Management Question


Exploring Cutting-Edge Research Topics in Business Management

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Management Question
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Objective The purpose of this asslgnment Is to encourage you to identify and propose 5 potential research topics in the field of business management. Students are required to generate a list of five distinct research topics along with a brief rationale for each proposal.

The topics should align with current trends, challenges, and opportunities in the business environment.

Example: Digital Transformation and Organizational Performance:

Rationale: Investigate the impact of digital transformation on organizational performance. focusing on the adoption of emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence and blockchain, and their Influence on efficiency, innovation, and competitive advantage in business operations.

Format: APA 7th Edition

Word Limit: Approx. 250 words (excluding references)

Submission Instructions:

Follow APA 7th Edition formatting guidelines for citations and references.

Each topic proposal should be accompanied by a concise rationale

Submit the assignment in a Word document