Listening Journal Chapter 1c


We often use terms such as “folk,” “classical,” and “popular” to describe and classify many types of music. Sometimes it is easy to categorize a type of music as one of these (or other) terms, but sometimes the lines between these terms can be a bit blurry.This video is an example of a Drum and Bugle Corps performance (from Carolina Crown). Drum corps like this one are made up of non-professional musicians who rehearse together in a very disciplined manner, resulting in complicated routines for competitions. They play many types of music from classical to popular. Would you classify drum corps as folk, popular, or classical?Briefly explain your choice. What do you notice about the timbres (instrument sound) in the performance?What do you notice about the rhythms? (e.g., are the rhythms steady or free form, does the tempo (speed of the beat) change or stay the same)

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