Marketing communication 1


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Marketing communication 1
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Public Service Announcements Presentation
You are a volunteer at a non-profit organization that discourage texting and driving. This
organization is thinking about using a celebrity to appear in their public service announcements.
Prepare a 5 slides (150 words each) PowerPoint presentation with speaker’s notes addressing
the following:

How does celebrity endorsement work as a form of marketing communication?
What are some disadvantages in using celebrity endorsement?
What should this non-profit organization watch for when selecting a celebrity?
Is this form of advertising effective in altering the behavior of people your age?
Be sure to include a reference slide at the end of your presentation. 750 words
Measuring a Commercial
Context: Choose a recent television commercial and identify the objectives
each appears to attempt to accomplish.
Inquiry: If you were a marketer working for this company, what procedure
would you use to measure the effectiveness of this commercial? 75 words
Is Traditional Media on Its Way Out?
Context: As the media landscape continues to change, and advertisers shift
more and more of their budget into new media, some predict that some
traditional media like TV and newspapers may not survive, at least in their
present forms.
Inquiry: Discussion whether you think this is an accurate statement. What or
why not? 75 words
Direct Marketing and Its Rapid Growth
Context: Direct marketing reaches out to consumer directly with personalized
messages. Some of the direct marketing activities include direct mail, online
advertising, social media marketing, and direct selling.
Inquiry: Why has direct marketing enjoyed such rapid growth in recent years?
75 words
Sales Promotion and Brand Image
Context: Sales promotion is incentive manufacturers, retailers, and even nonprofit organizations use to attract consumers. It changes the brand’s
perceived price or value temporarily.
Inquiry: What are some reasons brand managers are allocating more of their
promotional budgets to sales promotion rather than media advertising?
75 words
Ethics in Target Marketing
Context: Targeting is when a company is focusing on specific segments when
it is promoting. However, targeting to children, teens, and other vulnerable
populations using emotions can be seen as unethical.
Inquiry: Is targeting unethical or is it a good marketing tactic? 75 words
Branding and Communication Process Essay
Select a product category of personal interest and this can range from household goods, smart
phones, restaurants, auto manufacturers, to industrial products. Select the brand names for
three competitive brands in this category. Analyze each brand name in terms such
as distinguishedness from other brand names, facilitation of brand association, compatibility
with a brand desire image, and memorability. This section should be 1 page long.(500 words)
Reflect on the consumer processing model (CPM) (being exposed to information, paying
attention, comprehending attended information, agreeing with comprehended information,
retaining accepted information in memory, retrieving information form memory, deciding from
alternatives, and acting on the basis of the decision). Which of these brands are best at the
CPM? In another 1 page.(500 words), explain your reason.
Include a reference page at the end of the essay. Total 2 pages 1000 words
Total: 2125 words

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