Marketing Management and the Global Brand A1: Individual presentation (77kiki8 09/03/2024)


The a-s-s-e-s-s-m-e-n-t willbe 1500 words long + PPT.Please see the questions shown in the screenshot. I will send you all the info after being hired, eg PPTs, student access etc. Please send a draft in 12hrs -1 day time, day 2, and day 3 as well. + Will need to draft some questions to ask the teacher and revise base on feedback (Send bk ard in 1 day max)

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Marketing Management and the Global Brand A1: Individual presentation (77kiki8 09/03/2024)
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School of Management
Module Code
Module Title
Marketing Management and the Global Brand
Academic Year
Module Leader email
Assessment Details …………………………………………….2
Submission Details ……………………………………………. 4
Assessment Criteria ……………………………………………4
Further Information ……………………………………………. 7
Who can answer questions about my assessment? ……….. 7
Referencing …………………………………………………………………… 7
Submission problems ……………………………………………………. 7
Unfair academic practice ……………………………………………….. 7
How is my work graded? …………………………………………………8
Assessment Details
Assessment title
PRES1 – Individual presentation
Choose one famous global brand from
the following list, choose one host
country, explain PESTEL model your
chosen company manage the market in
your chosen host country.
Pass marks are 40% for undergraduate work unless stated otherwise.
Task/assessment brief:
PESTLE analysis is an extremely useful marketing analysis tool. The basic premise of PESTLE
analysis from six different perspectives are: Political, Economic, Sociocultural, Technological,
Legal, and Environmental.
Please choose one of the following global companies :
❖ Tiktok
❖ Land Rover
❖ British Airways
❖ Unilever
❖ Temu
❖ Amazon
❖ Huawei
Your individual presentations should be within 15 minutes. It is 1500 words equivalent.
Please using the knowledge we study from our classes and using critical analysis skills to
synthesize ideas. Apply properly presentation skills like voice, time control, eye contact, good
presentation structure and design, etc. Use creativity in your presentation, charts, photos, external
links, short videos and so forth.
You are required to upload your PPT file to the area provided in Moodle before due time. The
submission Date and time:7thMar. 2024 latest 20:00.
Marks description:
% mark Description
Non-relevant, name only, plagiarism, collusion, out of date.
Notes of little relevance, or only an introductory paragraph, or one or two
scattered thoughts.
Some relevant to the question, but without coherence. Little evidence of
getting beyond the proposal.
The answer may ramble around the general area of the question without
specifying a basic question. The work has little development, coherence or
structure. No evidence of criticism, synthesis or evaluation.
Significant errors may be present. The answer is poorly planned with little
clear train of thought or development of argument. Some evidence of ability to
collate information and construct generalisations but with limited comment on
the weighting of evidence option.
The answer demonstrates an understanding of the major or basic issues in
the question. Evidence of an effort and significant data collection with a
satisfactory level of analysis and judgement including a statement of the
criteria. Evidence of selection of appropriate material, logical structure and
clear argument. Overall framework is sensible and accurate.
Evidence of ability to state and defend on the basis of evidence a personal
position in relation to an issue or aesthetic. Evidence of ability to evaluate
information and synthesise generalisations from it. Clear evidence of
selection of appropriate material, logical structure and clear argument.
Evidence of ability to maintain a personal position in original terms, showing a
command of the accepted critical positions with some attempt at innovation.
Sound use of relevant factual knowledge and theoretical issues presented in a
lively, articulate and controlled manner.
Evidence of the ability to consistently and forcefully maintain a personal
position in original terms with some original insights, providing comprehensive
and accurate coverage of the question and issues under consideration.
Evidence of wide but focused reading presented in a highly articulate style.
Evidence of excellent understanding of the question under consideration and
the complexity of the issues involved. Theoretical considerations are used to
underpin the overall design and the relevance of factual information. Some
measure of original and creative thinking. Evidence of wide reading with a
critical focus.
Beyond the received critical or conceptual positions with evidence of creative
and intelligent innovation, consistently and forcefully expressed.
exceptional and outstanding submission providing insight which would not
normally be available publicly, which adds to the discipline area and would
with editing be publishable. Superior organisation and comprehensiveness
taking into account word limit and time scale.
Word count (or equivalent):
Approximate 1500 words
This a reflection of the effort required for the assessment. Word counts will normally include any text,
tables, calculations, figures, subtitles and citations. Reference lists and contents of appendices are
excluded from the word count. Contents of appendices are not usually considered when determining your
final assessment grade.
Academic or technical terms explained:
PESTLE analysis is a very useful marketing analysis tool that looks at things from six crucial viewpoints:
Political, Economic, Sociocultural, Technological, Legal, and Environmental.
Submission Details
This will be provided
on the Moodle
submission point.
14th March 2024 latest
By 14th March 2024
latest 17:00
Any assessments submitted after the deadline will not be marked and will be
recorded as a non-attempt unless you have had an extension request agreed or
have approved mitigating circumstances. See the School Moodle pages for
more information on extensions and mitigating circumstances.
File Format:
The assessment must be submitted as apdf document (save the document as a
pdf in your software) and submit through the Turnitin submission point in
Estimated Feedback
Return Date
This will normally be 20
working days after initial
Your assessment should be titled with your:
Student ID + Module code + Assessment type,
e.g., st1234567 GBM6030 WRIT1
Feedback for the assessment will be provided. Feedback will be provided with
comments on your strengths and the areas which you can improve. View the guidance
on how to access your feedback.
All marks are provisional and are subject to quality assurance processes and
confirmation at the programme Examination Board.
Assessment Criteria
Learning outcomes assessed
1. Political: Every company constrained within some kind of political environment.
How does that political environment affect the business itself? Find information
about everything from international relations (which can affect your chosen
company’s ability to do business across borders) to political instability (which can
severely thwart a company).
2. Economic: consider the economic factors affecting your chosen company; you can
discuss the international economy, national economies, regional economies or even
a local province/state economy situation.
3. Sociocultural: Understanding consumers is an important part of a successful
operation. How trends and history in society and culture in your chosen host
country? Which trends will affect your chosen company? For example, if your
chosen company change their marketing advertising, how is the consumers
approach to that changing?
4. Technological: Fast and increasingly developing technology is the importance part
in marketing operation. Explore any of the technological factors affecting your
chosen company. Including both technological constraints and advancements. This
should refer to access to technology within a given chosen host country or the
development of new technologies within an industry.
5. Legal: Legal factors include trade laws, local labour laws, intellectual property laws,
6. Environmental: Environmental become important due to the increasing scarcity of
raw materials, pollution targets and carbon footprint targets set by
governments. These factors such as weather, climate, environmental offsets and
climate change which may especially affect industries such as tourism, farming,
agriculture and insurance. This has led to more and more companies getting
involved in practices such as corporate social responsibility (CSR) and
sustainability. Think about what is about what that impact is, what effects that might
have, and how your chosen company can improve their business from the
environmental concerns in your chosen host country?
7. Properly presentation skills and logical structure.
Other skills/attributes developed
This includes elements of the Cardiff Met EDGE (Ethical, Digital, Global and Entrepreneurial skills) and
other attributes developed in students through the completion of the module and assessment. These will
also be highlighted in the module guidance, which should be read by all students completing the module.
Assessments are not just a way of auditing student knowledge. They are a process which provides
additional learning and development through the preparation for and completion of the assessment.
1. Develop self-study skills improving cognitive, interpretive and critical analysis skills to
synthesize ideas, knowledge and material.
2. To enable core knowledge and understanding content to be delivered to the whole module
3. To allow exploration of all aspects of module content: knowledge, understanding & other
4. Presentation skills.
Marking/Assessment Criteria
PRES1 –Individual presentation, 40%
Candidates’ Name:
Presentation Content
Choose one company from list, choose
one host country and related to the
assignment requirements.
90points total, 15
points each
Use of sources and references
Relevant, diverse, reliable and up-to-date
sources, application of Harvard referencing
Presentation Structure and Design
4 points total,1 point
Logical and coherent structure (Introduction,
development, conclusion,references)
Clear, attractive and relevant ppt slides
Presentation Skills
4points total,1 point
Engagement with the audience: eye contact
with the audience, unobtrusive use of notes,
body language, ability to maintain interest,
properly dressing
Voice and expression: fluent, audible,
confident, well-paced, etc.
Timing: too long/short, division of time
Answering questions: handled competently,
appropriate responses
Total Mark
Assessor’s Name: Xiwen Wang
IV by:
IV Date:
Further Information
Who can answer questions about my
Questions about the assessment should be
directed to the staff member who has set the
task/assessment brief. This will usually be the
Module Leader. They will be happy to answer
any queries you have.
Staff members can often provide feedback on
an assignment plan but cannot review any
drafts of your work prior to submission. The
only exception to this rule is for Dissertation
Supervisors to provide feedback on a draft of
your dissertation.
Referencing and independent learning
Please ensure you reference a range of
credible sources, with due attention to the
academic literature in the area. The time
spent on research and reading from good
quality sources will be reflected in the quality
of your submitted work.
Remember that what you get out of university
depends on what you put in. Your teaching
sessions typically represent between 10%
and 30% of the time you are expected to
study for your degree. A 20-credit module
represents 200 hours of study time. The rest
of your time should be taken up by selfdirected study.
Unless stated otherwise you must use the
HARVARD referencing system. Further
guidance on referencing can be found in the
Study Smart area on Moodle and at (use your
university login details to access the site).
Correct referencing is an easy way to
improve your marks and essential in
achieving higher grades on most
Technical submission problems
It is strongly advised that you submit your
work at least 24 hours before the deadline to
allow time to resolve any last minute
problems you might have. If you are having
issues with IT or Turnitin you should contact
the IT Helpdesk on (+44) 2920 417000. You
may require evidence of the Helpdesk call if
you are trying to demonstrate that a fault with
Moodle or Turnitin was the cause of a late
Extensions and mitigating circumstances
Short extensions on assessment deadlines
can be requested in specific circumstances. If
you are encountering particular hardship
which has been affecting your studies, then
you may be able to apply for mitigating
circumstances. This can give the teachers on
your programme more scope to adapt the
assessment requirements to support your
needs. Extensions and mitigating
circumstances policies and procedures are
regularly updated. You should refer to your
degree programme or school Moodle pages
for information on extensions and mitigating
Unfair academic practice
Cardiff Met takes issues of unfair practice
extremely seriously. The University has
procedures and penalties for dealing with
unfair academic practice. These are
explained in full in the University’s Unfair
Practice regulations and procedures under
Volume 1, Section 8 of the Academic
Handbook. The Module Leader reserves the
right to interview students regarding any
aspect of their work submitted for
Types of Unfair Practice, include:
Plagiarism, which can be defined as using
without acknowledgement another person’s
words or ideas and submitting them for
assessment as though it were one’s own
work, for instance by copying, translating
from one language to another or
unacknowledged paraphrasing. Further
examples include:
 Use of any quotation(s) from the
published or unpublished work of other
persons, whether published in textbooks,
articles, the Web, or in any other format,
where quotations have not been clearly
identified as such by being placed in
quotation marks and acknowledged.
 Use of another person’s words or ideas
that have been slightly changed or
paraphrased to make it look different from
the original.
 Summarising another person’s ideas,
judgments, diagrams, figures, or
computer programmes without reference
to that person in the text and the source
in a bibliography/reference list.
 Use of assessment writing services,
essay banks and/or any other similar
agencies (NB. Students are commonly
being blackmailed after using essay mills).
 Use of unacknowledged material
downloaded from the Internet.
 Re-use of one’s own material except as
authorised by your degree programme.
Collusion, which can be defined as when
work that that has been undertaken with
others is submitted and passed off as solely
the work of one person. Modules will clearly
identify where joint preparation and joint
submission are permitted, in all other cases
they are not.
Fabrication of data, making false claims to
have carried out experiments, observations,
interviews or other forms of data collection
and analysis, or acting dishonestly in any
other way.
How is my work graded?
Assessment grading is subject to thorough
quality control processes. You can view a
summary of these processes on the
Assessment Explained Infographic.
Grading of work at each level of Cardiff Met
degree courses is benchmarked against a set
of general requirements set out in Volume 1,
Section 4.3 of our Academic Handbook. A
simplified version of these Grade Band
Descriptors (GBDs) with short videos
explaining some of the academic terminology
used can be accessed via the Facilitation of
Learning resource page.
We would strongly recommend looking at the
Study Smart area of Moodle to find out more
about assessments and key academic skills
which can have a significant impact on your
grades. Always check your work thoroughly
before submission.

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