Marketing Campaign Report


Hello, I have a group assignment for a Marketing subject. We choose a campaign to do a report for and I will attach for you the details.My part is to write 1200 words on this: Three suggestion of improvements (outlined, analysed and then evaluated comparatively to original idea).Chosen Campaign: Coca Cola – Masterpiece:

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Marketing Campaign Report
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Subject to the External Examiner’s approval and may be subject to change
This question paper consists
of 4 printed pages, which is
identified by the Code Number
(Semester 1, 2023/2024)
Assessed Coursework
LUBS 1860
Fundamentals of Marketing
30% Assignment
Produce a 5,000-word group report to critically review a marketing
campaign of your choice.
Your review must include:
1. A brief overview of the company and its environment;
2. Introduction to the brand that forms the focus for the campaign;
3. Identification of the key marketing objective(s) of the campaign;
4. Identification of the target audience(s) of the campaign;
5. Review the marketing mix, focusing more on the brand (product) and
its marketing communications (promotion) in the marketing campaign;
6. Suggest how the campaign could be improved (up to two examples).

This group report has been designed to test your understanding of core
marketing concepts.
You are required to source and utilise appropriate secondary sources of
Consider the application of a range of marketing models and
frameworks that you have studied in semester 1 to support your review.
You may include images of the brand and examples of its marketing when constructing
the report.
Assignments should be a maximum of 5,000 words in length.
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Subject to the External Examiner’s approval and may be subject to change
All coursework assignments that contribute to the assessment of a module are subject to a word
limit, as specified in the online module handbook in the relevant module area of the MINERVA.
The word limit is an extremely important aspect of good academic practice, and must be
adhered to. Unless stated specifically otherwise in the relevant module handbook, the word
count includes EVERYTHING (i.e. all text in the main body of the assignment including
summaries, subtitles, contents pages, tables, supportive material whether in footnotes or in-text
references) except the main title, reference list and/or bibliography and any appendices. It is not
acceptable to present matters of substance, which should be included in the main body of the
text, in the appendices (“appendix abuse”). It is not acceptable to attempt to hide words in graphs
and diagrams; only text which is strictly necessary should be included in graphs and diagrams.
You are required to adhere to the word limit specified and state an accurate word count on the
cover page of your assignment brief. Your declared word count must be accurate, and should not
mislead. Making a fraudulent statement concerning the work submitted for assessment could be
considered academic malpractice and investigated as such. If the amount of work submitted is
higher than that specified by the word limit or that declared on your word count, this may be
reflected in the mark awarded and noted through individual feedback given to you.
The deadline date for this assignment is before 12:00:00 noon on Thursday 11th January
ONE electronic copy of the assignment must be submitted to the Assignment Submission area
within the module resource on the Blackboard MINERVA website no later than 12:00:00 noon
prompt on the deadline date. Your group should select ONE group member to upload the final
assessment to MINERVA, and the assignment should be uploaded through the selected
member’s MINERVA account. Feedback will be made available to all group members.
Faxed, emailed or hard copies of the assignment will not be accepted.
Failure to meet this initial deadline will result in a reduction of marks, details of which can be
found at the following place:

Code of Practice on Assessment

Please ensure that you leave sufficient time to complete the online submission process,
as upload times can vary. Accessing the submission link before the deadline does NOT
constitute completion of submission.
You MUST click the ‘Submit and View Submission’ button before 12:00:00 noon for
your assignment to be classed as submitted on time, if not your assignment will be
marked as late. It is your responsibility to ensure you upload the correct file to
MINERVA, and that it has uploaded successfully.
It is the responsibility of the person who uploads the assignment to assign the correct
group members in the submission area. Further instructions on how to submit your
assignment will be made available in the ‘Submit My Work’ area within the module
It is important that any file submitted follows the conventions stated below:
The name of the file that you upload must be your group name/number.
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Subject to the External Examiner’s approval and may be subject to change
During the submission process the system will ask you to enter the title of your
submission. This should also be your group name/number only.
The first page of your assignment should always be the Assessed Coursework Coversheet
(group), which is available to download from the following location:

Forms, Guidance and Coversheets

Please ensure that the names of all the group members are recorded on the Coursework
Coversheet but not written anywhere else on your assignment.
If your group is experiencing difficulties during the assignment you should contact your
module leader before the problem escalates.
Peer evaluation is open to all students on a module where assessment has an element
of group work. This is an anonymous process, where you have the opportunity to reflect
upon your group members and your own contribution to the group work. Peer evaluation
is optional on most modules but if one member of your group has requested peer
evaluation the rest of the group members must engage.
The deadline for submission of the peer evaluation form is the same as the group
assignment deadline. If no member of your group has submitted a peer evaluation form
before the assignment deadline we will not be able apply peer evaluation to your
For more information see Taught Student Guide:

Forms, Guidance and Coversheets

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Subject to the External Examiner’s approval and may be subject to change
Undergraduate Level 1: LUBS Generic Assessment Criteria
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