
Briefly summarize the plot in a few well-planned sentences (no more than one paragraph should be devoted to the plot of the play.)Determine the central image/concept of the production (this will be your thesis) and explain how the director used dramatic elements successfully or unsuccessfully to expli­cate the image or concept. What seemed to be the central issue? How did the director work to clarify that issue during specific moments of the play? Make sure to acting and characters (discussing individual performances), note how lights, sound (pay attention to “mood” music such as underscoring and pre or post show music selections), costume (you can detail why specific costumes were chosen and whether they were appropriate to the character), set (describe the mood, colors, textures and social environment of the set) helped define the characters and their environment. This section should be the “heart” of your paper.Describe specific characters, actors, or moments of the production that you particularly liked and the moments you didn’t like—support your opinion with specific examples.Define how the production impacted you (if it did) and discuss what you think the intended impact of the play was supposed to have been. i.e. why do you think this play was done at Rowan– do you think the intent of the production came across?

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