Marketing Question


This is an individual essay on the module of Brand Design, you need to Choose a brand and critically evaluate its current branding strategies. Applying appropriate brand
concepts and theories covered in the course, discuss its future development”. The detailed requirements are attached.

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Marketing Question
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Choose a brand and critically evaluate its current branding strategies. Applying appropriate
brand concepts and theories covered in the course, discuss its future development”.
Word limit: 3,250 words
1. STRUCTURE A recommended structure for your assignment is as follows:
Introduction (around 150 words): In this first part you should provide a brief introduction of the
brand and its market context. If you have chosen a foreign brand that you think the examiners
might be unfamiliar with, you might choose to provide further clarification either in the
assignment or as an appendix.
Brand Audit (around 1,000 words): In this part, you should provide a critical evaluation of the
brand and its current branding strategies. You are expected to apply relevant theories /
frameworks into practice and in a manner suitable to the brand of your choice and its context.
You should conduct both parts of brand audit: brand inventory and a brand exploratory. With
regards to brand inventory, you should – verbally and visually – profile the product(s) and/or
service(s) of your chosen organisation explaining how they are marketed and branded. When it
comes to the brand exploratory, your evaluation should be based on secondary research data
gathered from publicly available sources which should be appropriately referenced.
In light of lack of available secondary data or in order to provide additional evidence to support
your arguments (in the next part), you might choose to conduct your own primary research to
understand the brand’s current performance with its target customers. Primary research data
collection techniques you might want to employ could be for example a simple questionnaire or
a focus group (or both) depending on the type of data you seek to gather. Please note that
conducting your own primary research is NOT a requirement as long as you provide sufficient
secondary data as evidence to support your arguments. If you do choose to conduct your own
primary research, you should include a paragraph in which you explain the methodology
followed, and briefly outline details such as sample selection and data analysis techniques. At
the end of this section, you should state clearly what is the problem that the brand faces, and/or
the opportunity that the brand should capitalise on. It is important to ‘place’ this problem and/or
opportunity on the Brand Equity Pyramid Model in order to provide solid foundation for the next
Brand Development Strategy (around 1,500 words): This is the most important part of your
assignment. In this part, you should apply one (or more – depends on you) suitable concept(s) /
framework(s) covered in the module in order to take the brand forward. This will depend on the
problem and/or opportunity that you have identified in the previous section. It is important to
start this part by stating the objectives of your brand development strategy. What are the main
objectives of your strategy? What will it try to achieve? You should make sure that you connect
these objectives with measurable and timely targets (for example: increase brand awareness by
10% in 6 months from launch of the campaign etc.). Based on market, competitive and
company conditions, you are free to use appropriate concepts / frameworks in order to develop
a brand development strategy. Be innovative and creative while of course explaining your
recommendations in conjunction with the previous sections. You do NOT have to use everything
covered in the module, only the concept(s) / framework(s) you think appropriate and suitable to
your case and in relation to the strategy you recommend. Please note that an emphasis should
be given on quality and depth of analysis instead of quantity and breadth of coverage of
concepts / frameworks.
Brand Performance & Metrics (around 450 words): In this part, you should identify metrics
that should be used to evaluate in the future the effectiveness of your proposed brand
development strategy. Thus, in this part, you should determine how you plan to evaluate, in the
future, whether or not your strategy has achieved the brand development objectives (mentioned
in the previous section), i.e. how you plan to assess whether or not the measurable and timely
targets have been achieved.
Conclusion (around 150 words): In this final part, you should summarise your recommended
strategy for the brand’s future development.
2. STYLE OF PRESENTATION You should follow a report style, i.e., you should use
appropriate headings and subheadings. Please avoid using first-person writing. Bearing in mind
that it is a 3,000 assignment, you are encouraged to incorporate diagrams, visuals, appendices
to support your thoughts. This will enhance the articulation of your creative and strategic ideas.
You should reference every source of information you use (with no exception!) using the APA
style of referencing.

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