Mass communication research proposal


8-10 page research proposal with annotated bibliography. The 1st file is my research proposal, and my 2nd file is my Prospal with my professor’s feedback. The 3rd file is the PoweirPoint, which explains the rubric for my paper. The 4th and 5th file is my annotated bib with the rubric attached. and if needed, have examples of the paper should look like

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Mass communication research proposal
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Julian Hollington
COMM 4484
Kyle Lorenzano
Feb 6, 2024
Social Media influence on the youth.
How does frequent use of social media correlate with our youth’s daily mindset and
relationships? Social Media has had a major impact on the world, and because of this impact,
children after Gen Z live a completely different life than we (Gen Z) did as kids. I remember I
used to ride through my neighborhood and see a bunch of kids outside playing; I don’t know
when the last time I last saw that. Kids don’t go outside and explore as we (Gen Z) used to do
nowadays. They do their exploring on social media. Social media has exposed them to
Unrealistic ways you have to look to be liked, cyberbullying, depression, and anxiety. With being
on social media constantly, you’re constantly in a false reality of images that people want you to
believe. Somebody may want you to believe they are the richest by what they post, but in reality,
that isn’t the case. Having your personal information is not hard to steal. Not being aware of this,
kids may accidentally give up information or fall for a known scam. Being glued to social media
can ruin your face-to-face social skills and any meaningful relationship.
But not everything about social media has had a negative impact. Social media has shown
an impact on social interactions and mental health. It has also impacted self-esteem, worldview,
and relationships. Excessive use of anything is not good, but social media will have a huge
negative impact. Being on social media also lets people express themselves, be creative, and
learn new things. It also provides a platform for the youth to share new ideas, knowledge, and
promotions. Social media effects on the youth should be identified as a mixed method. It
involves combining quantitative data, such as analysis of user behavior, and with qualitative
methods, they do interviews and subjective experiences of social media’s effect on the youth.
Surveying the youth (born after Gen Z) and interviewing their parents about how much
their kids are on social media and how that affects their attitudes and aspects of life can help me
reach my conclusion. Complement quantitative data with qualitative approaches and provide
insights into the subjective experiments. By integrating multiple methodological approaches,
researchers can gain an understanding of the complex relationship between social media and our
O’Keeffe, G. S., & Clarke-Pearson, K. (2011). The impact of social media on children,
adolescents, and families. Pediatrics, 127(4), 800-804.
I choose this article because of the research facts and their relevance to my study’s
objective. The website is a .org type of site so I do feel it is a credible and reliable source. The
article provides novel insights and perspectives that contribute to me getting a better
understanding of my topic. And out of the different scholarly articles I read, the format of this
one, I like the most.
Kulandairaj, A. J. (2014). Impact of social media on the lifestyle of youth. International Journal of
Technical Research and Applications, 2(8), 22-28.
I chose this article because not only does it provide a lot of research facts, but it also
provides studied data. The article’s publication has a high academic reputation and comes from a
college that also includes the .org to ensure the credibility and reliability of the article. The
analysis and charts they provide give me some good information on my thesis and an
understanding of how my subjects will act. And it gave me an idea of how my final should look
like and what to expect as end results. Their conclusion in the article is what I would expect out
of this study so the fact that it relates to my point of view is another reason for my choice.
Castrén, S., Mustonen, T., Hylkilä, K., Männikkö, N., Kääriäinen, M., & Raitasalo, K. (2022). Risk
factors for excessive social media use differ from those of gambling and gaming in finnish
youth. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(4), 2406.
This article had a lot of reputable experts in the field, and its methodology helped ensure
the credibility and reliability of this article. The article’s publication has many peer reviews
indicating that other scholars have evaluated this research. The information in the article helps
me broaden my knowledge to answer my research question. This article also provides some
experimented research that I can quote later on in my research. Overall this was a really informal
article and has a lot of information related to my thesis.
Qudaisat, S. Y. (2023). The Negative Effect of Using Social Media Data on Youth in Consuming
Societies. International Journal of Advances in Soft Computing & Its Applications, 15(3).
This article focuses more on just the negative aspects of social media on our youth. I generally
do think the negatives of this topic out ways the good. A lot of my information and topics will
probably come from this article as I do want to focus on the negative aspects of social media on
our youth but still talk about some of the good things. This article is a .edu and comes from a
university, so it is very credible and reliable. Overall, I think this article has a lot of research and
strengths that will help me with my research.
Kranzler, E. C., & Bleakley, A. (2019). Youth social media use and health outcomes:#
diggingdeeper. Journal of adolescent health, 64(2), 141-142.
Already used research test
FYI, the text in this document is 14 pt.; the assignment description specified this should be in 12 pt. and is the standard for all written assignments
Julian Hollington
COMM 4484
Kyle Lorenzano
Feb 6, 2024
Social Media influence on the youth.
while these could be interrelated, focusing on all of these for a single paper is a bit too broad;
How does frequent use of social media correlate with our youth’s selfesteem, body image, and relationships? Social Media has had a major impact on
the youth’s lives, and they live a completely different life than we did as kids. You
^who counts as the “youth” here? Gen Alpha?
Who is “we” in this case? Gen Z?
used to drive through a neighborhood and see all the kids outside playing; I don’t
the past and
relying on your
experiences as
the basis for
I see what
you’re saying,
but this same
argument has
been made by
past generations
(e.g., the silent
accusing boomers
of being in
front of the
television all day)
know when I last saw that. Kids don’t go outside and explore like we used to
nowadays. They do their exploring on social media. Social media has exposed
them to Unrealistic ways you have to look to be liked, cyberbullying, depression,
and anxiety. With being on social media constantly, you’re constantly in a false
^ this is obviously not literally true, so what counts as “constantly”?
reality of images that people want you to believe. Somebody may want you to
believe they are the richest by what they post, but in reality, that isn’t the case.
Having your personal information is not hard to steal. Not being aware of this, kids
may accidentally give up information or fall for a known scam. Being glued to
social media can ruin your face-to-face social skills and any meaningful
A lot of what you’re saying here sounds familiar based on much of the ‘social media is hurting kids’ discourse
online right now, so I understand where you’re coming from
At the same time, I would again encourage you to come up with a more focused, narrow topic focus, question
your assumptions, and be more specific with some of the terminology you’re using here
But not everything about social media has had a negative impact. Social
media has shown an impact on social interactions and mental health. It has also
impacted self-esteem, worldview, and relationships. Excessive use of anything is
not good, but social media will have a huge negative impact. Being on social
media also lets people express themselves, be creative, and learn new things. It
also provides a platform for the youth to share new ideas, knowledge, and
promotions. Social media effects on the youth should be identified as a mixed
method. It involves combining quantitative data, such as analysis of user behavior,
and with qualitative methods, they do interviews and subjective experiences of
not necessarily;
it’s fine if you
want to take
a mixed methods
but there’s plenty
of Quant-only
or Qual-only research
in this area
social media’s effect on the youth.
Surveying the youth and interviewing their parents can help me reach my
conclusion. Complement quantitative data with qualitative approaches and provide
^sentence fragment (please try to write in complete sentences)
insights into the subjective experiments. By integrating multiple methodological
approaches, researchers can gain an understanding of the complex relationship
between social media and our youth.
Research Proposal
COMM 4484
• To produce a proposal for an empirical, formal mass communication
research project
 At this point in the course, you should have a good idea of what that means
 Your proposal must involve a project idea that relates to mass
communication in some significant way
• To put everything we have learned, and will go on to learn this
semester, into practice concerning research methods
 Some topics like the basics/elements of research, measurement &
operationalizing concepts, and sampling will apply to all research projects
regardless of approach
 However, each proposal will require specific details depending on the
methodological approach, e.g., using surveys as your method will require
that you write about question wording and response rates, relying on a
content analysis will require you to define your unit of analysis and the
scope of your universe/corpus, etc.
• As noted in the syllabus, this paper is submitted as two separate drafts
• The Research Proposal Rough Draft (100 points) is due
Thursday, April 4th by 11:59 p.m. EST
 This rough draft is essentially graded on completion like the Research Prospectus
 These will be graded based on Relevance and Formatting
 I will be providing detailed feedback that you should ideally incorporate into your
final draft
• The Research Proposal Final Draft (250 points) is due
Thursday, April 25th by 11:59 p.m. EST
 This final draft is obviously graded more critically
 The final draft will be graded based on the quality of each major section of the
proposal (Introduction, Literature Review, Methodology, Expected
Results/Discussion) as well as Sources and Formatting
Proposal Structure
• Introduction
• Literature Review
• Methodology
• Expected Results/Discussion
Make sure to label these sections!!!
• Background/Context for the topic
 What is this paper about, and what background/context is
necessary to understand it?
• Rationale/Justification
 Why should this paper exist in the first place?
 How does this paper add to what we already know regarding
this topic?
 Why is it worthy of being studied?
• Study Preview
 For example, “Using both quantitative survey data and indepth qualitative interviews, this study attempts to
understand 1) the nature of partisan sorting among young
people and 2) the role that digital/social media plays in this
Literature Review
• 1) Review the literature
 Read relevant scholarly articles in your research area
 Summarize and synthesize research that’s relevant to your proposal
 Show me that you know what you’re talking about!
• 2) Theoretical Foundation
 i.e., the primary lens or theory used to examine your research topic
 This theory should be used to guide your hypotheses and/or research
• 3) Hypothesis/Research Question
 Your paper MUST have at least one hypothesis or research question
 Please include these at the very end of your Lit Review, and label them!!!
 For example – H1: There will be a positive relationship between TikTok use and
• This is the section that explains your study design, the method(s) you’ve
picked, and your plan for how you would execute this study
• As previously stated, certain aspects of research methods will have to be
addressed in some way
• Here is what all proposals should address in some way
 Clearly stating your research method(s) of choice
 Independent/Dependent Variables
 How you intend to measure those variables / levels of measurement
 Proposed sample size and sampling technique
• Beyond the basics, the rest of this section should be tailored to whichever
research method(s) you choose
 E.g., experiments will require you think about threats to internal validity, surveys
will require that you think about question wording and response rates, etc.
 Use our textbook chapters/lectures as a guide for what to talk about based
on the method(s) you choose!!!
Expected Results/Discussion
• Because you are NOT actually executing your study in
real life, you are obviously not expected to collect/analyze
real data and write up results as part of this paper
• Therefore, I am asking you to write an expected
results/discussion section
• Here are the sorts of things you should talk about
 What you would expect your results to show – based on existing lit/theory
 Implications – why would these results be meaningful?
 Contribution to the literature – what would this add to what we already know?
 Limitations – what are the article’s shortcomings? (no study is perfect)
 Areas for future research – how could these results be extended?
Grading Rubrics
• Rough Draft
 Relevance (50 points)
 Does the submission look like a proposal for an empirical research
 Does it follow the proposal structure outlined here?
 Does it relate to mass comm research in a significant way?
 If the answer is yes to these questions, you get full points
 Formatting (50 points)
 Title page with an original title for your paper, your name, and the
class number (COMM 4484)
 8 – 10 pgs. (double-spaced) NOT including the title page/ref list
 Use of in-text citations in APA format
 Reference list in APA format
 No minimum source requirement (try to get close to 10)
Grading Rubrics
• Final Draft
 Introduction (25 points)
 Background/Context,
Rationale/Justification, study
 Literature Review (50 points)
 Review the literature, theoretical
foundation, hypothesis/RQ
 Methodology (100 points)
 The basics AND details specific to
your chosen method(s)
 Expected Results/Discussion
(25 points)
 Expected results, implications,
contribution to the literature,
limitations, areas for future
• Final Draft cont.
 Sources (25 points)
 Minimum of 10 scholarly sources
 Formatting (25 points)
 Title page with an original title
for your paper, your name, and
the class number (COMM 4484)
 8 – 10 pgs. (double-spaced) NOT
including the title page or
reference list
 Use of in-text citations in APA
 Reference list in APA format
Submission Guidelines
• Rough Draft due Thursday, April 4 th by 11:59 p.m. EST
 Drop box will be activated at least one week before this due date
 Submit Word docs only!!!
• Final Draft due Tuesday, April 25 th by 11:59 p.m. EST
 Drop box will be activated at least one week before this due date
 Submit Word docs only!!!
O’Keeffe, G. S., & Clarke-Pearson, K. (2011). The impact of social media on children,
adolescents, and families. Pediatrics, 127(4), 800-804.
I choose this article because of the research facts and their relevance to my study’s
objective. The website is a .org type of site so I do feel it is a credible and reliable source. The
article provides novel insights and perspectives that contribute to me getting a better
understanding of my topic. And out of the different scholarly articles I read, the format of this
one, I liked the most.
Kulandairaj, A. J. (2014). Impact of social media on the lifestyle of youth. International Journal of
Technical Research and Applications, 2(8), 22-28.
I chose this article because not only does it provide a lot of research facts, but it also
provides studied data. The article’s publication has a high academic reputation and comes from a
college that also includes the .org to ensure the credibility and reliability of the article. The
analysis and charts they provide give me some good information on my thesis and an
understanding of how my subjects will act. And it gave me an idea of how my final should look
like and what to expect as end results. Their conclusion in the article is what I would expect out
of this study so the fact that it relates to my point of view is another reason for my choice.
Castrén, S., Mustonen, T., Hylkilä, K., Männikkö, N., Kääriäinen, M., & Raitasalo, K. (2022). Risk
factors for excessive social media use differ from those of gambling and gaming in finnish
youth. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(4), 2406.
This article had a lot of experts in the field, and its methodology helped ensure the
credibility and reliability of this article. The article’s publication has many peer reviews
indicating that other scholars have evaluated this research. The information in the article helps
me broaden my knowledge to answer my research question. This article also provides some
experimented research that I can quote later in my research. Overall, this was a really informal
article with a lot of information related to my thesis.
Qudaisat, S. Y. (2023). The Negative Effect of Using Social Media Data on Youth in Consuming
Societies. International Journal of Advances in Soft Computing & Its Applications, 15(3).
This article focuses more on just the negative aspects of social media on our youth. I generally
do think the negatives of this topic out ways the good. A lot of my information and topics will
probably come from this article as I do want to focus on the negative aspects of social media on
our youth but still talk about some of the good things. This article is a .edu and comes from a
university, so it is very credible and reliable. Overall, I think this article has a lot of research and
strengths that will help me with my research.
Kranzler, E. C., & Bleakley, A. (2019). Youth social media use and health outcomes:#
diggingdeeper. Journal of Adolescent Health, 64(2), 141-142.
This article is from a .org and was written by people who have Ph.D.s and teach, which
ensures the credibility of the article. The information in this article will help strengthen many of
my research findings and add new information and perspective. They also provide research
findings and give a lot of information to support my research question.
COMM 4484
• To gather scholarly sources for your Research Proposal
• Scholarly = empirical social science research articles/publications
• News articles, blog posts & random web pages are NOT scholarly
• Reminder: goal of the Research Proposal is to conceive your own empirical
research study idea and write it up as a proposal using the standard
sections/subheadings of a research article (Intro, Lit Review, Methodology,
Expected Results/Discussion)
• Try to find scholarly sources that are relevant to the topic or area of mass
comm research you discussed in the Research Prospectus you just turned in
• Basically, just a fancier
reference list
• Citations listed in
alphabetical order
• Followed by a summary of
the piece you’re citing in
your own words
• APA format
• Minimum of 5 scholarly sources
• 5 – 7 sentence summaries of each cited source in your own words
• Due Date:Thursday, Feb. 29th by 11:59 p.m. (to be submitted to CourseDen)
• (highly recommended)
• Specifically click the ‘Databases & GALILEO’ link towards the bottom
of the page, choose ‘Mass Communications’ on the next page, and
finally choose ‘Academic Search Complete’ for a large database of
scholarly journal articles
• Use APA
• Great resource: Google “Owl
Purdue APA”
• Also,, built in
citation function in Google
Scholar are useful for autogenerated citations
• But be careful to crosscheck!
• APA formatting (25 points)
• Minimum of five scholarly sources (25 points)
• 5 – 7 sentence summaries for each citation (50 points)
• Does it give an overall summary of the piece in your own words?
• Are the details substantive, and not superfluous for the sake of meeting the length
• You are also encouraged to explain how the sources are relevant to your Research Proposal
paper idea (not required, but a good use of your time…)
• Due Date – Thursday, February 29th by 11:59 p.m.
• Drop box will be made available a week before deadline
• Papers are to be submitted there as a Word doc ONLY!!!

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