Management report


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Management report
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B.Sc. (Hons.) Facilities Management
Module Code/Module Title: OM2093: Built Environment Systems & Services 2
Module Tutor:
Dr. Majed Aldahdooh
Assessment Title/ Number:
Date of Issue: w/s
11th February 2024
Date of Submission:
19th May 2024
(Tick in the appropriate box)
You are encouraged to word process your assessment, although hand written
work is acceptable.
You are required to word process this assessment.

You are required to submit this assessment electronically through WebCT


This paper contains 4 tasks/questions.

Answer the questions / complete the tasks fully with all possible evidence for achieving the
learning outcome/s.

This assessment is worth 50% of the module mark.
Please do not submit this assessment brief with your work.
Please note that all marks are provisional subject to confirmation by the Module Assessment Board of
the University of Central Lancashire, UK.
BSc (Hons) Facilities Management
Module Title/Module Code:
OM2093: Built Environment Systems & Services 2
Student Name:
Date of Issue: w/s
11th February 2024
Date of Submission:
19th May 2024
I confirm that this piece of work which I have
submitted is all my own work and that references
and quotations from both primary and secondary
sources have been fully identified and properly
acknowledged. I am fully aware that plagiarism
and collusion are academic offences.
I also confirm that I have not used translation
services or translation software in the production of
this assignment.
Task 1
Task 2
Task 3
Task 4
Student’s signature:
Please note the following penalties for late
Date of Submission
Max. Mark
1-5 working days late
More than 5 working days late
Mark in Percentage: __________
1st Marker
Name: Majed
2nd Marker*
UCLan Verification
External Examiner Initials
* 2nd Marking on sample basis.
Please note that all marks are provisional subject to confirmation by the Module Assessment Board of the
University of Central Lancashire, UK.
This assessment consists of FOUR tasks, each requiring an individual report submitted to the
module tutor.
Task 1: Explore relevant literature to identify challenges and solutions related to fire safety and
security systems in buildings. Apply research insights to address specific issues within any building
at the ICEM campus, providing justifications for proposed solutions. Support your
recommendations with references to successful implementations and real-world examples. (25
Task 2: Examine literature to understand common problems and solutions in acoustic design for
buildings. Implement solutions from research findings to address acoustic challenges in a
selected building at ICEM. Justify your recommendations with references to successful
implementations, real-world examples, or scenarios. (25 marks)
Task 3: Review literature to identify issues in electricity and mechanical transportation systems
within buildings. Apply insights to inspect and enhance systems within a chosen building at the
ICEM campus. Justify your proposed solutions with references to successful implementations and
real-world examples. (25 marks)
Task 4: Explore literature for challenges and solutions related to integrating renewable energy in
buildings. Propose practical solutions for a selected building at ICEM based on research findings.
Support your choices with references to successful implementations, real-world examples, or
scenarios, and highlight any lessons learned. (25 marks)

The report should be a minimum of 2000 words. Please indicate the word count excluding
references at the end of your work.

Include relevant pictures in all tasks to enhance the presentation and understanding.

Adhere to the Harvard referencing style for in-text citations.

Provide full captions for any figures or tables included in the report.
Assessment Marking Criteria:
The work will be marked based on the below scheme:
Task Marking Criteria Subcategories
Literature Exploration Identification and discussion of
issues and problems
Comprehensive review of
Application to ICEM
Clear application of literature
Quality of Content
Inclusion of relevant pictures
and Presentation
with appropriate captions
Adherence to Harvard
referencing style for in-text
Clarity, coherence, and
organization of the report
4 tasks x 5 marks
Total Marks
4 tasks x 5 marks
4 tasks x 5 marks
4 tasks x 5 marks
10 overall
5 overall
5 overall
1- You are encouraged to complete and submit the work even before the deadline if possible.
2- Do not forget to reference your work properly; otherwise, you will put yourself at the risk of
3- You are advised to use different references to complete this assignment, some of which need
to be books, journals etc.
4- Choosing Wikipedia references for your assignment is forbidden and any such references
quoted in any sections would lead to deduction of marks or considered inappropriate source
Guidelines for the Report:
1. Use preferably Microsoft Word for submitting the report. Use A-4 size paper and Times New
Roman settings, leaving 2.5 cm (or) 1’’ inch margins in all the four sides.
2. Body text should be Times New Roman font with 12 point, 1.5 spacing. Text should be
justified leaving one blank line between two paragraphs.
3. The entire report should be numbered consecutively, starting with the introduction page.
4. The number of words must be shown at the end of the work submitted before the reference
5. The report should contain a title page and table of content page before starting the
introduction; however, these pages will not be counted in the total word count of the report.
6. The report should contain substantial number of references taken from wide variety of
sources and should be supported with a minimum of 6-8 references.
7. Whenever ANY words, ideas, or information from any source is used in preparing the project,
it must be supported with suitable evidence and has to be referenced. If the exact words of
an author, or if you paraphrase their words, or if you summarize their ideas, the original
reference should be provided, which otherwise would lead to plagiarism and your work could
be failed. For referencing follow the Harvard Referencing Booklet.
Continuous feedback from the tutor is provided throughout the semester, with written feedback offered
post-report submissions on Blackboard. Successful module completion requires a minimum aggregated
mark of 40% across all assessments.
Penalties for Over-length Assignments

Assignment briefs will include clear instructions about word counts. Students are
expected to adhere to the word count requirements for each assessment. If students
exceed these word count limits, they may receive a reduction in marks as follows.

For written assignments that exceed a word count limit by
❖ 0-10% – no penalty
❖ +>10.1% – 20% : 2.5% reduction in mark
❖ +>20.1% – 30% : 5% reduction in mark
❖ +>30.1% – 40% : 7.5% reduction in mark
❖ +>40.1% – 50% : 10% reduction in mark
❖ +>50.1% – 60% : 12.5% reduction in mark
❖ +>60.1% – 70% : 15% reduction in mark
❖ +>70.1% – 80% : 17.5% reduction in mark
❖ +>80.1% – 90% : 20% reduction in mark
❖ +>90.1% – 100% : 22.5% reduction in mark
❖ >100%: 25% reduction in mark but no student will fail an assessment because of a penalty
for exceeding the word limit.
Academic Misconduct
Unfair means (which includes cheating, plagiarism, collusion, re- presentation or using Artificial
Intelligence to prepare assignments).

Cheating is any deliberate attempt to deceive and covers a range of offences described in
the ICEM Policy on Unfair Means to Enhance Performance. Cheating may include any
technique intentionally misused by students in the submitted reports such as intended
misuse of quotation marks, using hidden quotes, hidden characters and replaced

Plagiarism describes copying from the works of another person without suitably
attributing the published or unpublished works of others.

Collusion is an attempt to deceive the examiners by concealing the true authorship of the
student’s work by copying, or imitating another student’s work in detail. This includes
copying other student’s consent with his/her consent. It also includes when 2 or more
students divide the elements of an assignment amongst themselves and copy one
another’s answers.

Using technological aids and Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools, without specific
authorization is considered academic misconduct.

Re-presentation is an attempt to gain credit twice for the same piece of work.

Fabrication is making up research data or results and reporting the same.

Falsification is manipulating the research data or results such that inaccurate information
is reported.
Academic penalty:
1. For the first time: the penalty will be 0% for the element of assessment, the plagiarized
element of assessment must be resubmitted to the required standard and the mark for
the module following resubmission will be restricted to the minimum pass mark (i.e. 40%).
2. In the event of a repeat offence of cheating, plagiarism, collusion or re-presentation on
the same or any other module within the course; the appropriate penalty will be 0% for
the module with no opportunity for reassessment and you will have to retake the module
in a subsequent year.
Artificial Intelligence Guidance
Artificial Intelligence (AI) will breach the academic regulations when: “Using technological aids and AI,
including translation software, paraphrasing tools, text generating software (essay bots), and tools to
generate graphics or artworks, without specific authorisation.” (source QAA April
Initial Key Principles for Students on the use of Artificial Intelligence

Using AI under the tutor’s guidance will be acceptable in certain situations but students
need to ensure that they comply with the academic regulations on Academic Integrity.

Ensure the use of the AI tool is in line with the assessment brief and any further advice
from the tutor setting the assignment.

Do not rely solely on AI tools to complete assignments. Use AI tools to enhance your work,
not as a replacement for it.

Acknowledge the extent to which AI has been used as part of referencing their sources,
clarifying the contribution of AI to make clear what is their own work. Students have to
cite AI tool they used (such as ChatGPT) and describe how they used it.

Avoid assuming that AI responses are always accurate. AI-generated information may
sometimes be inaccurate or misleading.

Keep drafts to evidence the thinking and development of the work if requested.

Students may be asked to respond to questions to test their knowledge of their
assessed work.

Failure to follow this advice may lead to allegations of academic misconduct and will
impact students’ ability to defend themselves.

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