Marketing Question


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Writing Assignment 2: Tort Law
Written communication is one of the most important skills you need during your lifetime. It is
essential to have good writing skills now, in college, and if you do not, prioritize working on
your written communication before you graduate. Employers want to hire employees who
know how to write; they do not want to have to teach them. In fact, the National Association
of Colleges and Employers Job Outlook Survey found that 95.9% of the employers surveyed
emphasized the need for good communications skills, yet they find that less than half (only
41.6%) of new hires demonstrate proficiency. Check it out for yourself; google the “top ten
skills employers want in a college graduate”.
Business writing is different from the kind of writing you are used to, i.e., academic
writing. Throughout your education, you have written research papers and book reports, which
are examples of academic writing. Academic writing is more formal and often uses third person
and passive voice. The goal of academic writing is to educate students on a topic, a concept
and so forth through their paper or report.
Business writing is more about educating and informing others and getting to the point without
using extra or elaborate words. Business writing is less formal, more direct, concise, and uses
active voice.
This writing assignment is designed to evaluate your ability to construct an effective “business”
writing response to your client’s legal and/or ethical inquiry. For this assignment, you should
assume the hypothetical role of a practicing business attorney whose hypothetical client has
presented a legal and/or ethical dilemma to you for which you should draft a clear, articulate,
well-developed written answer expressing your professional opinion. There is no right nor
wrong answer to this assignment. Additionally, you do not need to do any outside research for
this assignment. Simply rely on your own personal experience and topics covered in this course
to develop your opinion of an effective answer.
Your written response should be well-constructed, minimally containing a paragraph
introducing the topic, a second paragraph developing your answer supported with logical
reasoning and strategies, and a concluding paragraph summarizing your recommendation. You,
of course, may include additional paragraphs. Proper spelling, punctuation, grammar, and wellconstructed full sentences and paragraphs are essential elements of a successfully submitted
assignment, so please carefully review your written response prior to submitting it. The total
written assignment should not exceed 500 words. Obviously, this assignment, which requires
no outside research, MUST be entirely your own work product and reflect your best writing
Maximilian Jarvis, a world-renowned chemist working in the cosmetic industry for an
international corporation, has developed a new perfume which his employer has begun
producing and marketing. However, a competitor has alleged that Maximilian Jarvis’ new scent
is a direct replica of a scent they have developed, patented, produced, and been selling for
years. Accordingly, the competitor is accusing Max and his employer of patent infringement
and is seeking substantial compensatory damages from both Maximilian and his employer.
Maximilian, who maintains he developed this product without any patent infringement, also
fears that his employer may dismiss him and that his professional career may be destroyed.
Maximilian consults you, his business attorney, for your opinion as to what his legal rights and
concerns might be as well as what advice you might give him for career survival.
General Submission Instructions:
All work must be your own. Copying other people’s work or from the Internet is a form of
plagiarism and will be prosecuted as such.
You must submit a Microsoft Word (.docx) document as an attachment using the Assignment
tool within Canvas. Be sure to include your name in the text of the document and in the file
name of the document.

Click “Start Assignment”
Select Upload File
Find the file that is saved on your computer and double click on the filename
Click “Submit Assignment”
Submissions sent by email will NOT be accepted.
Due dates are listed in the Assignment Schedule document.
This assignment will be graded using the BBA Writing Rubric.

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