MBA 645 Brand Management


MBA 645 Milestone One Guidelines and Rubric

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You are the regional marketing director of a theme park in the southeastern United States that is part of a global brand. The chief marketing officer (CMO) of global operations has called upon you to help coordinate the marketing tasks related to rolling out an emergency response due to a recent safety and injury incident at one of the parks resulting in serious injuries to employees and customers. The parks were closed immediately following the incident to ensure safety measures for customers and employees and to deploy the needed safety measures.
Now, as the theme park is all set to reopen, the CMO has called you to take a lead in planning the marketing strategy for the same. Your responsibility is to design a phased strategy for marketing and the reopening of all parks. Your strategy should address critical objectives such as maximum safety, crisis communication, customer satisfaction, and profit potential. You must coordinate marketing strategy with corporate strategy, as failure or success of the marketing strategy can have a direct impact on the brand.

As a first step, you will perform an analysis to understand the implications of reopening on brand equity. In this analysis, you will identify the groups of stakeholders that are affected by the reopening and also plan the communication strategy for before and after the parks’ reopening. Also, you will identify the roles and responsibilities of key functional departments that are going to play an important role in the reopening process. This analysis will help you develop a strategic marketing plan to address the reopening of the park and also to develop an effective crisis communication plan.

In this milestone, you will create a PowerPoint presentation that will include brand analysis and the implications of reopening on the brand equity and functional departments, including their roles and responsibilities in the reopening process.


Brand Analysis and Implications—In this part of the project, you will present the brand implications of reopening the park in the course scenario. Your presentation should include the following critical factors:

Determine the essential factors that can impact brand equity when reopening the park (Slides 1–3)
Define brand equity and explain its importance to the organization (Slide 1).
Provide positive implications (Slide 2):
Safety concerns addressed and communicated
Community and local government support for reopening
Employee support for reopening
Provide negative implications (Slide 3):
Social media negative reactions
Employee negative concerns
Operational concerns for safety
Describe the strategic communication plan that should occur before and after the park reopens. Your responses should address the following (Slides 4–8):
Identify three key stakeholder groups from this list and describe each stakeholder’s interest in the organization:
Government agencies
Describe their communication needs.
Identify the best mode for communicating with them based on their needs, including how you will take feedback from stakeholders.
Describe what impact reopening the park could have on each identified stakeholder (low, medium, or high). Why?

Functional Departmental Roles and Responsibilities—In this part of the project, you will identify the functional department and describe their roles and responsibilities in making the reopening of the park a success. Your presentation should include the following critical factors (Slides 9–12):

Identify three functional departments, including marketing, which play a significant role in the reopening process. Consider which departments will be most engaged in the reopening process. Describe the roles and responsibilities of these functional departments in the safe and successful process of reopening the park (Slides 9-10).
Select at least three legal and ethical considerations outlined in the memo from legal team. Explain why each of these considerations is important to factor in when reopening the park (Slides 11-12).
What to Submit

Submit a narrated PowerPoint presentation with 10–12 slides. Consult the Shapiro Library APA Style Guide and FAQ: Where Can I Find Information on APA Style and PowerPoint Presentations for more information.

Note: In addition to the text on the slides, remember to include audio narration in your PowerPoint presentations to convey your information effectively. If due to technical challenges, audio narration is not possible, precise and extensive speaker notes should be used to address all the critical elements in the presentation. For example, you can use brief bulleted lists on the slide and include detailed explanations in your audio narration or speaker notes.

Milestone One Rubric
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Brand Equity Exceeds proficiency in an exceptionally clear, insightful, sophisticated, or creative manner Defines and describes the importance of brand equity and provides positive and negative implications to the organization’s brand when the park reopens Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include the description of brand equity or the positive and negative implications to the organization’s brand when the park reopens Does not attempt criterion 25
Strategic Communication Plan Exceeds proficiency in an exceptionally clear, insightful, sophisticated, or creative manner Identifies three key stakeholder groups; describes their interests in the organization and the impact reopening might have on them; and identifies the best mode of communicating with them based on their needs, including how you will take feedback from stakeholders Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include sufficient details concerning description of stakeholder interests in the organization or the impact reopening might have on them or identification of the best mode of communicating with them based off their needs Does not attempt criterion 25
Functional Departments: Roles and Responsibilities Exceeds proficiency in an exceptionally clear, insightful, sophisticated, or creative manner Identifies the three functional departments, including marketing, which play a significant role in the reopening of the park; describes the roles and responsibilities of the functional departments in the safe and successful process of reopening the park Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include identifying the functional departments that have a significant role in reopening the park; describing the roles or responsibilities of each of the functional departments in the safe and successful reopening of the park Does not attempt criterion 20
Legal and Ethical Considerations Exceeds proficiency in an exceptionally clear, insightful, sophisticated, or creative manner Develops a communication plan in alignment with the brand support that considers and explains legal and ethical issues and daily information sharing per the Memo From Legal Team Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include identifying the legal and ethical issues, based on the Memo From Legal Team Does not attempt criterion 20
Citations and Attributions Uses citations for ideas requiring attribution, with few or no minor errors Uses citations for ideas requiring attribution, with consistent minor errors Uses citations for ideas requiring attribution, with major errors

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Chief Marketing Officer
Marketing Director, U.S. Park Southeast
Park Reopenings
Good day.
As you know, we recently closed our theme parks globally due to a serious safety incident
resulting in serious injury to several of our guests and two employees. This has resulted in the
closing of the parks and all associated services. We are confident that the safety issues have
been addressed and are preparing to reopen the parks, beginning with the U.S. Park Southeast.
We have made every effort to ensure extensive safety measures are in place at this time.
I am asking you, given your extensive background in marketing and strategic development, to
take the lead in planning a marketing strategy for the U.S. Park Southeast’s reopening, including
plans for a phased reopening of all parks. You will need to consider critical objectives such as
maximum safety, crisis communication, customer satisfaction, and optimal profit potential. You
will be coordinating the marketing strategy with corporate strategy to ensure our brand is both
protected and optimized.
A brand analysis and the identification of critical marketing and communications factors must
be included in your planning to successfully reopen the parks. Please consider the alignment
with our other functional departments in your efforts. It will take all of us to successfully
relaunch the parks and to protect and optimize our brand.
I would like a presentation made to all marketing directors of our global brand within 10 weeks
from today.

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