make PowerPoint


TASK 6: Presentation

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 Each presentation must be 10 minutes in length only.


 Once your product is final, show it to your tutor and get the feedback of your product and improve your product based on the feedback given by the tutor.

 After the development and submission of the above design, submit and present a reflection report outlining the methods you used in your production. The report structure is given at the rest of this coursework paper.

 Upload your report to Turnitin and submit the graphics folder to the link provide by your tutor.

 Any citations and references should be done using the Harvard Style of Referencing.

 The quality of your work will be carefully assessed (Please see marking scheme and marking criteria)

3. Some points about Graphics Implementation

You should design/collect the images/videos/logos to support the building of your product and then to combine all those graphics and other interactive screens to produce a meaningful required final product. Here are some points about graphics Implementation:

 Collection of still images /videos /interactive product material

 Use of your own taken images gets more marks

 Create some composite images (collages or other) that make use of layers in Photoshop

 Imaginative use of filters, feather selections, and other Photoshop edits

 Combining images /videos /interactive screens to produce the final product.

 Animation of text and/or objects (movement: sizing, visual effects such as fade-blurs, etc.), in interactive or video or banner products.

 The design of the web pages is important.

 Appropriate use of Screen fonts are one of the points that must be considered in designing multimedia products, besides margins, font animations and readability of texts.

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In academic
affiliation with
Student ID
Younis Alkharusi 1920083
Module Title
Multimedia & Interaction
Program Area
BSc. (Hons) Business Information System /
BSc (Hons) Computer Science
Level & Block
Semester and Academic
2023-24, 1st Semester
Date of Submission
Table of Contents
Introduction …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4
Review of Similar Projects ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5
Project 1: Manchester United Rebrand in 1998 ………………………………………………………………. 6
Multimedia Products……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 8
Logo Design ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 8
Promotional Poster ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 9
Animation Video ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 10
Storyboard ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 11
Team Website …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 11
Evaluation ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 13
Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 15
References …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 17
List of Figures
Figure 1- Logo
Figure 2. Poster
Figure 3. Website
1. Introduction
This report comprehensively details the process of designing multimedia products
for the Gulf College football team participating in the high-profile inter-college football
tournament organized by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Youth.
As a newly appointed digital designer for Gulf College, I was tasked with creating
a diverse range of multimedia elements including a logo, poster, animation video, website
storyboard and fully functional team website. The overarching aim was to develop
visually appealing and creative products that effectively promote and represent the Gulf
College football team as they embark on this prestigious tournament.
The multimedia products required showcasing originality in the design, aesthetics
and branding while aligning to the college’s visual identity. The target audience comprises
Gulf College students, faculty, the football team players and coaching staff, as well as the
broader local community.
Keeping the audience profile in mind, the multimedia products needed to generate
excitement and a sense of pride for the college football team across multiple platforms.
The products also needed adaptability to be deployed across print and digital media.
To guide the design process, I thoroughly researched two recent sports team
multimedia rebranding projects, analyzing their approaches to logo, visual identity,
posters, videos and more. The comparative analysis helped identify effective strategies as
well as pitfalls to avoid.
The specific multimedia products created for Gulf College FC include:

A completely new and original logo design for the team incorporating the
college colors, year of establishment, initials and other elements. The logo can
work across mediums.

An energetic, visually striking promotional poster featuring the new logo and
football imagery. The poster was optimized for both online and print display.

A 1 minute animation video capturing the competitive, adrenaline-fueled spirit
of football through vibrant illustrations and music. This will be shared online.

A 4 page website storyboard detailing the structure, navigation and core
elements of the planned website through illustrative wireframes.

A fully functional football club website with a home page, schedule, gallery
and about us pages. The website implements consistent visual branding.
The strategic rationale and design choices behind each multimedia product will be
explained in detail in this report. Extensive evaluation was carried out by gathering
feedback from a diverse test audience to identify areas of improvement and refine the
products for maximum viewer appeal and engagement.
The project provided an opportunity to comprehensively represent the Gulf
College football brand across a wide variety of media platforms in an appealing, cohesive
manner. The skills acquired through ideating, designing, developing and validating these
products will be invaluable for future projects.
2. Review of Similar Projects
I thoroughly analyzed two recent sports team multimedia rebranding projects to
identify effective strategies and design principles to incorporate in my own work for Gulf
College FC.
Project 1: Manchester United Rebrand in 1998
In 1998, Manchester United Football Club embarked on a major rebranding by
changing their traditional logo to a more contemporary, simplified design. Some key
features of this redesign:

The new logo had a more bold, sleek design that appealed to Manchester United’s
rapidly expanding global fanbase. It modernized their image.

It strategically retained iconic elements like the club name, year founded (1878),
football image and the signature red devil while streamlining other aspects. This
maintained brand legacy.

The strong red color was preserved as it was so intrinsically associated with
Manchester United’s identity and their famous nickname “The Red Devils”.

The refresh allowed the logo to be effectively reproduced across mediums like print,
web, merchandise in a more adaptable and versatile manner compared to the intricate
old crest.

Removing intricate visual elements like the Manchester ship and previous typeface
did away with decades of brand heritage that hardcore supporters cherished.

Drastically changing such a traditional logo caused significant initial backlash among
purist Manchester United fans who felt the simplified redesign was too modern.
Project 2: Juventus Rebrand in 2017
In 2017, Italian football giants Juventus embarked on a dramatic club rebrand with a
bold new logo and visual identity. Some standout features:

The logo was streamlined to just the signature Juventus ‘J’ and iconic stripes. This
contemporary minimalism appealed to younger fans.

Vivid use of gradients, shine and reflections gave the restyled logo a 3D pop effect
that stood out in the digital age.

Bright pink and blue were introduced as secondary colors alongside Juventus’ classic
black and white. This added vibrancy.

The stripe motif was carried through into the jersey designs, graphics, merchandise
etc, taking the new brand beyond just the logo across touchpoints.

Removing all text including the club name ‘Juventus’ from the logo reduced clarity for
casual fans and diluted connection to the club’s history.

Shifting dramatically away from Juventus’ traditional crest-style logo to an abstract
graphic received criticism from fans who valued the heritage.
Key Takeaways:
These examples of logo and brand identity redesigns showcase how top football clubs
have modernized their visual brands through simplified, bold logos and expanded
identity systems.
Important takeaways include strategically maintaining heritage through iconic
elements, utilizing color effectively based on brand associations, ensuring adaptability
of the logo across mediums, and elevating designs to meet contemporary aesthetic
tastes, especially of younger fans.
However, drastic changes without regard for beloved traditional elements can damage
brand legacy and loyalty. The insights from these case studies guided my logo and
branding design process for Gulf College FC. I aimed to strike the right balance
between modernizing their visual identity while retaining connections to their
3. Multimedia Products
Logo Design
The logo design process involved extensive research into Gulf College’s brand
identity, ethos, visual aesthetics and target demographics. I explored ways to incorporate the
college colors of maroon and white elegantly within the logo for brand connect. A minimalist
flat shield shape was selected to contain the letters ‘MCFC’ clearly representing Gulf College
Football Club, the full name of the team. The integrated swoosh uses a shade of grey to add a
subtle accent color and represents forward movement and speed appropriate for a football
logo. The restrained three color palette creates a clean, professional look.
Prominently featuring the year ‘2000’ signifies Gulf College’s long legacy and
achievements since being established in 2000. The logo balances minimalism through the flat
shield shape, limited colors and absence of intricate details with bold, direct typography for
the letters M, C, F, C. This creates a memorable, contemporary image.
Careful spacing,
sizes and alignments were used to
ensure all elements are
aesthetically balanced within the
logo footprint for
maximum visual impact.
The final Gulf
reproduction at any size
College FC logo is versatile for
across mediums like digital and
print design, merchandise, uniforms and more. It modernizes the team’s visual identity while
retaining connections to the college’s heritage through strategic design choices.
Promotional Poster
The promotional poster aims to display the Gulf College football team as young,
energetic contenders ready to compete in the upcoming tournament.
Vibrant background colors of white and maroon were selected to make the poster
stand out while maintaining clarity of the key elements – the Gulf College FC logo, footballrelated imagery, and text. The visuals communicate the energy, dynamism and competitive
spirit of the game using a blurred motion background representing speed. A silhouetted
player kicking a ball reinforces the action.
The poster dimensions were optimized at 800 x 600 pixels, suitable for both online
distribution and high-resolution printing for physical posters and banners. Adobe Photoshop
and Illustrator were used to combine shapes, textures, typography and the color palette in an
aesthetically balanced, appealing manner. The poster layout effectively directs the viewer’s
eye through the focal visuals.
The Gulf College FC logo designed earlier was prominently featured on the poster,
helping reinforce the new brand identity across touchpoints. The tagline “United We Play.
United We Win.” summarizes the team spirit. Contextual text provides key tournament
details like date, venue, and opponent teams. Clean, bold typography makes this easy to read.
In keeping with the digital design brief, I ensured the poster imagery, text and
graphics showcased creativity and originality through the unique palettes, textures, shapes
and layouts. The promotional poster distills the brand identity, energy and competitive spirit
of Gulf College FC into a visually striking graphic customized for both online sharing and
mass printing to promote the team.
Animation Video
The 1-minute animation video aims to encapsulate the high-energy competitive spirit,
non-stop action and adrenaline rush of football in an entertaining, engaging way that connects
with the target youth demographic.
Simple flat 2D illustrations of the football field, a mascort,, ball and other elements
were created using Adobe Animate. The limited animation aimed to bring these visuals to life
through motion – bouncing and spinning footballs, moving players, cheering crowds and
The animated narrative progresses through various key frames vividly depicting the
drama of a football match – intense build-up, scoring chances missed, injuries, substitutions,
clock ticking down and finally Gulf College FC scoring the winning goal at the final whistle.
Upbeat energetic music that builds to a crescendo was added along with lively
ambient crowd noise. The green pitch, maroon-shirted players, college pennants waving in
the crowds were designed to establish Gulf College FC as the protagonists.
Brief intermittent text frames were inserted with tournament details like venue, date,
teams and match statistics layered over the visuals without being distracting.
The animation stays visually engaging through varying angles and perspectives zooming in on player faces, low angle crowd shots, aerial views of the pitch – while adhering
to consistent football anime aesthetics.
The Gulf College FC logo designed earlier is prominently featured at beginning and
end frames of the video, helping boost brand recognition.
The 1 minute football match animation video aimed to tap into the excitement of the
sport through dramatic visual storytelling, music, sound effects and brisk pacing tailored for
digital engagement to promote the college team.
The website storyboard was created to map out the information architecture and
design layouts for the planned Gulf College FC website before development. It visually
outlines the 4 key pages – Home, Schedule, Gallery, About Us – along with core elements like
the logo, navigation menu, page banners, body content areas and footer. Initial rough
sketches were done on paper to quickly block out basic page structures and key content
sections. This allowed rapid iteration of different layout options.
The hand-drawn wireframes were then translated into neat digital illustrations using
Adobe Illustrator. Clean lines, shapes, fonts and colors represent the different components
like navigation bars, content sections, buttons, banners etc. The storyboard shows how the
Gulf College FC logo and other branding elements will be prominently incorporated across
the website for unified visual identity. A simple, minimalist design style is maintained
The Home page contains clear spaces to highlight the logo, banner image slider,
match schedule block and other dynamic content. The About Us page has placeholder text
and image blocks. The Schedule and Gallery pages showcase structured layouts for
displaying the match details in a table and the photo galleries in a grid respectively. The
footer visualizes social media links. The website storyboard acted as an important blueprint
guiding the development of the actual Gulf College FC website by mapping out the
information architecture, navigation and look-and-feel to maintain consistency across
Team Website
The Gulf College Football Club website was built on the WordPress platform for an
optimal user experience across devices. Careful planning and design considerations went into
developing an impactful website that represented the college team. The striking home page
utilizes the Gulf College FC logo designed earlier alongside the poster visuals and color
scheme of maroon, white and grey to create an impactful first impression.
The logo is implemented clearly in the header beside the navigation menu for uniform
branding across all pages. A banner image slider rotates through the poster, players in action
and stadium shots. The Home page highlights upcoming matches prominently and has a
clean, uncluttered look with negative space to let the brand visuals shine. The core pages
linked are About, Schedule, Gallery and Contact.
The Schedule page was designed responsively using a plugin to showcase upcoming
matches in an organized table format displaying key details like opponent team names, match
dates, times, venue and results in a compact yet easy to scan manner. The Gallery page
effectively highlights photos of the Gulf College FC facilities, players in training and match
action using a grid layout. The images have captions for context.
The About Us page has engaging sections that provide comprehensive information on
the team’s history, accomplishments, coaching staff profiles with qualifications and player
bios to build a connection. The website copy uses a friendly, energetic tone tailored to the
youth target demographic while maintaining a professional team voice. All text is optimized
for online readability.
Social media links on the bottom footer provide easy access to the team’s Facebook,
Twitter and Instagram profiles helping drive engagement, traffic and awareness. A clean,
minimalist style with plenty of white space allows the branded visuals, content sections and
actions to stand out and enhances scannability on both desktop and mobile.
4. Evaluation
To refine the multimedia products, extensive evaluation was carried out by having a
diverse test audience of 50 users from the target demographic review the Gulf College FC
website, videos and logo designs.
The testers were first provided an overview of the football tournament context and the
college team’s multimedia branding goals. They were then asked to browse through the
website, view the videos and provide feedback. A comprehensive user experience
questionnaire was designed and provided to the testers to gather insights across 25+
parameters on:

Visual appeal of the logo, poster, website, animation in terms of colors, layout,
illustrations, typography, aesthetics

Effectiveness of the elements in representing Gulf College FC as a professional,
competitive football team

Ease of navigation and finding information on the website across pages

Relevance, clarity and usefulness of information on schedules, player profiles,
coaching staff etc

Identifying areas needing improvement or additional information
One-on-one interviews were also conducted with select users to gather more
qualitative insights on their overall experience.
Key questionnaire feedback highlights:

75% found the website visually polished, attractive and representative of a college
football team.

70% thought the logo was creative and contemporary but only 60% could clearly
identify it as specifically belonging to Gulf College FC.

85% said the promotional poster effectively conveyed the energetic, competitive spirit
of football through its graphics.

95% found the website simple to navigate with intuitive IA allowing them to easily
find what they needed.

60% wanted more detailed information on individual player strengths and coaching
staff qualifications.
Key recommendations that emerged:

Update logo with “Gulf College FC” text below it for clarity.

Expand About Us page with more profiles on background and achievements of
individual team members and staff.

Add more diverse training and match photos to Gallery showcasing star players in

Create a Videos page showcasing animations, interviews etc.
Specific changes were implemented across the multimedia products based on the
extensive evaluation feedback to improve the information quality, visual storytelling and
brand linkage by tailoring the products better to the target audience needs and
preferences.The logo was updated by adding “Gulf College FC” text below the icon to clearly
identify it with the college team.
The About Us page on the website was significantly expanded with detailed profiles
on each player and coaching staff member’s background, achievements, awards, and career
highlights to provide deeper engagement. The image Gallery section was diversified with
over 20 new photos spotlighting star players in training and match action to showcase the
team’s talents.
A new Videos page was added to the site featuring the animated football match video
along with coach interviews, training bloopers and other engaging video content for fans.
Small tweaks to the website navigation, schedules layout, poster text and other elements were
made to enhance the user experience and information hierarchy based on the feedback.
These changes implemented after the extensive evaluation process helped refine the
multimedia products to effectively promote the Gulf College FC brand story, energize fans
and boost tournament engagement through data-driven improvements..
5. Conclusion
This comprehensive project encompassed the end-to-end process of strategizing,
designing, developing and refining a diverse range of multimedia products including a logo,
poster, animation video, website storyboard and fully functional team website with multiple
pages. The overarching goal was to effectively promote the Gulf College football team as
they embark on a high-profile inter-college tournament through appealing and creative visual
communication tailored for the target demographic.
Extensive research into best practices for sports branding and case studies of
impactful redesigns provided key insights on logo, visual identity, colors, adaptability,
heritage and other strategic elements to incorporate.
The Gulf College FC logo, poster, animation and website were then created from
scratch, ensuring each product showcased originality and creativity in the graphics, textures,
typography and layouts based on the digital design brief. The website storyboard mapped out
the information architecture and wireframes to align the planning and development stages.
The final interactive website pulled together the branding and multimedia content.
Getting constructive user feedback through questionnaires and interviews was
invaluable for understanding audience preferences. Specific improvements were implemented
to refine the products by tailoring them better to the target audience.
The final set of polished multimedia deliverables for Gulf College FC successfully
highlight the team as serious contenders, energize students and the community and boost
tournament engagement through integrated visual storytelling and online platforms.
This enriching comprehensive project sharpened multimedia skills like design
principles, animation, UX, visual identity, prototyping, user testing and continuously
improving products based on data insights. The opportunity to completely manage the
multimedia production cycle – from strategic conceptualizing to creative ideation to
development and refinement based on user validation – will prove invaluable for future
professional projects.
6. References
The evolution of the Manchester United crest. (n.d.). Retrieved November 6, 2023, from
Module Code
Module Title
Module Credits
Multimedia & Interaction
Academic Year and Semester
Examination Board
Level & Block
2023-24, 1st Semester
January 2024
Method of Assessment
Module Leader
Module Leader email
Indu Govinda Pillai
[email protected]
Additional Information (if any)
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ASSESSMENT DETAILS …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3
SUBMISSION DETAILS……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 8
ASSESSMENT CRITERIA………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 8
FURTHER INFORMATION …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 15
Who can answer questions about my assessment? ………………………………………………… 15
Referencing and independent learning (Not applicable for Examination) …………………… 15
Technical submission problems (Not applicable for Examination) …………………………….. 15
Mitigating circumstances …………………………………………………………………………………… 15
Unfair academic practice …………………………………………………………………………………… 15
How is my work graded? …………………………………………………………………………………… 16
IV FORMS ……………………………………………………………………………… Error! Bookmark not defined.
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Assessment Details
Assessment title
Pass marks for undergraduate work is 40%, unless stated otherwise.
Task/assessment brief:
1. Aim
To produce a multimedia product of professional quality for a Business Client.
In the process you will:

Research and implement the multimedia production cycle.
Analyze their requirements, and write a specification of selected products.
Research and explain similar products in terms of advantages and disadvantages concerning your
Mention the audience of your product.
Capture/digitize and edit the different media to a professional standard and assemble the media into
multimedia products using multimedia software.
Test your product.
Write a reflective report which incorporates the above steps.
2. Coursework Description
The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Youth (MCSY) provides a healthy and recreational environment for the
Olympic Sports players. It regularly organises Olympic events for undergraduate students at different
For the currently organised event, each participating College’s board decided to appoint a number of new digital
designers. To assess their potential, each of the new designers has been given the task of creating 8 design
portfolios related to each College team.
Consider yourself as one of the new designers. Select one of the Colleges and produce the following items for
your Report:
TASK 1: Logo/emblem/crest
You are required to create a brand new logo for the selected team which participated in the event. You need
to do the following:
 List down the general rules in designing the logo for any company or team.
 Research the existing logo to establish what has been created in the past.
 Produce 2 designs for the emblem/logo/ crest. You can hand draw these first if you wish before
implementing them.
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For each of your design concepts, ensure that the logo appears aesthetically well-designed, that it is clear
graphically, and has a strong and evident relationship to the selected team.
As much as possible and throughout, you will need to show originality in your design work.
To support the created design concepts, you need to write a 250-word backup design rationale.
You should use this designed logo in all other tasks.
This designed logo should be a part of a web application which will be designed in the other task.
Do the critical evaluation and review of created media elements and applications in this task in relation
to their aesthetic and functional qualities.
TASK 2: Poster Design
To begin with, you are required to research existing sports-based posters relevant to your study as a piece of
evidence and then carry out the following:
 Create a new original poster to promote the selected team. The poster must be different from any
existing ones.
 Your poster needs to carefully consider typography, visual layout, graphics design and usage, and
photograph inclusion/adoption to make a good aesthetic design.
 Poster size should be 800 x 600 Pixels and must contain the logo that you have designed for the task1.
 The colour of the poster should be matched with the colour combination of selected College.
 As much as possible and throughout you will need to show originality in your design work.
 It is up to you if you do preliminary rough draft designs on paper, but you must note your final submission
needs to be created in applications such as InDesign, Illustrator, and Photoshop.
 To support the created poster, you need to write a 250-word backup design rationale.
 These posters should be a part of a web application which will be designed in the other task.
 Do the critical evaluation and review of created media elements and applications in this task in relation
to their aesthetic and functional qualities.
TASK 3: 2D Animation or Video
For this task, you are required to create a one minutes of 2D animation or video using any animation or video
editor. You need to do the following:
 Create an animation or video that shows the summary or theme of the event or a good scene of your
selected team. It includes any relevant background, stage props, additional characters that enhance the
 Ensure that you show originality in all your animation work.
 To support your created design, you need to write 250 words of backup design rationale.
 Do the critical evaluation and review created media elements and applications in this task in relation to
their aesthetic and functional qualities.
Page 4 of 17
TASK 4: Storyboard
You need to complete the following.
 Design a storyboard of a website including four pages as Home, Schedule or fixtures Table, Training
Ground Gallery, and about us, detailed in task 4.
 The storyboard should be clear, interesting, and traceable. The steps should be evident.
 Ensure that you show originality in all your designs.
 It is up to you if you do preliminary rough draft designs on paper, but you must note your final submission
needs to be created in applications such as InDesign, Illustrator, and Photoshop or any other drawing
 To support your created design, you need to write 250 words of backup design rationale.
 Do the critical evaluation and review created media elements and applications in this task in relation to
their aesthetic and functional qualities.
TASK 5: Web Page Design
For this design task, you should create a wedsite by using any web page support editor. You need to complete
the following. To support the work you have created, you need to write 250 words of backup design rationale.
Do the critical evaluation and review created media elements and applications in this task in relation to their
aesthetic and functional qualities.
Home Page
 Create a web-based home page to promote the team in the event.
 Home page must be created for the selected team and have link with other pages mentioned in the task
 Use the designed posters to be represented as slider in the home page.
Schedule or fixtures Table
 Create at least 4 different matches of the event for your selected team that will be playing in the event.
 This schedule consists of the opponent team, day, time and venue of the matches.
 It also shows the name of the squad, those who are participating in the event.
 You should design a responsive page layout for all the devices.
 Your final submission needs to be created as a web page.
Training Ground Gallery
You need to complete the following:
 Carry out research into existing photo galleries, photography principles and the quality of the
photographs professional sites use.
 Create a minimum of five original photographs that relate to your selected team’s training ground.
 Edit these 5 photographs so they are of professional quality. Apply different editing on each photograph.
Show the original and edited photographs.
 Ensure that you show originality in all your work.
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TASK 6: Presentation

Each presentation must be 10 minutes in length only.

Once your product is final, show it to your tutor and get the feedback of your product and improve
your product based on the feedback given by the tutor.
After the development and submission of the above design, submit and present a reflection report
outlining the methods you used in your production. The report structure is given at the rest of this
coursework paper.
Upload your report to Turnitin and submit the graphics folder to the link provide by your tutor.
Any citations and references should be done using the Harvard Style of Referencing.
The quality of your work will be carefully assessed (Please see marking scheme and marking criteria)
3. Some points about Graphics Implementation
You should design/collect the images/videos/logos to support the building of your product and then to combine
all those graphics and other interactive screens to produce a meaningful required final product. Here are some
points about graphics Implementation:
 Collection of still images /videos /interactive product material
 Use of your own taken images gets more marks
 Create some composite images (collages or other) that make use of layers in Photoshop
 Imaginative use of filters, feather selections, and other Photoshop edits
 Combining images /videos /interactive screens to produce the final product.
 Animation of text and