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Assignment tips
Prof. Mickey Howard
When writing your assignment it may help you to think of the structure of your document and
how you are going to break it down into sections before you start. All assignments, reports and
papers typically should include the following:
Title (make it interesting to grab the reader’s attention. Include name/s of author/s)
Abstract (a short summary – in italics – around a third of a page maximum)
Introduction (includes the aims & objectives of your paper and any specific questions)
Literature review (include all relevant papers in the topic/s you are writing about)
Findings (description of the firm and its supply chain operations, product, services etc)
Discussion & Analysis (your considered opinon or ‘critical reflection’ on how the firm
shapes up in terms of SCA, supply chain performance etc and how this relates to the
Conclusion (a summary of the main points of your paper, perhaps with
recommendations for the firm and supply chain in terms of improvement).
All major sections should be numbered and in consecutive order. It’s a good idea include figures
or tables, if they help you explain your particular point of view. You may use the figures in my
slides from class providing you adapt them in some way (e.g. show where your firm ‘fits’ in
terms of the theoretical framework or model). It may also help you think about the document in
terms of the simple ‘V diagram’ below, where the later sections respond to the objectives,
problem and question/s posed at the beginning of the document (Figure 1).
1. Introduction
Aims & objectives, ‘the problem’,
5. Conclusion
research question
2. Literature review
4. Discussion & analysis
3. Findings
Figure 1: ‘V diagram’ showing typical structure for assignments & reports (Source: Anon)
In terms of getting going with your assignment, try structuring it as above so that you can start
to break it down into manageable parts. Note that it can be helpful to include an objective and
define the issues or overall problem in the introduction to help you stay focused on the topics
you are writing about throughout the assignment.
References & referencing
The ‘APA’ method (previously termed ‘Harvard’) is recommended by the University of Exeter
for the referencing of books, journal articles and website material in both the main text and
reference section of your assignment. When including references in the main text of your paper,
you should shorten references with two or more co-authors like this: (Allen et al., 2000). A
simple guide is as follows:
Ackerman, B. and Alstott, A. (1999). The Stakeholder Society. Yale University Press: London.
Journal paper:
Allen, D. Colligan, D. Finnie, A. and Kern, T. (2000). Trust, power and interorganizational
information systems: the case of the electronic trading community Translease. Information
Systems Journal. 10 (5) p21-40.
EMF – Ellen MacArthur Foundation (2015). Circularity Indicators: An Approach to Measuring
Circularity. Report in association with Granita and the EU.
Note also that all tips given here are completely voluntary (except things like having a title,
introduction, conclusion, or references!) so if you feel you are an experienced assignment
writer, please feel free to adopt your own style and structure. Whatever you do, start thinking as
early as possible about how you are going to gather information, develop your discussion and
generally structure your work.
Good luck!
Prof. M Howard
June 2020.
‘Purchasing & Supply Chain Management’
MODULE ASSESSMENT: Individual written assignment This module is assessed as outlined in
the module description in the handbook: individual assignment (100% marks). The assignment’s
main text count should be 3000 words (+ / – 10%), and submitted online. ‘Main text’ means from
the start of the introduction to the end of the conclusions, and excludes the title, abstract, figures
& tables, and the reference list.
The assignment should be structured in a conventional way; i.e. title, abstract, introduction,
literature, findings, discussion/analysis, conclusion, references (see the ‘Assignment Tips’
document on ELE for further information). The brief is as follows:
“Select an organization which uses Purchasing & Supply Chain Management to deliver goods
and/or services to the customer. Examine business practice and theory in light of the
Purchasing & Supply Chain Management literature. Analyse how the supply chain is managed,
identifying any areas of business performance which demonstrates sustainable competitive
advantage, as well as any areas which may require improvement. You must include 2 or 3 of
the core themes explored on this module. For example: sustainable supply chain management,
global sourcing, supply strategy, supplier relationship management, supply responsiveness,
service-based supply chains, low carbon procurement, closed loop & circular supply chain
Note: Please use the standard APA (previously termed ‘Harvard’) system of referencing. You
may use appendices, but please be sensible i.e. use sparingly. Do not use extensive footnotes,
particularly in addition to conventional referencing, as this can be confusing for the reader.
Assignment marking criteria – marks are awarded for: • Demonstrating good knowledge and
understanding of course material. • Providing evidence of research beyond that covered in the
course. • Critical reflection and evaluation of the subject. • Logical and insightful analysis. • Well
structured, concise and readable mode of presentation. • Original conclusions demonstrating
both implications for theory in addition to clear recommendations for practice.
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