Lib 101: Discussion


Identify two major religions or belief systems addressed in the readings this week that you would like to examine further.
Identify the society or societies where the belief systems were followed.
Identify the key elements of the two belief systems.
How were these beliefs integral to the society?
How did societies, groups, or individuals express or demonstrate their spiritual or ethical beliefs?
What was the impact of revelation- versus enlightenment-based beliefs?
Discuss how spiritual or ethical beliefs in two major belief systems impacted one of the following areas:
Aesthetic and intellectual achievements in the realm of art, architecture, philosophy, theology, literature, sciences, or music.
How does belief shape such works?
How do such works impact belief?
For what purposes are such works created?
What ideals are expressed in such works?
Government or system of rule
What is the relationship between spiritual or ethical beliefs and systems of rule?
Are ideals of rule associated with spiritual or ethical beliefs?
Do spiritual or ethical beliefs shape legal systems or laws? How is justice conceived?
Gender roles
What spiritual or ethical ideals shape family relationships? Between parents? Parents and children? Siblings? Ancestors? Larger kinship networks?
What spiritual or ethical ideals shape ideas about what is considered appropriate or inappropriate sexuality?
How are spiritual or ethical ideals experienced by men versus women?
War and peace
What position do different spiritual or ethical systems take on war?
How do different spiritual or ethical systems justify war?
How do different spiritual or ethical systems address tolerance or intolerance of other belief systems?
Socioeconomic systems
How does spiritual or ethical belief shape ideas about poverty and charity?
How does spiritual or ethical belief uphold or challenge social hierarchy?
How do spiritual or ethical beliefs contrast material versus spiritual well-being?
How do spiritual or ethical beliefs impact ideas about personal responsibility to the larger community?

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