Management Question


Successful businesses regularly analyze their processes to ensure they’re operating as efficiently as possible and maintaining their competitive advantages. Although you can assess a company in many ways, a common technique is the SWOT analysis. In this assignment, you will practice using a SWOT analysis to better understand the factors involved in making business decisions that promote sustainable competitive advantage.

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Management Question
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Select and research a company from the 2019 Fortune 500 list that demonstrates a sustainable competitive advantage in the marketplace.

Evaluate the selected company’s sustainable competitive advantage using the SWOT analysis technique.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word modified SWOT analysis that includes the following:

An introduction with a detailed description of the company
A SWOT analysis diagram that includes strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats
An evaluation of how specific internal factors (strengths and/or weaknesses) support and/or promote a competitive advantage; examples may include:
Financial, physical, or human resources
Access to natural resources, trademarks, patents, or copyrights
Current processes (employee programs or software systems)
An evaluation of how specific external factors (opportunities and/or threats) support and/or promote a competitive advantage; examples may include:
Market trends (new products or technology advancements)
Economic trends (local and/or global)
Regulations (political, environmental, or economic)
Conclusion with an evaluation of how the company has retained its competitive advantage

Include APA-formatted in-text citations and a reference page with at least 2 sources. Note: You may include your textbook as 1 of the sources.

Note: You can view sample SWOT Analyses by visiting the University Library > Research Databases > B > Business Source Complete: SWOT Analyses.

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Double click your mouse anywhere in this paragraph to replace this text with your
introduction. Often the most important paragraph in the entire essay, the introduction grabs the
reader’s attention—sometimes a difficult task for academic writing. When writing an
introduction, some approaches are best avoided. Avoid starting sentences with “The purpose of
this essay is . . .” or “In this essay I will . . .” or any similar flat announcement of your intention
or topic.
Level One Heading
Replace the level one heading with the words for your heading. The heading must be
centered and in bold font. Headings are a necessary part of helping your audience track the subtopics discussed in the body of the essay or report.
Be sure to indent the first line of each paragraph between five and seven spaces by
pressing the Tab key one time on the keyboard. In addition, remember to double space the entire
paper using the double space functionality in Word. This template is already formatted for
double spacing.
In addition, keep in mind an academic essay should contain at least five paragraphs,
which includes the introduction (introductory paragraph), the body (which is generally at least
three paragraphs), and the conclusion (generally one paragraph). Most well-developed
paragraphs contain at least three to five sentences, one of which is the topic sentence. Limit each
body paragraph to one sub-topic.
Level Two Heading
Replace the level two heading with the words for your heading. The heading must be leftaligned and in bold font. The text begins as a new paragraph.
Level Three Heading
Replace the level three heading with the words for your heading. The heading must be
left-aligned with bold and italicized font. The text begins as a new paragraph. Most master’slevel papers will be sufficient with three levels of heading. Delete the following level four and
five heading placeholders if not needed.
Level Four Heading. Replace the level four heading with the words for your heading.
The heading must be indented, in bold font, and end with a period. The text begins on the same
Level Five Heading. Replace the level five heading with the words for your heading. The
heading must be indented, in bold, italicized font, and end with a period. The text begins on the
same line.
The closing paragraph is designed to bring the reader to your way of thinking if you are
writing a persuasive essay, to understand relationships if you are writing a comparison/contrast
essay, or simply to value the information you provide in an informational essay. The closing
paragraph summarizes the key points from the supporting paragraphs without introducing any
new information.
This is a hanging indent. To keep the hanging indent format, triple click your mouse on this line
of text and replace the information with your reference entry. You can use the Reference
and Citation Examples (Center for Writing Excellence > Reference and Citation
Examples) to help format your source information into a reference entry.
The reference page always begins on the top of the next page after the conclusion.

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