LEI 4705 – Program Planning in RT


The purpose of this assignment is to introduce the specific program plan (SPP) for program develop and to develop skills needed to conceptualize and write a specific program plan for RT service. The SPP should be based off one of the programs introduced in the CPP.

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Specific Program Plan – Part I
LEI 4705 – Program Planning in RT
The purpose of this assignment is to introduce the specific program plan (SPP) for program develop and to
develop skills needed to conceptualize and write a specific program plan for RT service. The SPP should be
based off one of the programs introduced in the CPP.
SPP – PART I (25 points)
The Program Plan: Include the following sections:
1. Program Name and Statement of Purpose (1 point)
2. Outcomes, Goals & Objectives (TPO’s, EO’s, and PM’s) (15 points)
• Write 3 Outcomes for your specific program (1.5 points)
• For each Outcome, develop 3 Client Goals (EOs) that can demonstrate each
Outcome – see pg. 314 and pg. 349 for appropriate format (4.5 points)
o You will have a total of NINE client goals (3 for each outcome)
• For each Client Goal, write at least one Client Objective (PMs) that
demonstrates each Goal – use chart on pg. 126 to format. (9 points)
You will have a total of NINE client objectives (1 for each goal)
Each objective should have a clearly defined Condition, Behavior and Criteria
3. Content and Process Descriptions (9 points)
• Choose any THREE of your Client Goal,s and develop a corresponding content
and process description for an individual treatment session. (You will submit
a completed CPD for each of the three sessions)
• Each CPD should be in a table format (see pg. 135). If you use any
worksheets, video links, photos, diagrams, etc. that accompany the session,
include those as appendices.
The completed program should include the following:
 Title Page
 Table of Contents
 Appendices (if applicable)
 Reference list

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