Looking for the assistance of an individual expert in MCDM for a research task


I am looking for an expert in MCDM (Multiple criteria decision-making) for a research task that needs to be done .

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Looking for the assistance of an individual expert in MCDM for a research task
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I have a study on developing an adaptive e-learning system for education purpose
that provides personalised recommendations based on a student’s VARK learning
style preferences. The goal of this is a web-based platform that enhance learning by
prioritising educational content matched to each learner’s favourable learning style,
whether its visual, auditory, reading/writing, or kinesthetics and the result can be
ranked to the student by using MCDM technique that uses methods such as TOPSIS. I
want you to guide me through this process and how can I implement topsis or other
methods for the VARK questionnaire to get accurate ranked result when the student
finishing the VARK questionnaire. Also, keep in mind that this questionnaire is equestionnaire on the system that student needs to login to start doing it. The first
thing that I want to do apply this MCDM to the VARK in novel approach, after that I’ll
apply the same technique to recommend materials aligned with favourable learning
style after the student doing pre-test to find the knowledge gap and time spent on
each question of pre-test.
While I have created an initial framework for the system architecture, I am seeking
guidance on how to functional the a multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM)
approach. Specifically, I need to determine how to effectively integrate techniques
such as TOPSIS for example for generating the content suggestions tailored to VARK
styles and learner knowledge gaps.
My first stage is to produce a detailed technical section with initial algorithms
(sample equations), flowcharts to clarify the idea and explanations outlining a novel
way to build this MCDM recommendation model for both VARK Questionnaire and
recommender engine.

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