Making files


Cloud Storage is an invaluable skill to learn as an Interior Designer ……keeping you organized and ready to present at a moments notice!

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Making files
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Step 1: Cloud Storage
Step 2: Get Organized
Step 3: Professional DESCRIPTIVE Hyperlinks

In this Assignment you will be creating a Cloud Storage Folder for OUR ENTIRE INTERIOR DESIGN 112B COURSE .

You will;

prepare and organize your files and folders ‘in the cloud’ for ease of use,
share your entire 112B cloud storage folder with the instructor, and
reflect on ‘why’ cloud storage is important in today’s world of visual communication.

Hello, I’m a Professional.

Step 1: Cloud Storage

Research and create a cloud storage folder.

Dropbox vs Google Drive vs OneDrive: Which Cloud Storage Wins?
Google Drive -Share a link to a file or a folder
How to Put a Link in an Email
Drop Box -Share a link to files and folders
Sign up for Drop Box, Google Drive, One Drive or similar
If not using one of the above mentioned services, ****make sure your Cloud Storage can be viewed by anyone with whom you share your folders, without requiring that person to register as well***
Step 2: Get Organized
Create and organize a ‘School’ or ‘Mesa Interior Design Program’ cloud storage folder……..then practice sharing WITH A FRIEND!
After you access your Cloud Storage account, create parent and sub folders to get organized!
See sample folder hierarchy below
A parent folder = Mesa College
A sub folder = every class you are taking at Mesa, ie INTE 101, 105, 112A, 112B, etc.
Organize your files NOW!!!
112A -Scan and upload your previous 112A handouts and assignments.
Label your scanned documents appropriately… we may be using your 112A projects in this class!
Don’t leave your file names the random number that came in on your scanner, you’ll never find anything! Take the time to rename your files, which will save you time organizing your Portfolio later (**hint hint**)!
112B -Prepare your Folder Organization for INTE 112B now, and create the following sub-folders:
See sample folder organization below
What do you already have in digital form? SketchUp Quick Ref Card? Your first SKP Self Paced Tutorials? Monopoly House? Scans of your Quick Sketches?
PRACTICE Sharing with a friend to make sure you know how to share access!!
Explore those ‘share settings’ and make sure whoever you share your folders or file with has no problems whatsoever.
You need to change your link share settings so that ANYONE WITH LINK can view your files.
You cannot just add someone’s email address…..
What if I try to open your files from a different account to grade your files (hint hint, I do)?
What if you were applying for a job and I forwarded your email to other people that needed to review your files or Portfolio (hint hint, they do), and you don’t know who those people are, so don’t have their email addresses, and now they can’t see your files or Portfolio and you missed out on the job of a lifetime?!?!?
Practice creating a hyperlink and sharing with someone OUTSIDE of your personal accounts/ logins/ passwords to make sure you get this step right!
You cannot email yourself because you already have access to the cloud storage folder.
Practice on your neighbor, your roommate, your grandmother….. in fact, the less tech-savvy the better!
You want it to be so easy to use your ____(you fill in the blank)____could click on this super easy to use hyperlink! You want them to be able to click on the link and voila… THERE is your beautiful design work!!!!
There should NOT be any pop-ups forcing the recipient to request access from you to view what you sent, no account set up required, no permission requests…… make it easy to see your files (and hire you!)!
If your hyperlink doesn’t work, or requires the recipient to start an account with your Cloud Storage company, do you think……
your instructor is going to give you a good grade on the Cloud Storage assignment?
your prospective employer will call or email you to request permission when they have 10 other working portfolio hyperlinks to review?
The instructor is NOT your guinea pig to see if your hyperlink works!
Parent Folder
Sub Folder
Sub-sub Folder
Sub-sub-sub Folder
Mesa College
Scans of Hand Drafted plans
Course Documents
Course Outline
Self Paced Tutorial Houses
Layout Shop Drawing Table
Working SKP File
Working LYT File
Final PDF File
Project 1 -Hotel Suite
Progress Check 1
Progress Check 2
Progress Check 3
Project 2
Project 3
Working Sketch Up File
Working InDesign file
Old versions of working documents
Supporting Documents
Material Images
Concept Images
Hand Sketches
Step 3: Professional DESCRIPTIVE Hyperlinks
Learn what a hyperlink is, share access to your cloud storage 112B PARENT folder and write about 5-8 sentences that cover all of the following (15 points)
Learn the difference between a pasted URL and a DESCRIPTIVE Hyperlink
Respond to this Reflection and include A PROFESSIONAL HYPERLINK to your Cloud Storage folder for your work in 112B.
Write a brief message in a professional tone that includes a shareable link permitting access to your Cloud Storage
Create a descriptive hyper-link *****using your own words****
do not copy/pates an ugly web address into your professional submission!!!
An ugly pasted URL forces the person you’ve shared it with to then copy/paste your web link into their own browser! UGH.
Do NOT make your potential employer or boss or instructor do all that work!
Make it easy, be professional, build the hyperlink yourself!
Make sure your are sharing **folder level access** for our entire 112B course (rather than to an individual file).
Answer the below questions in your reflection;
Why is it important to have a Cloud Storage folder in today’s digital age?
What are the advantages of using a cloud storage folder?
What file types will be saving for this course?
Reflect on sharing folder level access vs. access to an individual file.
What do you take away from this Cloud Storage reflection activity that you can use going forward?