Mean, Standard Deviation, uncertainty, and graph


**** Please read all the instructions carefully. Also, please read the attached PDFs. One attachment is the worksheet where you will put your final answers and the other attachment is the directions on how to answer the questions on the worksheet. Please show your work on a separate document or paper. *****

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Mean, Standard Deviation, uncertainty, and graph
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Exercises 1 to 8 are 2 points each.
Each question asks mean value or standard deviation/uncertainty one at a time. Don’t group them together yet. This will be done in Exercise 9. Also, when the standard deviation/uncertainty is written by itself, you don’t put plus or minus (±) in front of it.
Exercise 9 is 4 points.
Report each [mean] ± Uncertainty
Graph is 10 points.
Make sure to complete everything as explained in the videos such as having chart title (no units), titles for axes (units required), plot points with the uncertainty bars, three linear lines (average, max, and min). You will also need the find the slope and its uncertainty.
Make sure to use correct units and significant figures as they will also affect your grade
You may either write directly on the worksheet if you have a digital pen or print it, write normally, and then upload the scanned copy of your pages.
Show work on a separate paper or document. Only put answers on
The pages cannot be too big, too small, blurry, rotated, or upside down. It shouldn’t be too difficult to read your handwriting. Anything that makes my grading of your paper will result in point deductions.