make a social media post


Create a social-media-style post advocating for a social justice issue that you are passionate about and that aligns with your professional identity. You may use Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, or another technology (such as, a free infographic app) to create your post. Your post should include a combination of text (no more than a few sentences) and visual elements that communicate the importance/urgency of your issue. You may also wish to include a link to a website that provides more detailed information about the issue.Attached below is my professional identity statement

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make a social media post
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La’Naija McDaniel
Dr. Carroll
Advanced Human Services Professional Practitioners
31 December 2023
Journal 3
In exploring various advanced human services professional practitioner roles, I find myself
drawn to the role of a clinical social worker. The profound impact they can have on individuals’
mental well-being and their ability to navigate complex life challenges resonates with me. The
holistic approach, incorporating both individual and systemic perspectives, aligns with my values
of fostering comprehensive well-being.
Considering this, my professional identity statement would emphasize a commitment to
promoting mental health and societal well-being through a clinical social work lens. I would
underscore my dedication to addressing diverse and complex challenges individuals face while
integrating systemic perspectives to create meaningful change. This refined statement reflects my
evolving understanding of the dynamic roles within the human services field, specifically
highlighting my passion for clinical social work.

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