make a mindmap


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make a mindmap
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Assignment Grade Breakdown
Date Assigned
Due Date
Mind Map
34% of Final Grade
Mind Map (75%); Reflection/Description (25%)
January 8th, 2024
March 26th, 2024 @ 4:00pm EST
The most important thing you can walk away with in this course is a greater appreciation of the
interactivity of various disciplines towards finding solutions to issues of sustainability. While I am
sure you have made mind maps before (and it isn’t an issue if you haven’t!), you will get the
opportunity to do so in this course as they are ideal for gaining insight on complex subjects through
the consolidation of information from multiple sources. It is also an interesting way to present
information that goes beyond the common written paper. In a situation such as this, where you have
multiple lectures that connect around a theme but not necessarily to each other, a mind maps can help
relate the information by forcing organization, as well as allowing freedom and creativity. In theory,
the creation of a visual image form discrete topics will make information more meaningful and allow
for deep learning to occur.
What Is a Mind Map?
There are hundreds of resources available to explain what a mind map is. Instead of reinventing the
wheel I thought the following description from the Mind Mapping website would work best (further
examples at the end of this document):
A Mind Map is an easy way to brainstorm thoughts organically without worrying about order and
structure. It allows you to visually structure your ideas to help with analysis and recall.
A Mind Map is a diagram for representing tasks, words, concepts, or items linked to and arranged
around a central concept or subject using a non-linear graphical layout that allows the user to build
an intuitive framework around a central concept. A Mind Map can turn a long list of monotonous
information into a colorful, memorable, and highly organized diagram that works in line with your
brain’s natural way of doing things.
Your Tasks
You will have two deliverables for this assignment:
1. You need to construct a mind map! One of the keys to a mind map is your central theme that
you are mapping to. For this assignment, it needs to be sustainability based (it could be
simply ‘Sustainability’ or something like ‘Improving Sustainability’) this is up to you. What
you also must do it include ideas from all the lectures. This will be tricky so don’t leave it to
the last minute.
2. You also need to include a 900-word description of the Mind Map. This is not meant to be a
description of every line and connection, it is a general discussion of how you went about
pulling these discrete ideas together. Briefly explain a few connections that you made within
the Mind Map that you never would have thought of before this course began.
How Do I Hand This In?
Mind Maps can be made digitally or by hand. There are many free software options but also
PowerPoint, drawing programs available in the Lyons New Media Centre. If you create it digitally
you can hand it in the Avenue Assignment Box. If you create it physically (and this is 100% fine,
who doesn’t love markers!?!?!?) you can take a photo of it.
Assignment Grade Breakdown
Mind Map Weight: 75%
Reflection/Description of Mind Map: 25%
If you are comfortable with me sharing your mind map with the larger instructional team that pulled
this course together, please make a note when you hand it in. I know those that contributed are
interested in the connections you make.
Assignment Rubric

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