Management Question


Word count to be followed for each task.Check attached file name before answer below Tasks Learner Assessment Brief.Follow High pass section in file name Grading grid to answer the questions. Include appendix. Answers to be completed in this template.One reference for each question.advised to make work clear and well presented.void plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, and ensure it is ZERO. All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).APA reference style.

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Management Question
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Instructions to follow please:

Word count to be followed for each task.

Check attached file name before answer below Tasks Learner Assessment

Follow High pass section in file name Grading grid to answer the

Include appendix.

Answers to be completed in this template.

One reference for each question.

advised to make work clear and well presented.

void plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, and ensure it is

All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, doublespaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be
considered plagiarism).

APA reference style.
(AC 1.1) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3
(AC 1.2) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3
(AC 1.3) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3
(AC 1.4) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3
(AC 1.5) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3
(AC 2.1) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3
(AC 2.2) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3
(AC 2.3) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4
(AC 3.1) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4
(AC 3.2) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4
(AC 3.3) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4
(AC 3.4) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4
Task 1 (2400 words)
This task requires you to consider the significance of professional and ethical behaviours for a
people practitioner and the values that underpin the people practice profession.
To complete the task, you should provide a written response to each of questions below, making
appropriate use of academic theory and practical examples to expand your response and illustrate
key points.
(AC 1.1)
(AC 1.2)
(AC 1.3)
(AC 1.4)
(AC 1.5)
(AC 2.1)
(AC 2.2)
Task 2 (1100 words)
this task requires you to demonstrate your commitment to professional development and
performance improvement.
To complete the task, you are asked to undertake some reflection, self-assessment, and
consideration of other’s feedback, leading to an identification of your strengths, weaknesses, and
development areas. Following this identification, you will formulate a range of formal and/or informal
activities to address your development needs and support your continuous development.
The task then shifts to a retrospective stance, where you are asked to reflect on the impact of
development activities already undertaken, in the last 12 months.
(AC 2.3)
(AC 3.1)
(AC 3.2)
(AC 3.3)
(AC 3.4)
5CO03 – Professional Behaviours and Valuing People – Grading grid – June 23
Assessment criteria
Fail (1)
Low pass (2)
Pass (3)
High pass (4)
Task 1 – [ To complete the task, you should provide a written response to the following ACs in Word]
AC 1.1
Appraise what it means to be a people
Insufficient definition of the term people
Acceptable definition of the term people
Good definition of the term people
Confident definition of the term people
Insufficient explanation of the types of
activities people professionals carries out
and the way they should behave related to
the core behaviours of the CIPD Profession
Acceptable explanation of the types of
activities a people professional carries out
and the way they should behave related to
the core behaviours of the CIPD Profession
Good explanation of the types of activities a
people professional carries out and the way
they should behave related to the core
behaviours of the CIPD Profession Map.
Confident explanation of the types of activities
a people professional carries out and the way
they should behave related to the core
behaviours of the CIPD Profession Map.
Insufficient appraisal of why it is important
that a people professional should behave in
line with these behaviours.
You should appraise why it is important that a
people professional should behave in line with
these behaviours in terms of the benefits and
consequences of not doing so.
You should appraise why it is important that a
people professional should behave in line
with these behaviours in terms of the benefits
and consequences of not doing so.
You should appraise why it is important that a
people professional should behave in line with
these behaviours in terms of the benefits and
consequences of not doing so.
Presentation and layout are to a good
standard in line with the assessment brief,
Presentation is of a high professional standard
Good definition of the term ethical values.
Confident definition of the term ethical values.
Good discussion of the reasons why it is
important people professionals behave in line
with these values eg (equality, valuing others,
or fairness etc)
Confident discussion of the reasons why it is
important people professionals behave in line
with these values eg (equality, valuing others,
or fairness etc)
Good discussion of two working examples
where ethical values have been applied in a
people practice context.
Confident discussion of two working examples
where ethical values have been applied in a
people practice context.
Presentation and layout are of a good
standard in line with the assessment brief.
Presentation is of a high professional standard.
Presentation and layout are to an acceptable
standard in line with the assessment brief, with
some improvement required.
AC 1.2
Recognise how personal and ethical
values can be applied in the context of
people practice.
Insufficient definition of the term ethical
Acceptable definition of the term ethical
Insufficient discussion of the reasons why it is
important people professionals behave in
line with these values eg (equality, valuing
others, or fairness etc)
Acceptable discussion of the reasons why it is
important people professionals behave in line
with these values eg (equality, valuing others,
or fairness etc)
Insufficient discussion of two working
examples where ethical values are applied
in a people practice context.
Acceptable discussion of two working
examples where ethical values have been
applied in a people practice context.
Presentation and layout are to an acceptable
standard in line with the assessment brief, with
some improvement required.
AC 1.3
Consider the importance of people
professionals contributing to discussions in
an informed, clear, and confident way to
influence others.

Insufficient explanation of why it is important
that people professionals can influence
others and ensure the ‘people practice
voice’ is heard.
Acceptable explanation of why it is important
that people professionals can influence others
and ensure the ‘people practice voice’ is
Good explanation of why it is important that
people professionals can influence others
and ensure the ‘people practice voice’ is
Confident explanation of why it is important
that people professionals can influence others
and ensure the ‘people practice voice’ is
Insufficient explanation of three methods
(one for each: to be informed, clear and
confident) that could be used by people
practitioners when influencing others.
Acceptable explanation of three methods
(one for each: to be informed, clear and
confident) that could be used by people
practitioners when influencing others eg
(making an evidence-based argument, using
facts and data to support contributions, using
volume, tone, and pace; summarising and
Good explanation of three methods (one for
each: to be informed, clear and confident)
that could be used by people practitioners
when influencing others eg (making an
evidence-based argument, using facts and
data to support contributions, using volume,
tone, and pace; summarising and checking
Confident explanation of three methods (one
for each: to be informed, clear and
confident) that could be used by people
practitioners when influencing others eg
(making an evidence-based argument, using
facts and data to support contributions, using
volume, tone, and pace; summarising and
checking understanding; speaking up
courageously etc).
understanding; speaking up courageously
checking understanding; speaking up
courageously etc).
Examples could include speaking up to
ensure key processes are followed or
improving practices in HR, L&D and OD.
Examples could include speaking up to
ensure key processes are followed or
improving practices in HR, L&D and OD.
Examples could include speaking up to ensure
key processes are followed or improving
practices in HR, L&D and OD.
Presentation and layout are to an acceptable
standard in line with the assessment brief, with
some improvement required.
Presentation and layout are of a good
standard in line with the assessment brief
Includes evidence of the use of wider reading
references to support approaches and
Presentation is of a high professional standard.
AC 1.4
Recognise when and how you would raise
matters which conflict with ethical values
or legislation.
Insufficient explanation of different
examples where you would raise an issue of
concern with a manager or other authority,
including the steps you would follow in the
process in the following two areas:
Acceptable explanation of different examples
where you would raise an issue of concern
with a manager or other authority, including
the steps you would follow in the process in
the following two areas:
Good explanation of different examples
where you would raise an issue of concern
with a manager or other authority, including
the steps you would follow in the process in
the following two areas:
Confident explanation of different examples
where you would raise an issue of concern
with a manager or other authority, including
the steps you would follow in the process in
the following two areas:
a) where you consider something to
be unethical (whether or not it is
b) where you believe something
contravenes legislation
a) where you consider something to be
unethical (whether or not it is illegal)
b) where you believe something
contravenes legislation
a) where you consider something to be
unethical (whether or not it is illegal)
b) where you believe something
contravenes legislation
a) where you consider something to be
unethical (whether or not it is illegal)
b) where you believe something
contravenes legislation
Examples could relate to discrimination,
harassment, or unfair dismissal processes etc.
Examples could relate to discrimination,
harassment, or unfair dismissal processes etc.
Examples could relate to discrimination,
harassment, or unfair dismissal processes etc.
Include acceptable reference to examples
such as: organisational policies,
whistleblowing, CIPD values, Code of
Conduct etc.
Include good reference to examples such as:
organisational policies, whistleblowing, CIPD
values, Code of Conduct etc.
Include confident reference to examples
such: as organisational policies,
whistleblowing, CIPD values, Code of
Conduct etc.
Insufficient reference to examples such as
organisational policies, whistleblowing, CIPD
values, Code of Conduct etc.
Presentation and layout are to an acceptable
standard in line with the assessment brief, with
some improvement required.
Presentation and layout are of a good
standard in line with the assessment brief.
Includes evidence of the use of wider reading
references to underpin approaches and
Presentation is of a high professional standard.
AC 2.1
Argue the human and business benefits of
people feeling included, valued, and fairly
treated at work linking to related theory.
Insufficient discussion of two theories or
models eg (Rock, Maslow, and Pink etc) in
terms of what they say about the human
and business benefits of people at work
feeling included, valued, and fairly treated,
conclude your discussion with a summary of
your own view of these benefits.
Acceptable discussion of two theories or
models eg (Rock, Maslow, and Pink etc) in
terms of what they say about the human and
business benefits of people at work feeling
included, valued, and fairly treated.
Good discussion of two theories or models eg
(Rock, Maslow, and Pink etc) in terms of what
they say about the human and business
benefits of people at work feeling included,
valued, and fairly treated.
Confident discussion of two theories or models
eg (Rock, Maslow, and Pink etc) in terms of
what they say about the human and business
benefits of people at work feeling included,
valued, and fairly treated.
Conclude your discussion with a summary of
your own view of these benefits.
Conclude your discussion with a summary of
your own view of these benefits.
Conclude your discussion with a summary of
your own view of these benefits.
You could consider some of the following
examples in your discussion: job satisfaction,
enhanced worker well-being, reduced
sickness, or increased retention etc.
You could consider some of the following
examples in your discussion: job satisfaction,
enhanced worker well-being, reduced
sickness, or increased retention etc.
You could consider some of the following
examples in your discussion: job satisfaction,
enhanced worker well-being, reduced
sickness, or increased retention etc.
Presentation and layout are to an acceptable
standard in line with the assessment brief, with
some improvement required.
Presentation and layout are of a good
standard in line with the assessment brief.
Includes evidence, in the form of wider
reading references, to support your argument,
such as the CIPD Insight report.
Presentation is of a high professional standard.
AC 2.2
Insufficient discussion two ways in which a
people professional can build inclusivity into
With reference to a people practice initiative
eg (introducing flexible working etc), offer an
With reference to a people practice initiative
eg (introducing flexible working etc), offer a
With reference to a people practice initiative
eg (introducing flexible working etc), offer a
Discuss strategies for designing and
ensuring inclusive people practices.
a people practice initiative at the design
stage, and two ways of checking inclusivity
after a people practice initiative is first
acceptable discussion of two ways in which a
people professional can build inclusivity into
the initiative at the design stage eg
(discussions, email and documentary
exchanges, research, or consultation activities
good discussion of two ways in which a
people professional can build inclusivity into
the initiative at the design stage eg
(discussions, email and documentary
exchanges, research, or consultation
activities etc)
confident discussion of two ways in which a
people professional can build inclusivity into
the initiative at the design stage eg
(discussions, email and documentary
exchanges, research, or consultation activities
You also need to discuss two ways of
checking inclusivity after the same people
practice initiative is first implemented eg
(informal or formal feedback; consultation re
the extent to which the practice reaches and
embraces different agendas and needs etc).
You also need to discuss two ways of
checking inclusivity after the same people
practice initiative is first implemented eg
(informal or formal feedback; consultation re
the extent to which the practice reaches
and embraces different agendas and needs
You also need to discuss two ways of
checking inclusivity after the same people
practice initiative is first implemented eg
(informal or formal feedback; consultation re
the extent to which the practice reaches and
embraces different agendas and needs etc).
Presentation and layout are to an acceptable
standard in line with the assessment brief, with
some improvement required.
Presentation is of a high professional standard.
Presentation and layout are of a good
standard in line with the assessment brief.
Task 2 – [ This task requires written response to the below ACs and attachment of relevant evidence as an appendix]
AC 2.3
Reflect on your own approach to working
inclusively and building positive working
relationships with others.
AC 3.1
Explore how the role of a people
professional is evolving and the
implications this has for the continuing
professional development.
Insufficient reflection of your own approach,
including the methods you used and how
effective you are, in the areas of working
inclusively and building positive working
relationships eg (valuing people as
individuals, recognising the value and
benefits of diversity; actively seeking and
listening to diverse views and opinions;
building trust and providing appropriate
support when needed etc).
Acceptable reflection of your own approach,
including the methods you used and how
effective you are, in the areas of working
inclusively and building positive working
relationships eg (valuing people as individuals,
recognising the value and benefits of
diversity; actively seeking and listening to
diverse views and opinions; building trust and
providing appropriate support when needed
Good reflection of your own approach,
including the methods you used and how
effective you are, in the areas of working
inclusively and building positive working
relationships eg (valuing people as
individuals, recognising the value and
benefits of diversity; actively seeking and
listening to diverse views and opinions;
building trust and providing appropriate
support when needed etc).
You could refer to the self-assessment you
carried out and the feedback collected from
You could refer to the self-assessment you
carried out and the feedback collected from
Presentation and layout are to an acceptable
standard in line with the assessment brief, with
some improvement required.
Presentation and layout are of a good
standard in line with the assessment brief.
Insufficient definition and explanation of the
concepts of CPD
Acceptable definition of CPD, including some
of the characteristics of best practice.
Good definition of CPD, including some of
the characteristics of best practice.
Confident definition of CPD, including some of
the characteristics of best practice.
Insufficient exploration of how the role of a
people professional is changing.
Acceptable exploration of how the role of a
people professional is changing, eg:
Good exploration of how the role of a people
professional is changing, eg:
Confident exploration of how the role of a
people professional is changing, eg:
Insufficient exploration of the impact these
changes have on our CPD.

People practice moving from admin
to strategy.
The people professional is more
people-focused and tech-savvy.
More specialisms and job titles eg,
Chief Happiness Officer, Chief Heart
Officer, Lead People Data Scientist
Acceptable exploration of how these
changes impact your CPD eg (the activities

People practice moving from admin
to strategy.
The people professional is more
people-focused and tech-savvy.
More specialisms and job titles eg,
Chief Happiness Officer, Chief Heart
Officer, Lead People Data Scientist
Good exploration of how these changes
impact your CPD eg (the activities we carry
Confident reflection of your own approach,
including the methods you used and how
effective you are, in the areas of working
inclusively and building positive working
relationships eg (valuing people as individuals,
recognising the value and benefits of diversity;
actively seeking and listening to diverse views
and opinions; building trust and providing
appropriate support when needed etc).
You could refer to the self-assessment you
carried out and the feedback collected from
Presentation is of a high professional standard.

People practice moving from admin
to strategy.
The people professional is more
people-focused and tech-savvy.
More specialisms and job titles eg,
Chief Happiness Officer, Chief Heart
Officer, Lead People Data Scientist
Confident exploration of how these changes
impact your CPD eg (the activities we carry
AC 3.2
Assess your strengths, weaknesses and
development areas based on selfassessment and feedback from others.
Insufficient assessment of your current
strengths, weaknesses, and development
No feedback from at least one other person
in relation to your behaviours or
performance. This must be evidenced and
attached as an appendix.
we carry out, the knowledge we need, the
technology we need to learn etc).
out, the knowledge we need, the technology
we need to learn etc).
out, the knowledge we need, the technology
we need to learn etc).
Presentation and layout are to an acceptable
standard in line with the assessment brief, with
some improvement required.
You could link this back to the CIPD
profession map.
Includes evidence of the use of wider reading
references, including the CIPD profession
Presentation and layout are of a good
standard in line with the assessment brief
Presentation is of a high professional standard.
Acceptable assessment of your current
strengths, weaknesses, and development
needs around your two earlier responses in 2.3
and 3.1 and the feedback you have
collected (as outlined below).
Good assessment of your current strengths,
weaknesses, and development needs
around your two earlier responses in 2.3 and
3.1 and the feedback you have collected (as
outlined below).
Confident assessment of your current
strengths, weaknesses, and development
needs around your two earlier responses in 2.3
and 3.1 and the feedback you have
collected (as outlined below).
You need to collect feedback from at least
one other person in relation to your
behaviours (core behaviours from CIPD
Profession map) or performance. This must be
evidenced and attached as an appendix. It
should state who it is from and their
relationship to you.
You need to collect feedback from at least
one other person in relation to your
behaviours (core behaviours from CIPD
Profession map) or performance. This must be
evidenced and attached as an appendix. It
should state who it is from and their
relationship to you.
You need to collect feedback from at least
one other person in relation to your
behaviours (core behaviours from CIPD
Profession map) or performance. This must be
evidenced and attached as an appendix. It
should state who it is from and their
relationship to you.
Your response should include an explanation
of the feedback received and how it has
informed your self- assessment.
Your response should include an explanation
of the feedback received and how it has
informed your self- assessment.
Your response should include an explanation
of the feedback received and how it has
informed your self- assessment.
AC 3.3
Formulate a range of formal and/or
informal continuing professional
development (CPD) activities to support
your learning journey.
AC 3.4
Reflect on the impact of your continuing
professional development activities on own
behaviour and performance
Less than three formal and/or informal
continuing professional development (CPD)
activities to support your learning journey.
Insufficient explanation of each
development activity e.g., reading a book,
attending a seminar, leading a project,
being mentored etc.
Insufficient reflection on three (formal or
informal) development activities
undertaken. over the last 12 months.
You need to formulate three formal and/or
informal continuing professional development
(CPD) activities to support your learning
journey based on your self-assessment.
Offer acceptable justification of why you
have chosen each development activity.
Presentation and layout are to an acceptable
standard in line with the assessment brief, with
some improvement required.
This criteria is not included in the word count.
Acceptable reflection on three (formal or
informal) development activities undertaken
within the last 12 months.
Some insight into the following:

Date of activity
What activity did you complete?
What you learnt from the activity
You need to formulate three formal and/or
informal continuing professional
development (CPD) activities to support your
learning journey based on your selfassessment.
Offer good justification of why you have
chosen each development activity.
Presentation and layout are of a good
standard in line with the assessment brief.
You need to formulate three formal and/or
informal continuing professional development
(CPD) activities to support your learning
journey based on your self-assessment.
Offer confident justification of why you have
chosen each development activity.
Presentation is of a high professional standard
This criteria is not included in the word count.
This criteria is not included in the word count.
Good reflection on three (formal or
informal) development activities undertaken
within the last 12 months.
Some insight into the following:

Date of activity

What activity did you complete?

What you learnt from the activity

How has it impacted your behaviour
and performance?
Confident reflection on three (formal or
informal) development activities undertaken
within the last 12 months.
Some insight into the following:

Date of activity

What activity did you complete?

What you learnt from the activity

How has it impacted your behaviour
and performance?
Presentation and layout are to a good
standard in line with the assessment brief.
Presentation is of a high professional standard

How has it impacted your behaviour
and performance?
Presentation and layout are to an acceptable
standard in line with the assessment brief, with
some improvement required.
Further information
Please note: the examples given above are for guidance but not an exhaustive list. Therefore, if a learner selects to use examples not included above but in line with the criteria they
should be graded accordingly.
Professional behaviours
and valuing people
Learner Assessment Brief
Assessment ID / CIPD_5CO03_23_01
Level 5 Associate Diploma in
People Management
▪ Organisational Learning and Development

Version 1 – Released June 2023

Expires June 2024

Study Centre information only: Last moderation window is September 2024
Level 5 Associate Diploma
Professional behaviours and
valuing people
This unit focuses on how applying core professional behaviours such as ethical practice, courage
and inclusivity can build positive working relationships and support employee voice and well-being. It
considers how developing and mastering new professional behaviours and practice can impact
CIPD’s insight
HR and standards (December 2022)
This factsheet explains what British and International standards in HR are and why they matter. It
introduces the British and International HR standards already published or under development and
outlines the CIPD involvement in their development. Whether or not organisations have a dedicated
HR team, they will at some point need guidance on ethical and effective human resource
management practice in areas such as workforce planning, recruitment, inclusion and diversity,
learning and development, and human capital reporting. British and International standards provide
such guidance. International experts develop them, in collaboration with key stakeholders. These
standards advocate responsible people management practices and support the organisations that
adopt them to improve their organisational resilience and
Equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) in the workplace (November 2022)
Promoting and delivering EDI in the workplace is an essential aspect of good people management.
To reap the benefits of EDI, it’s about creating working environments and cultures where every
individual can feel safe, a sense of belonging and is empowered to achieve their full potential. Whilst
legal frameworks vary across different countries, in the UK the Equality Act 2010 provides legal
protection for nine protected characteristics: age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil
partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation. However,
an effective EDI strategy goes beyond legal compliance and seeks to take an intersectional
approach adding value to an organisation, contributing to the wellbeing and equality of outcomes
and impact on all employees. This includes: accent, age, caring responsibilities, colour, culture,
visible and invisible disability, gender identity and expression, mental health, neurodiversity, physical
appearance, political opinion, pregnancy and maternity/paternity and family status and socioeconomic circumstances amongst other personal characteristics and experiences. This factsheet
explores what workplace equality inclusion and diversity (EDI) means, and how an effective strategy
is essential to an organisation’s business objectives. It looks at the rationale for action and outlines
steps organisations can take to implement and manage a successful EDI strategy, from recruitment,
selection, retention, communication and training to addressing workplace behaviour and evaluating
Ethical practice and the role of people professionals (August 2022)
Scandals involving workplace harassment and poor treatment of workers have highlighted what can
happen when ethics aren’t integral to the way organisations operate. With unique access to staff
throughout their careers, as well as opportunities to influence an organisation’s strategy and the way
Version 1 – Released June 2023
Level 5 Associate Diploma
it manages its workforce, people professionals are uniquely placed to support embedding principled
decision-making into daily practice. Ethics are at the heart of professionalism. To create cultures of
transparency and trust, practitioners should demonstrate strong standards of integrity when advising
business leaders. This factsheet explores what ethical practice means and why it matters in an
organisational context. It outlines the trade-offs involved in upholding ethical values and the
challenges faced by people professionals. Finally, it looks at the profession’s role in creating ethical
organisational cultures.
Ethics at work: an employer’s guide
Ethical values provide the moral compass by which we live our lives and make decisions: ‘doing the
right thing’ because it’s the right thing to do. However, there are several reasons why unethical
behaviour continues to happen in the workplace, from individual actions and choice to industry-wide
indiscretions and compromising decisions.
In this guide, we discuss the red flags to watch out for, along with practical tips and resources to
safeguard your organisation and people against ethical breaches and misconduct. The guide draws
on – and complements – the latest CIPD research, and features nine areas of action employers can
prioritise to ensure they behave ethically. If you’re an employer or manager looking to foster and
encourage ethical behaviour in your organisation, you’ll find the practical advice you need in this
Please note that the purpose of this insight is to link you to CIPD’s research and evidence within the subject
area, so that you can engage with the latest thinking. It is not provided to replace the study required as part of
the learning or as formative assessment material.
Version 1 – Released June 2023
Level 5 Ass