M5: Overview and Learning Materials


Module 5 – Structuring your Applied Research Project Report, Opening, Concluding and Editing

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In this module, we will continue to develop a high-quality research report worthy of publication. The key activity in this module will be to make sure we have a well-structured applied research project report with a strong opening and concluding sections. We will be editing the paper to check for typos, lack of clarity, etc. In tune with the characteristics of action research, you will fully engage with the GLE learning community.

Workshopping your Culminating Paper: Paper 3

As mentioned in the introduction to the course, GLE593 is designed as a workshop to help you finish your Culminating Paper, which is a well-crafted report of your applied research project. Each workshop is designed so that you progressively complete your culminating paper.

The third workshop activity is for you to read carefully the second part of your Applied Project Proposal from GLE 506. Note that the text of your proposal will become the main text of your final report. To develop a good report, you will need to consider what needs revision after the final feedback you received from the instructors in GLE 506, your reflections and experiences during your data collection and analysis, and the affordances and limitations you encountered in the field. You will do this work as part of Paper 3.


This module addresses the following objectives:

General Objectives
Help you to revise your proposal text to develop a high-quality research report with a focus on the abstract and the style of a selected journal.
Work in groups to support work during the term.
Learning Objectives
Students will reflect and prepare a applied research project report emerging from their experience in implementing an action research project that reflects a global problem in their local context.
Students will continue to aply skills in specific research methods.
Report and communicate results to the appropriate audience.
Acquire and demonstrate skills in collaborative activities.
The following list of readings can also be found in BryteWave Course Materials in the Course Navigation Menu.To advance on report writing we will be using the book by Belcher.
Chapter 9 – Strengthening your structure, p. 256-279. (week 9): This is an important chapter. It will help you strengthen the structure of your applied research project report following the type of paper you are creating.Chapter 10 – Opening and concluding your article, p. 280-307. (week 10): This is an important chapter. It will help you reflect on how well you are opening and closing your applied research project report.CitationBelcher, W.L. (2019). Writing Your Journal Article in Twelve Weeks: A Guide to Academic Publishing SuccessLinks to an external site., Second Edition. Chicago Guides to Writing, Editing, and Publishing.

Go back to this website to review the guidelines for the journal and to read how actual journal articles describe the analysis of their evidence and present their evidence.

The journal-style we have chosen is Elsevier and specifically Teaching and Teacher Education: https://www.elsevier.com/journals/teaching-and-teacher-education/0742-051X?generatepdf=trueLinks to an external site.

While the entire document is relevant, pay particular attention to pages 7-12 beginning with Preparation in p. 7.

Examples of open access articles for your perusal can be found here:

https://www.journals.elsevier.com/teaching-and-teacher-education/open-access-articlesLinks to an external site.


This is the first full draft of the second half of the culminating paper or applied research project report. You will use this text once edited as per the instructor feedback to submit when the culminating paper is due at the end of the course. Each paper 2 and 3 will complete all the sections of the culminating paper.

To ensure success in the 2 progressive papers and the culminating paper for this course you will need to use the ‘template’ below. Papers that do not follow the template will be given a failing grade with no option to resubmit.


The purpose of Paper 3 is for you to produce the first full draft of the second half of the culminating paper.


For paper 3 your list in Paper 1 under the column “what needs to change? / my suggested changes” now become your “checklist of needed changes.” Using as a guide the list of needed changes, and guided by the course readings proceed to work on each section according to your due date so that you can progress at a steady pace and turn in a nice product by the due date. Important note: All papers without exceptions must be submitted in word so that I can provide comments in an easy and efficient manner.

PAPER 3Links to an external site.

Proposal/Culminating Paper Sections


Applied research project report

My checklist of needed changes:

My Due Date

7. Design – Methods and procedures

7.1. Sampling

7.2 Instrumentation

7.3. Data collection

7.4. Data analysis

7.5. Results

8. Protection of human rights

9. Discussion and Conclusion

9.1. Significance of the study within a global context

9.2. Limitations and delimitations

10. References (APA 7th Edition)


The fully revised sections 7-10 plus Appendixes (if any) will need to be submitted as Paper 3 by the due date. Note that this constitutes the second half of your culminating paper.


This assignment will be reviewed by the instructional team using the following Papers 2 and 3 Rubric Links to an external site.


Papers 2 and 3 Rubric

Papers 2 and 3 Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent

100 to >84.0 pts


Complete according to guidelines and thoughtful explanation. Strong organization and structure. Vivid supporting details. Clearly demonstrates in-depth understanding. It is clear that extensive time was spent exploring given resources.

84 to >74.0 pts


Some elements are included and some explanation is presented, but the writing lacks sufficient depth. Some evidence of organization and structure. Few supporting details included. Demonstrates basic understanding. It is clear that some time was spent but additional time with resources was needed.

74 to >0 pts


Insufficient explanation and depth. Lacks detail and supporting evidence. Inadequate or confusing organization and structure. No supporting details are included. Demonstrates a lack of understanding of the topic. It is clear that little to no time was spent exploring given resources.

100 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQuality of Analysis

100 to >84.0 pts


The paper includes a detailed examination of the elements or structure of the concepts that are the focus of the paper and of the likely impact on systems at the macro level of systems/policies, meso level of institutions, and at the micro-level of individuals.

84 to >74.0 pts


Some analysis is included for some but not all of elements/concepts or possible impact at the macro, meso and micro levels.

74 to >0 pts


Little to no analysis is included for elements/concepts or possible impact at the macro, meso and micro levels.

100 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMechanics

100 to >84.0 pts


The paper is written in complete sentences. Includes a clear beginning, middle, and end. All grammar, usage, punctuation, and spelling are correct. The paper is easy to follow; all details and examples are vivid and relevant to the topic. Includes rich vocabulary and effective, frequent use of transitions.

84 to >74.0 pts


The paper includes some complete sentences. Some evidence of a beginning, middle, and end. Some grammar, usage, punctuation, or spelling errors. The paper is somewhat difficult to follow. Includes some relevant details and examples. Limited use of vocabulary and transitions.

74 to >0 pts


The paper is not written in complete sentences. Does not include a beginning, middle, or end. Frequent grammar, usage, punctuation, or spelling errors that make writing difficult to read. The paper is difficult to follow. Does not include relevant details or examples. Weak vocabulary and no use of transitions.

100 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFormat

100 to >84.0 pts


All formatting guidelines have been followed.

84 to >74.0 pts


Some evidence of adherence to formatting guidelines.

74 to >0 pts


No evidence of adherence to formatting guidelines.

100 pts

Total Points: 400

M5: Paper 3: Workshop 4

Workshop 4Links to an external site.