listen to and describe podcast


The summary should be between 400 and 500 words (1-1.5 pages, 1.5 spaced, Times New Roman) and should include the main points you hear in this podcast. Please include:

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listen to and describe podcast
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1) Three key points;

2) Something that is a novelty for you;

3) The short, take-home message;

3) Your personal take on this podcast.

Radiolab summary:

“Six years ago, a new infection began popping up in four different hospitals on three different continents, all around the same time. It wasn’t a bacteria or a virus. It was … a killer fungus. No one knew where it came from, or why. Today, the story of an ancient showdown between fungus and mammals that started when dinosaurs disappeared from the earth. Back then, the battle swung in our favor (spoiler alert!) and we’ve been hanging onto that win ever since. But one scientist suggests that the rise of this new infectious fungus indicates our edge is slipping, degree by increasing degree.”