Marketing plan update and structuring


Task summary: You are to do number 1 ( Executive Summary) and 9 (Marketing and Research Recommendations for the Future). So a total of 400 words, 150 words for the summary and 250 for the recommendations. Then, you will compile all the tasks from the client to complete a 15-page Marketing Plan Analysis. Information to be included for numbers 2-8 is attached as “Materials” and you need to format it into APA to complete this task. So practically after completing no 1 and 9, copy/paste between them according to the numbered prompts the information already completed inside the docs from the archive.

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Marketing plan update and structuring
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MAIN DETAILS: The purpose of this assignment is to create a marketing plan that can be utilized as part of a professional portfolio. Utilize the “Marketing Plan Analysis” template to synthesize the information you have gathered throughout the semester to complete a final marketing plan. Using your previous work completed in Topics 1-6, expand upon the initial elements you have researched and incorporate instructor feedback into the final marketing plan. You will need to write an “Executive Summary” section as well as a “Marketing and Research Recommendations for the Future” section as new elements in the final marketing plan. You can complete everything inside the attached template.

The final Marketing Plan Analysis should be 15-20 pages and composed of the following:

1. Executive Summary: (New – Topic 7): Write 100-150 words introducing the company and providing a summary of your research to engage potential investors.

2. Brand Summary: (Topic 1): Including Background, Mission, and Vision.

3. Company Marketing Objectives (Topic 1)

4. Company Marketing Strategies and Tactics (Topic 1) Including the SWOT Analysis.

5. Consumer Behavior (Topic 2): Including Demographic Characteristics; Market Size and Expansion Options; Competitors and Market Position; Segments, Target Markets, and Buying Behavior.

6. Products and Services (Topic 4)

7. Distribution and Pricing Objectives and Strategies (Topic 5)

8. Promotion and IMC Objectives and Strategies (Topic 6)

9. Marketing and Research Recommendations for the Future: (New – Topic 7): Write 250 words utilizing your research findings for the marketing mix, recommend a strategy that you believe will increase profits and sales to the target market that creates value for the consumer. Include future research recommendations. Cite your specific research findings to justify your strategy assessment and recommendations.


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Project Title
MKT-315 Benchmark
Submitted to Grand Canyon University
Colangelo College of Business
Project Title
This is an electronic template for the Marketing Plan Template in APA style (American
Psychological Association, 2020). The purpose of the template is to help the student set the
margins and spacing, headings, tables and figures, and table of contents. Margins are set at 1 inch
for top, bottom, left, and right. The type is left-justified only—that means the left margin is
straight, but the right margin is ragged. Each paragraph is indented five spaces. The line spacing
is double throughout the paper, even on the reference page. The Normal style for body
paragraphs is set to present in this format. One space is used after punctuation at the end of
sentences. The font style used in this template is Times New Roman and the font size is 12.
In addition to spacing, APA style includes a special way of citing resource articles. It is
recommended to review the APA manual for specifics regarding in-text citations (American
Psychological Association, 2020, pp. 253-278). GCU has prepared an APA Style Guide available
in the Student Writing Center for additional help in correctly formatting according to APA style.
Executive Summary
Written last, your executive summary is a summary of all of the other sections of your
marketing plan. Your executive summary will give you and other parities (employees, advisors,
lenders, etc.) an overview of your plan. Remember, this could be the first time your audience
learns about the unique value proposition of your business. Be enthusiastic, professional,
complete, yet concise.
Brand Summary
This is an electronic template for the Final Marketing Plan in APA style (American
Psychological Association, 2023). The purpose of the template is to help the student set the
margins and spacing, headings, tables and figures, and table of contents. Margins are set at 1 inch
for top, bottom, left, and right. The type is left-justified only—that means the left margin is
straight, but the right margin is ragged. Each paragraph is indented five spaces. The line spacing
is double throughout the paper, even on the reference page. The normal style for body
paragraphs is set to present in this format. One space is used after punctuation at the end of
sentences. The font style used in this template is Times New Roman and the font size is 12.
In addition to spacing, APA style includes a special way of citing resource articles. See
the APA manual for specifics regarding in-text citations (American Psychological Association,
2020, pp. 253-278). GCU has prepared an APA Style Guide available in the Student Writing
Center for additional help in correctly formatting according to APA style.
The reference list should appear at the end of a paper. It provides the information
necessary for a reader to locate and retrieve any source you cite in the body of the paper. Each
source you cite in the paper must appear in your reference list; likewise, each entry in the
reference list must be cited in your text. A sample reference page is included at the end of the
template. In-text citations are provided here to serve as examples representing sources from a
book (American Psychological Association, 2020). Please refer to the APA Style Guide, located
in the Student Success Center, for more specific information on and examples of citing sources.
Gather information about the company’s history, mission statement, products or services,
target market, and any notable achievements or challenges it has faced. You can use a variety of
sources, such as IBIS World, the company’s website, news articles, and industry reports. Using
your research and organized findings, write a company background that provides an overview of
the company’s history, mission, products or services, target market, and any notable
achievements or challenges. You may want to use headings as shown below to make it easy to
The mission statement can provide overall guidance for your business and marketing
efforts. Answer the question, What is the resounding purpose of your business?
A vision statement outlines the company’s long-term goals and aspirations for the future
regarding its long-term growth and impact on the world. While the mission statement defines
what the brand does and what it stands for, the vision statement speaks to the goals and ideals for
the future.
Company Marketing Objectives:
Marketing objectives are a crucial part of any marketing plan. They are specific,
measurable goals that you set for your company to achieve within a specific timeframe. Your
marketing objectives should include a clear description of what you intend to accomplish, along
with concrete, numerical goals and an associated marketing timeline.
To set your marketing objectives, you should review your past sales numbers, recent
business growth in different markets, the size of typical new customers, and how new product
introductions have fared. Use these numbers as a guide for the future. Here are some typical
categories that you might want to use as thought-starters when writing your marketing

Increase sales of a particular product, in a specific market or price range

Extend or regain market share for an existing product or service

Introduce a new product or product line

Bundle or cross-sell some products/services with others

Enter new geographies

Raise prices without damaging sales numbers

Enhance your manufacturing and/or product delivery process
Remember to make your marketing objectives specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and
time bound.
Company Marketing Strategies and Tactics
In this section, you should identify the marketing objectives and strategies. Briefly
describe the marketing mix elements (product, price, place, and promotion) and how the brand is
using each of them to achieve its marketing goals. For example, you might discuss how the brand
is using pricing strategies to appeal to a specific target market or how it is using social media to
promote its products. Overall, your goal is to provide a clear and concise overview of the specific
marketing tactics that the brand is using to achieve its objectives. Be sure to use credible sources
and cite your references properly.
Consumer Behavior
Describe your target market segmentation and specific characteristics within each
segment. Who is most likely to buy your products and services in the future? If you have more
than one target market, please describe each market. For greatest success, you want to focus your
marketing efforts on the individuals would be your best customers. Suggested length is one or
two paragraphs for each target market.
Demographic Characteristics
Describe their general demographic characteristics, paint a picture of your current
customers. How old are they? What sex are they? Where do they live and work, and what is their
income level? What other characteristics do they share? What are their lifestyles, interests,
beliefs? Describe your market’s behavior patterns and attitudes (psychographics). Where do they
shop? What do they read? What else do they buy? Your main goal in this section is to paint a
picture of your ideal customer. Later in the plan, when you discuss marketing channels, having a
clear picture of who you are selling to and what makes your products or service different than the
competition, will help you write your marketing messaging.
Competitive Analysis and Positioning
Your unique selling proposition, also known as your competitive advantage, is the one
thing that makes your business’ products or services do better than the competition. What makes
your business unique? What pain point are you fixing for your target customer? What makes
your business different from your competition? Present the positioning statement for the
company using the formula found in Topic 2.
Describe your competition, both direct and indirect; this will help you identify what
makes your business unique. Direct competitors sell products and services similar to yours.
Indirect competitors sell products and services that are substitutes for yours. All businesses have
both direct and indirect competitors. Your goal is to identify others competing for the same
market, get ideas about good practices you should adopt, and avoid competitors’ errors.
Competition is not a bad thing – it is the basic element of the fee market concept of capitalism.
Being unable to identify or differentiate yourself from the competition is!
Describe a consumer buying behavior model for this company and brand.
SWOT Analysis


Explain the trends you can identify from the SWOT analysis. For example, can the brand,
build on a strength, correct a weakness, exploit an opportunity, and/or avoid a threat?
In one or two paragraphs, you should identify the product lines and mix, and explain
where each product line falls in the product life cycle. You should also explain how this impacts
the brand’s marketing objectives.
You will also discuss the services provided by the company. Provide details about the
service blueprint. You will also discuss how the employee impact and are impacted by the
company’s culture and service triangle.
Finally, you will discuss the brand equity for the major brands within the company.
Explain how the elements of brand equity are addressed with the marketing objectives and how
they could improve.
Overall, your goal is to provide a clear and detailed overview of the company’s products
and/or services, including benefits, employee involvement, as well as brand equity/branding. Be
sure to use credible sources and cite your references properly.
Distribution (Place) and Pricing Objectives and Strategies
In this section, you should list the specific distribution and marketing channel strategies
your company uses to get products to your customers and include the requirements for each
distribution method. This includes both your company’s requirements and those of any
intermediaries involved in the process. Identify and explain the five steps of the supply chain for
your brand. If the brand does not utilize a step, explain why this would make business sense.
Explain any possible channel conflicts and describe how you recommend the company avoid
these conflicts.
Additionally, you should discuss how your distribution methods relate to your product
mix, target market, controls (display, pricing, and promotion), estimated life cycle, and
regulations and taxes.
Finally, you should also consider the cost of distribution to your company. This includes
the cost of transportation, storage, and any fees associated with working with intermediaries.
Overall, your distribution plan should provide a clear and detailed overview of how
customers will purchase your products and how you will get those products to them. Be sure to
use credible sources and cite your references properly.
Finally, you will explain the company’s current pricing objectives. How do these
objectives align with the company’s mission, vision, and objectives? Identify the pricing
strategies the company currently has in place and provide examples. Explain how these pricing
strategies align with the needs of the target market.
Promotion/IMC Objectives and Strategies
In this section you will discuss the company’s promotional and integrated marketing
communications objectives and strategies. Identify the elements of the promotion mix the brand
currently uses. Identify the traditional and digital media types that the brand currently uses and
compare the strengths and weaknesses. Provide three to five specific examples to justify your
response, both types of media should be represented the examples provided. Be sure to include
links and or screenshots with your explanation. You must include at least one digital and one
traditional example. Explain how the messaging (e.g., the types of appeal, execution style)
addresses the consumer’s needs. Summarize how the brand has implemented (IMC) throughout
the messaging and promotional mix.
Marketing and Research Recommendations for the Future
In this section you will provide three to five marketing recommendations the brand can
implement to achieve the mission and vision of the company. This will address changes to the
marketing mix the brand can take to move the business forward and to better serve the consumer.
You will also include a brief paragraph of how the brand can implement conscious
capitalism while also bringing a Christian worldview into its marketing practices.
Be sure to include an explanation of the research you have conducted to complete this
plan as well as research recommendations (secondary and primary) the company should conduct
in the future.
American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological
Association (7th ed.).
APA Style Guide – Student Success Center

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