Linda 204 letter to an official ( fix my rough draft according to teacher feedback and a 50 word’s reflection)


Final Draft for Project

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Linda 204 letter to an official ( fix my rough draft according to teacher feedback and a 50 word’s reflection)
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You can work on your final draft once you…

Submit your rough draft.
Complete your peer responses.
Review the comments left by your peers and DP regarding your letter.
Don’t forget to include a reflection

Finally, you will write a brief (50-150 words), open-ended reflection of the project. Here are some ideas for what you can talk about:

Something new that you learned about the topic that you wrote about
Overall impression of the letter writing process (Was it easy, difficult, manageable?)
Something else that you would like to mention

You can include this after the letter or you can submit it separately.

*****my rough draft :

November 3rd, 2023

Steve BennettLinks to an external site.

Oxnard Legislator Representative

Subject: Inclusion of mental health education in middle schools and high schools that have an existing health education course

Mr. Steve BennettLinks to an external site.,

I hope this letter finds you well. As a concerned citizen and a resident in your district, I write this letter to bring attention to an important issue that requires urgent intervention, which is the inclusion of mental health education in middle and high schools that have existing health education programs.

The mental health issue has become a prevalent issue affecting individuals from all age groups but mainly affecting young adults in large numbers. According to Oxnard statistics, mental health concerns among teenager and adolescents is on the rise which has resulted in poor academic performance, their well-being, and the overall quality of their life. Addressing the prevailing issue of mental health in our learning institutions will equip students with the right knowledge on how to approach and handle mental health issues.

Despite health education programs being part of the learning curriculum, the inclusion of mental health education is usually limited or even absent in some schools. Hence I urge you to consider advocating for policies and initiatives that support the inclusion of mental health education into the already existing curriculums. This will play a great role in creating a compassionate society that promotes mental health discussions, reduces the stigmatization of mental health victims, and encourages seeking out help where needed. We appreciate your past efforts in advocating for policies that support and better our community at large.

Thank you for taking the time to read this message on this critical issue. I would greatly appreciate any action, support, or intervention you can provide in advocating for the inclusion of mental health in our learning curriculums.

Sincerely Taysir Isho

**** attached is the teachers feedback******