATI and textbook.
Evaluating Responses of
Client Who Is in
Seclusion and Restraints
1. Restraints or seclusion must be
discontinued when the client in exhibiting
behavior that is safer and quieter.
2. Regularly determine the need to
continue using the restraints.
3. Remove the restraints when the client is
feeling better but assess the client prior to
4. The importance of documenting at all
phases of the episode. The reason for
restraints, less restrictive methods used
and the outcome, when the client was
placed, time the provider written by the
provider, any medications prescribed, the
client’s response to the treatment provider.
3 Critical Concepts (I learned, and/or
understand better about this topic)
Reflection – Address 1 of the 6
Cognitive Functions
Changes/Abnormalities in Vital Signs
(1 item)
Identifying Potential
Prescriptions from the
Provider for a Client
Who Has Delirium
1. Consult the provider about trying sleeppromoting OTC products (melatonin,
Generating solution
Collaborating with the provider to
promote sleep is pertinent for clients
with delirium to prevent risk reduction.
Also, have to recognize that electrolyte
imbalance puts the
client at risk for delirium.
Reduction of Risk Potential (2 item)
2. Urine analysis and culture and
sensitivity can indicate bacteria and
sediment. WBC + RBC, and positive
leukocyte esterase
and nitrates (68% to 88%. Positive results
indicate UTI.)
3. Ensure adequate food and fluid Intake.
The underlying cause of delirium can
result in electrolyte Imbalance.
Potential for Complications of
Diagnostic Tests/Treatments/Procedures
(1 item)
Evaluating a Client’s
1. 4 types of delirium
• Hyperactive with agitation and
• Hypoactive Empathy and
• Mixed, having a combination of
hyper and hypo manifestation.
• Unclassified for those whose
manifestations do not classify into
the other categories
Prioritize Hypothesis
I did not fully know all this topic and the
information need to answer this
question. I know I must review this
topic particularly the complications the
client can experience based on the types
of tests prescribed by the provider. I also
need to practice my assessment skills so
I can recognize the manifestation of
delirium and differentiate it
from manifestation of neurocognitive
2. Level of consciousness is usually
altered and can rapidly fluctuate.
3. Restless, anxiety, motor agitation, and
fluctuating moods are common.
Personality change is rapid.
Pharmacological and Parenteral Therapies (1 items)
3 Critical Concepts (I learned, and/or
understand better about this topic)
Reflection – Address 1 of the 6
Cognitive Functions
Expected Actions/Outcomes (1 item)
Medications for
Depressive Disorders:
Expected Outcomes of
1. Antidepressants can increase the risk of
2. Antidepressant-induced suicide is
associated with clients under the age of
3. Suicide prevention is facilitated by
prescribing only 1 week of medication for
acutely ill client.
Evaluate Outcomes (Evaluation)
Antidepressants have many associated
risks and I need to become familiar with
these risks to better my nursing
Halter, M. J. (2022). Varcarolis’ Foundations of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing 9th ed. Publisher: Saunders/Elsevier. St. Louis, Missouri.
ATI Content Mastery Series Review Module: RN Mental Health 11.0 ed.
“3 Critical Concepts – Remediation Document”
Upon completion of the required Practice Assessment, conduct a focused review, by downloading the “ATI Individual Performance Profile” Report.
Complete the “3 Critical Concepts – Remediation Document” by using each NCLEX Client Need Category, listed under the “Topics to Review
Section” in the report to identify 3 Critical Concepts learned and or understand better about the missed concept. Use reliable evidence-based
resources to remediate each topic (ATI Focused Review, ATI eBook, Course textbook per Syllabus). Cite your sources (APA formatting not required).
8 NCLEX Client Need Categories
1) Management of Care, 2) Safety and Infection Control, 3) Basic Care and comfort, 4) Health Promotion and Maintenance, 5) Psychosocial Integrity, 6)
Pharmacological and Parenteral Therapies, 7) Reduction of Risk Potential, and 8) Physiological Adaptation
Reflection Section – Include one of the 6 Cognitive Functions
Reflect on how the 3 critical concepts you learned, helped you gain a better understanding of the 6 Cognitive Functions of the National Council for State
Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) – Clinical Judgement Measurement Model (NCJMM) – which follows the Nursing Process:
o Recognize Cues (Assessment) – Filter information from different sources (i.e., signs, symptoms, health history, environment).
o Analyze Cues (Analysis) – Link recognized cues to a client’s clinical presentation and establishing probable client needs, concerns, or problems.
o Prioritize Hypotheses (Analysis) – Establish priorities of care based on the client’s health problems (i.e. environmental factors, risk assessment,
urgency, signs/ symptoms, diagnostic test, lab values, etc.)
o Generate Solutions (Planning) – Identify expected outcomes and related nursing interventions to ensure clients’ needs are met.
o Take Actions (Implementation) – Implement appropriate interventions based on nursing knowledge, priorities of care, and planned outcomes to
promote, maintain, or restore a client’s health.
o Evaluate Outcomes (Evaluation) – Evaluate a client’s response to nursing interventions and reach a nursing judgment regarding the extent to which
outcomes have been met.
Topics To Review Safety and Infection Control (1 item)
Reporting of Incident/Event/Irregular Occurrence/Variance (1 item)
Safe Medication Administration and Error Reduction: Priority Action Following a Medication Error
Pharmacological and Parenteral Therapies (7 items)
Adverse Effects/Contraindications/Side Effects/Interactions (5 items)
Dermatitis and Acne: Required Tests for Isotretinoin Prescription Refill
Gastrointestinal Disorders: Monitoring for Adverse Effects of a Metoclopramide
Medications Affecting Coagulation: Adverse Effects of Heparin
Neurocognitive Disorders: Monitoring for Adverse Effects of Donepezil
Urinary Tract Infections: Contraindications to Ciprofloxacin
Medication Administration (2 items)
Miscellaneous Central Nervous System Medications: Teaching About Cyclobenzaprine
Opioid Agonists and Antagonists: Teaching About Hydrocodone
Physiological Adaptation (2 items)
Fluid and Electrolyte Imbalances (2 items)
Medications Affecting Urinary Output: Identifying ECG Manifestations of Hypokalemia for a Client Who Is Taking Furosemide
Vitamins and Minerals: Interventions for a Client Who Is Taking Sodium Polystyrene Sulfonate
Student Name
Instructor Name
Assessment Name
# of Topics to Review
JadaRose Johnson
Dr. Candace James-Marrast
RN Pharmacology Online Practice Assessment 2019 A
NCLEX Client Need Category
Safety and Infection Control (1 item)
3 Critical Concepts (I learned, and/or
understand better about this topic)
Reflection – Address 1 of the 6
Cognitive Functions
Reporting of
(1 item)
Safe Medication
Administration and
Error Reduction:
Priority Action
Following a
Medication Error
1. Giving a medication 1 hour the scheduled
time is too late.
2. When this occurs, I must complete an
incident report
3. Every facility have a different timeframe
for when medication can be given with
causing a medication error.
Take Actions (Implementation)
The answer choices had both 30 minutes
and 1 hour after the scheduled time. In
class, we learned that safe medication
administered can be given either 30 minutes
or 1 hour before or after the schedule. I will
review the ATI book and my facility policy
and procedure to determine the allowed
timeframe of when I should give a
medication without making a medication
Pharmacological and Parenteral Therapies (7 items)
Effects/Interactions (5 items)
Dermatitis and Acne:
Required Tests for
Prescription Refill
3 Critical Concepts (I learned, and/or
understand better about this topic)
Reflection – Address 1 of the 6
Cognitive Functions
1. Isotretinoin is used to treat nodulocystic
acne vulgaris and is a category X medication,
which causes teratogenic effects to the fetus.
2. A pregnancy test should be done and ruled
out before the client can obtain a refill.
3. Client must provide two negative
pregnancy tests for the initial prescription and
one negative test before monthly refills.
1. Multiple CNS adverse effects can occur
Disorders: Monitoring with this medication
for Adverse Effects of 2. Some of the adverse effects include
a Metoclopramide
dizziness, fatigue, and sedation
3. I need to teach the client to report the
adverse effect or conduct frequent hourly
rounding to allow for appropriate
Medications Affecting 1. SQ heparin can be inject in the abdomen
Coagulation: Adverse above the iliac crest and at least 5 cm (2 in)
Effects of Heparin
away from the umbilicus
2. When administering IV heparin, the platelet
count should be closely monitored.
3. Platelet count less than 100,000/mm3 can
indicate heparin-induced thrombocytopenia, a
potentially fatal condition that requires
stopping the infusion.
4. ADR of IV heparin includes blood in the
urine, bruising, hematomas, hypotension, and
tachycardia. The nurse should report these
findings to the provider because these can
indicate manifestations of heparin toxicity.
Prioritize Hypotheses (Analysis)
I did not know much about this medication.
I will review the section on dermatitis, the
medications that can be used, and the
nursing role when managing care for a
client receiving isotretinoin.
Disorders: Monitoring
for Adverse Effects of
Evaluate Outcomes (Evaluation)
I understood what the question was asking
but could decide on which ADR was the
priority. I need more practice on
prioritization. I will review the ATI Nurse
1. Donepezil causes bronchoconstriction by
the increase in acetylcholine levels, which is a
primary effect of donepezil.
2. Some ADR of donepezil include dyspepsia,
diarrhea, dyspnea, and dizziness.
Evaluate Outcomes (Evaluation)
I did not know much about this medication.
I will review the section on gastrointestinal
disorders especially metoclopramide.
Reviewing this medication will provide me
with the information to report and my
assessment for any of the related adverse
Evaluate Outcomes (Evaluation)
Client safety is very important and this
medication is a high alert medication that
causing bleeding and possible death of the
client. I would be sure to review the chapter
on heparin – especially the S/Es, ADR. So,
when managing care for the client, I will
monitor the client closely for any ADRs,
monitor the platelet count, and report any
concerns to the health care provider.
3. Although all these are ADR, it is very most
important to report dyspnea to the provider
first – using the airway, breathing, circulation
(ABC) approach to client care.
Logic Tutorial on Priority Setting
1. ciprofloxin has not be given to a client with
tendonitis. If ciprofloxin is given to a client
with tendonitis, it can cause risk of tendon
2. ciprofloxin can cause photosensitivity
resulting in severe sunburns even with
sunscreen use.
3. ciprofloxin can cause a superinfection such
as thrush and vaginal yeast infection.
1. cyclobenzaprine can cause seizure, so it is
important to monitor the client and report any
seizure activity to the provider.
2. cyclobenzaprine can cause chronic
dependence from chronic use
3. cyclobenzaprine can cause taper off before
discontinuing to prevent abstinence syndrome
or rebound insomnia. So, I must teach my
client to not stop the drug abruptly.
Evaluate Outcomes (Evaluation)
I missed re-read the question. I thought the
question was asking for complications of
ciprofloxacin. Professor, I will pay closer
attention when reading the questions and
use my test-taking skill more often.
Opioid Agonists and
Antagonists: Teaching
About Hydrocodone
1. Hydrocodone cause a few CNS effects such
as dizziness, lightheadedness, drowsiness, and
respiratory depression
2. Because of the CNS effects I must teach
my client to change position slowly and avoid
activities that requires alertness like driving
and operating heavy machinery
3. Hydrocodone cause a few GI effects such
as nausea, vomiting, and constipation, so I
must teach my client to increase fluids and
dietary fiber and take with food.
Take Actions (Implementation)
Although I understood the question was
asking about teaching, I was not focusing on
complications and the related teaching. I
now understanding that teaching also
includes teaching the client about the
possible complications of taking the
hydrocodone especially with
acetaminophen. I will consider that in the
3 Critical Concepts (I learned, and/or
understand better about this topic)
Reflection – Address 1 of the 6
Cognitive Functions
Urinary Tract
Contraindications to
Medication Administration
(2 items)
Miscellaneous Central
Nervous System
Teaching About
Take Actions (Implementation)
I thought I knew a lot about this drug, such
as – it causes anticholinergic effect such as
constipation and urinary retention.
However, I did not remember this drug
needed to be tapered and should be included
in my teaching plan. I will review this
section on my ATI and textbook.
Physiological Adaptation (2 items)
Fluid and Electrolyte Imbalances (2
Medications Affecting
Urinary Output:
Identifying ECG
Manifestations of
Hypokalemia for a
Client Who Is Taking
Vitamins and
Interventions for a
Client Who Is Taking
Sodium Polystyrene
1. One diagnostic test to confirm hypokalemia
from furosemide is to perform an EKG on the
2. With the hypokalemia, the EKG will show
flatten or inverted T waves, prominent or
elevated U waves, ST depression, and
prolonged PR interval.
3. Other expected findings because of
hypokalemia from furosemide use include:
Vital signs changes – decreased BP, thready
pulse, orthostatic hypotension.
Respiratory changes – shallow breathing.
Muscular involvement – weakness, deep
tendon reflexed could be reduced.
GI involvement – Hypoactive bowel sounds,
nausea, vomiting, constipation.
Neurologic changes – altered mental status,
anxiety, and lethargy that progresses to acute
confusion and coma.
1. Polystyrene sulfonate replaces sodium with
potassium in the intestinal tract to promote
potassium excretion.
2. Polystyrene sulfonate can cause the ADR
of constipation, which can lead to fecal
3. I must monitor the client for constipation
and report it to the provider.
Evaluate Outcomes (Evaluation)
From this practice assessment, I learned
additional information to what I learned in
class. Having this knowledge, I now
understanding hypokalemia is not just
decreased potassium levels of less than 3.5.
Hypokalemia can potentially cause serious
complications. I know have more
information to include in my plan of care
when managing care for a client who may
be experiencing hypokalemia.
Take Actions (Implementation)
I knew polystyrene sulfonate is used to treat
hyperkalemia and can cause frequent
diarrhea. I do not remember that polystyrene
sulfonate could also cause the opposite
effect of constipation. I would be sure to go
over my notes and review that section in
both my ATI and textbook.
McCuistion, L.E., DiMaggio, K., Winton, M.B., & Yeager (2023). Pharmacology: A Patient-Centered Nursing Process Approach. 11th. Ed. Publisher: Elsevier.
ATI Content Mastery Series Review Module: RN Pharmacology 11.0 ed.
Individual Performance Profile
RN Adult Medical Surgical Online Practice 2023 A
Individual Name: LILIT ASATRYAN
Individual Score:
Student Number: 15AL98541
Practice Time:
1 hr 24 min
West Coast U LA BSN
Focused Review Time
6 min
Program Type:
Test Date:
Individual Performance in the Major Content Areas
Management of Care
Safety and Infection
Health Promotion and
Psychosocial Integrity
Basic Care and Comfort
Pharmacological and
Parenteral Therapies
Reduction of Risk
Physiological Adaptation
Clinical Judgment
Individual Score (% Correct)
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Report Created on: 2/22/2024 11:58 AM EST
Topics To Review
Health Promotion and Maintenance (1 item)
Health Promotion/Disease Prevention (1 item)
Health, Wellness, and Illness: Identifying Risk Factors for Atherosclerosis (Active Learning Template – System Disorder)
Pharmacological and Parenteral Therapies (1 item)
Total Parenteral Nutrition (1 item)
Gastrointestinal Therapeutic Procedures: Glucose Monitoring for a Client Receiving Total Parenteral Nutrition (Active
Learning Template – Basic Concept)
Physiological Adaptation (1 item)
Alterations in Body Systems (1 item)
Complications of Diabetes Mellitus: Diabetic Ketoacidosis (Active Learning Template – System Disorder)
Clinical Judgment (4 items)
Evaluate Outcomes (2 items)
Evaluating a Client Who Has a Chest Wound (Active Learning Template – Basic Concept)
Nursing Interventions For a Client Experiencing a Fluid Imbalance (Active Learning Template – System Disorder)
Analyze Cues (1 item)
Identifying Manifestations of Migraine, Stroke, and Meningitis (Active Learning Template – System Disorder)
Take Actions (1 item)
Caring for a Client Who Is Postoperative (Active Learning Template – Therapeutic Procedure)
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Report Created on: 2/22/2024 11:58 AM EST
No of
RN Assessment
The assessment step of the nursing process involves application of
nursing knowledge to the collection, organization, validation and
documentation of data about a client’s health status. The nurse
focuses on the client’s response to a specific health problem
including the client’s health beliefs and practices. The nurse thinks
critically to perform a comprehensive assessment of subjective and
objective information. Nurses must have excellent communication
and assessment skills in order to plan client care.
RN Analysis/Diagnosis
The analysis step of the nursing process involves the nurse’s ability
to analyze assessment data to identify health problems/risks and a
client’s needs for health intervention. The nurse identifies patterns
or trends, compares the data with expected standards or reference
ranges and draws conclusions to direct nursing care. The nurse
then frames nursing diagnoses in order to direct client care.
RN Planning
The planning step of the nursing process involves the nurse’s ability
to make decisions and problem solve. The nurse uses a client’s
assessment data and nursing diagnoses to develop measureable
client goals/outcomes and identify nursing interventions. The nurse
uses evidenced based practice to set client goals, establish
priorities of care, and identify nursing interventions to assist the
client to achieve his goals.
RN Implementation/Therapeutic
Nursing Intervention
The implementation step of the nursing process involves the nurse’s
ability to apply nursing knowledge to implement interventions to
assist a client to promote, maintain, or restore his health. The nurse
uses problem-solving skills, clinical judgment, and critical thinking
when using interpersonal and technical skills to provide client care.
During this step the nurse will also delegate and supervise care and
document the care and the client’s response.
RN Evaluation
The evaluation step of the nursing process involves the nurse’s
ability to evaluate a client’s response to nursing interventions and to
reach a nursing judgment regarding the extent to which the client
has met the goals and outcomes. During this step the nurse will
also assess client/staff understanding of instruction, the
effectiveness of interventions, and identify the need for further
intervention or the need to alter the plan.
No of
Thinking Skills
No of
Foundational Thinking
The ability to comprehend information and concepts. Incorporates
Blooms Taxonomy categories of Remembering and Understanding.
Clinical Application
The ability to apply nursing knowledge to a clinical situation.
Incorporates Blooms Taxonomy category of Applying.
Clinical Judgment
The ability to analyze and interpret elements of a clinical situation to
make a decision and respond appropriately. Incorporates Blooms
Taxonomy categories of Analyzing and Evaluating.
Nursing Process
Priority Setting
Ability to demonstrate nursing judgment in making decisions about
priority responses to a client problem. Also includes establishing
priorities regarding the sequence of care to be provided to multiple
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Report Created on: 2/22/2024 11:58 AM EST
No of
RN Management of Care
The nurse coordinates, supervises and/or collaborates with
members of the health care to provide an environment that is costeffective and safe for clients.
RN Safety and Infection Control
The nurse uses preventive safety measures to promote the health
and well-being of clients, significant others, and members of the
health care team.
RN Health Promotion and
The nurse directs nursing care to promote prevention and detection
of illness and support optimal health.
RN Psychosocial Integrity
The nurse directs nursing care to promote and support the
emotional, mental and social well-being of clients and significant
RN Basic Care and Comfort
The nurse provides nursing care to promote comfort and assist
client to perform activities of daily living.
RN Pharmacological and Parenteral
The nurse administers, monitors and evaluates pharmacological
and parenteral therapy.
RN Reduction of Risk Potential
The nurse directs nursing care to decrease clients’ risk of
developing complications from existing health disorders, treatments
or procedures.
RN Physiological Adaptation
The nurse manages and provides nursing care for clients with an
acute, chronic or life threatening illness.