Learning Plan


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Social Work – Field Education
Learning Plan & Assessment Report
Student Name:
Course (delete one)
Field Education 1
Agency Name
Name of program
Address of Agency/Program
Field Educator (Qualified SW):
Task Supervisor (if any):
University Liaison Social Worker:
Placement Dates and Details
Proposed finish date#
Start date
Days of placement
☐ Mon
☐ Tues
☐ Wed
☐ Thurs
☐ Fri
# Students must update the Field Liaison staff and Field Experience office of any changes to the placement finish date
Proposed Liaison Meeting Dates
Contact visit
Date /time
1st Liaison contact
week beginning after day 15 of
placement beginning
Type of visit *
Learning Plan tasks
☐ Face to face
☐ Telephone
☐ Skype
Initial draft of learning for review
2nd Liaison visit
week beginning after day 35 of
placement beginning
☐ Face to face,
☐ Telephone
☐ Skype
Mid placement review and report
3rd Liaison visit
2 weeks before the completion
date (day 60+)
☐ Face to face,
☐ Telephone
☐ Skype
Final placement review and final report
ready for submission
* One of these visits must be face to face
At the beginning of placement students need to email their field liaison supervisor with proposed times for their initial meeting and
also tentatively book time for mid and final placement liaison which must be confirmed at least two weeks in advance.
Description of Organisation or Program Focus
Summary of Student’s Learning Goals for this Placement
Summary of key placements tasks/activities to enable the student to meet their learning goals
Summary of mechanisms for critical reflection and supervision that will support reflective practice and
learning (e.g. formal supervision; peer/group supervision; practice forums etc) .
Overview of use of Learning Plan & Assessment Report
• This document has been developed by the Combined Schools of Social Work in , and has been standardised across all
Universities based on the ASWEAS guidelines developed by the AASW. The Learning Areas and the broad learning goals will
be the same for each student no matter which school of social work they are from.
• Students should, together with their Field Educator, develop a Learning Plan that identifies tasks and ways to measure
performance against each of the 9 broad learning areas.
• The Learning Plan is a working document and students and Field Educators should refer to it throughout placement to
assess progress and identify any additional learning needs.
• A draft of this plan should be developed by day 10-15 and made available to the liaison person at least 3 days prior to their
first visit.
• The mid-placement review identifies progress and/or areas in need of improvement/greater focus for second half of
A rating scale that identifies level of achievement against each of the 9 core learning areas is to be used to assist students and field
educators to assess the level of the student’s performance. This scale is designed for the purpose of indicating minimum standards
expected for field education 1 and 2. It is holistic in nature, providing a broad rating against each of the core learning areas.
The assessment process will include contributions from all parties involved in the placement and is carried out in an equitable and
collaborative manner. The final decision about whether the student has achieved the identified learning goals and performance
outcomes and has passed the field education subject is made by the University after consideration of material submitted by all
To pass field education 1 (first placement), students must reach a level of beginning capability (2) for all 9 areas by the end of the
To pass field education 2 (final placement) students must reach a level of capability (3) across all 9 areas by the end of the
Not capable
Performance not at basic level expected. Poor understanding of requirements. Practice
unsafe or inappropriate. Knowledge or skills undeveloped. Little application to learning.
Some capability
Working towards a basic capability, more needed.
Beginning capability
Performance at beginning level expected. Requirements understood. Practice capable under
close guidance and supervision. Limited adaptability.
Performance at level expected of newly qualifying practitioner. Requirements integrated into
practice. Can perform independently. Demonstrates adaptability and critical appreciation of
own/others’ practice.
Highly capable
Performance beyond level expected of newly qualifying practitioner. High levels of
independence. Engages strongly in critical reflexivity. Exhibits ethical fluency. Generates
new understandings or practices.
Unable to Be Assessed
The work has either not been undertaken, or the supervisor has not had an opportunity to
assess competence in this level
[mid-placement only]
Please submit your Learning and Assessment Report using the following naming convention for the file name in scan pdf
document. Each document must be signed by both student and agency supervisor
Surname first name MSW(Q) LAR MID date.pdf OR
Surname first name MSW(Q) LAR FINAL date.pdf
Guide for Developing Learning Goals
In each learning area you should have three tasks per learning area coving three goals. You should discuss this with your
field educator.
In each learning area there is an overall description of the learning area and a list of the goals for this area. In this plan
students and supervisors need to operationalise the goals into practical tasks that can be assessed on completion.
Learning Task
When doing the Task section do not copy the goal from the table above. It should be a description of what you are going to do to
achieve the goals listed above. These will be specific to the work you will be doing in the agency.
Use SMARTA tasks
Time limited
Evidence of Learning
The final column is about what will be the evidence of the task when it is completed. This is to enable your supervisor and field
liaison staff person to be able to assess your achievement of the goal and task. In the reviews of placement your field liaison staff
person should be able to see evidence of completion of this task and your learning.
Learning area 7 – Assessment and Intervention Skills
7. 2 Demonstrates the use of a range of specific social work intervention and referral methods collaboratively and appropriately to
the area of practice through:

the ability to develop intervention plans that outline collaborative goals, planned outcomes, and mechanisms of
Please document the learning tasks you will undertake and in the second column, outline how you will demonstrate to your field
educator that you have achieved the required learning in each of these tasks (minimum of three learning tasks).
Learning Task
Evidence of Learning
(what you will do) SMARTA
How and when will you demonstrate your knowledge/skill?

Participate in planning meeting with client,
develops person centered goals and writes up a
care plan.

Written care plan is completed on file that reflects person
centered goals and outlines outcomes

Review of care plan with client to track outcomes
and develop modified plan
Care plan review is completed, case notes on file notes the
outcomes and adjusts the care plan as needed

Sample of work may be presented (with confidential details
Please remove any additional blank lines and pages when submitting your learning plan. You need to pay attention to formatting to
ensure the learning plan is presented in a professional format.
When reporting progress for the mid and final placement reviews use the space given in each box for guidelines of length and
depths needed.
Learning Area 1 – Values and Ethics
Awareness of contextually relevant ethics in accordance with the AASW Code of Ethics.
Demonstrates that the values of social work are integral to their practice, upholds ethical responsibilities and acts appropriately
when faced with ethical problems, issues and dilemmas.
Practices in accordance with the AASW Code of Ethics (2010), including commitment to core social work values of respect
for persons, social justice and professional integrity
Critically reflects on and examines personal and professional ethics and values that influence practice
Identifies ethical dilemmas and seeks supervision/consultation in accordance with the ethical responsibilities outlined in the
Identifies social systems, structures, policies and procedures that preserve inequalities and injustices and advocates for
Maintains an open and respectful perspective towards the values and opinions of others
Demonstrates an understanding of social work as a profession and how it differs from other related professions
Demonstrates an ability to recognise diversity taking account of individual, family, group and community differences.
Please document the learning tasks you will undertake and in the second column, outline how you will demonstrate to your field
educator that you have achieved the required learning in each of these tasks (minimum of three learning tasks).
Learning Tasks
Evidence of Learning
(what you will do) SMARTA task
How and when will you demonstrate your knowledge/skill?
Mid Placement Review of Learning Area 1
Student’s Comments on Progress:
Social Work Field Educator/Task Supervisor’s Comments on Student’s Progress:
Overall Mid Placement Rating for Learning Area 1
Social Work Field Educator:
Final Report Comments for Learning Area 1
Student’s Comments on Progress:
Field Educator/Task Supervisor Comments on Student’s Progress:
Overall Final Rating for Learning Area 1
Social Work Field Educator:
Learning Area 2 – Organisational and community context:
An understanding of the organisation’s, legal and political context within human services agencies.
Demonstrates an understanding of the organisation, its structures and processes, and its role in the community
2.2 Provides opportunities and encourages people to evaluate social work services and ensure people are aware of
organisational and professional complaints mechanisms
Critically reflects on the accessibility of services provided by the organisation to diverse groups
2.4 Demonstrates awareness of social, political, legal, cultural contexts and systems and how they impact on people in the
practice setting
2.5 Demonstrates an understanding of the policies and legislation relating to data storage, recording, information sharing with
professionals and clients within the boundaries of confidentiality
2.6 Demonstrates an understanding of the service system in which the organisation is located and coordinate and liaise when
necessary with other service providers in collaboration with the client/service user
Critically reflects on the broader organisational, societal and political context with in the practice setting
2.8 Demonstrates an awareness of and adherence to the organisational policies and procedures relating to workplace health
and safety, risk management, and duty of care obligations to service users. This includes awareness of Human Rights and other
legal obligations.
Please document the learning tasks you will undertake and in the second column, outline how you will demonstrate to your field
educator that you have achieved the required learning in each of these tasks (minimum of three learning tasks).
Learning Tasks
Evidence of Learning
(what you will do) SMARTA task
How and when will you demonstrate your knowledge/skill?
Mid Placement Review of Learning Area 2
Student’s Comments on Progress:
Social Work Field Educator/Task Supervisor’s Comments on Student’s Progress:
Overall Mid Placement Rating for Learning Area 2
Social Work Field Educator:
Final Report Comments for Learning Area 2
Student’s Comments on Progress:
Social Work Field Educator/Task Supervisor’s Comments on Student’s Progress:
Overall Final Rating for Learning Area 2
Social Work Field Educator:
Learning Area 3 – Policy:
An understanding of the legislative and social policies which influence the different fields of practice including knowledge of
relevant legislative and policy frameworks.
3.1. Demonstrates understanding of relevant legislation governing practice and the legal frameworks which inform and
mandate practice
3.2. Demonstrates an understanding of current debates, social issues and/or politics which impact on the field of practice
3.3. Identify policies and practices that are oppressive and fail to meet international standards of human rights, social
inclusion and social development
3.4. Critically analyses the structure of society with respect to power and disadvantage including the influence of gender,
age, ability, sexuality, ethnicity and economic disadvantage
3.5. Critically analyses policies, systems and structures that do not align with social work values and do not prioritise the
interests of people, groups, communities and wider society and works for change
3.6. Challenges systemic and policy injustices and recommends/develops new policies using methods such as:
• Social action
• Advocacy
• Research and evaluation
Please document the learning tasks you will undertake and in the second column, outline how you will demonstrate to your field
educator that you have achieved the required learning in each of these tasks (minimum of three learning tasks).
Learning Tasks
Evidence of Learning
(what you will do) SMARTA task
How and when will you demonstrate your knowledge/skill?
Mid Placement Review of Learning Area 3
Student’s Comments on Progress:
Social Work Field Educator/Task Supervisor’s Comments on Student’s Progress:
Overall Mid Placement Rating for Learning Area 3
Social Work Field Educator:
Final Report Comments for Learning Area 3
Student’s Comments on Progress:
Social Work Field Educator/Task Supervisor’s Comments on Student’s Progress:
Overall Final Rating for Learning Area 3
Social Work Field Educator:
Learning Area 4 – Use of knowledge in practice:
An understanding of theories and methodologies relevant to practice and an ability to reflect critically upon their use and
4.1 Demonstrates a critical understanding of specific social work explanatory theories underpinning social work practice at all
4.2 Articulates and uses knowledge from other relevant subject areas such as law, sociology, anthropology, politics, economics,
history, social theory, psychology, humanities and philosophy
Able to articulate and apply social work explanatory and practice theories within the practice setting
Please document the learning tasks you will undertake and in the second column, outline how you will demonstrate to your field
educator that you have achieved the required learning in each of these tasks (minimum of three learning tasks).
Learning Tasks
Evidence of Learning
(what you will do) SMARTA task
How and when will you demonstrate your knowledge/skill?
Mid Placement Review of Learning Area 4
Student’s Comments on Progress:
Social Work Field Educator/Task Supervisor’s Comments on Student’s Progress:
Overall Mid Placement Rating for Learning Area 4
Social Work Field Educator:
Final Report Comments for Learning Area 4
Student’s Comments on Progress:
Social Work Field Educator/Task Supervisor’s Comments on Student’s Progress:
Overall Final Rating for Learning Area 4
Social Work Field Educator:
Learning Area 5 – Effective interpersonal skills:
Communication and interpersonal skills
Demonstrates effective communication with a diverse range of people through:
• clear and effective verbal and non-verbal interpersonal and communication skills with individuals, community members,
colleagues, and relevant others
• the ability to adapt communication form and style to effectively communicate with a diverse range of people in
different contexts
• the ability to use conflict management, mediation, advocacy and negotiation skills respectfully
Demonstrates effectively working with others in a team/group environment by:
• working collaboratively and respectfully within a team, and the capacity to promote social work values and principles
within team/group activities
• participating in team processes and assuming a variety of formal roles that may include group co-facilitation, co-chairing
of meetings, formal minute taking
Demonstrates skills in information recording, sharing, and use of information technology through:
• the ability to record and manage information in accordance with organisational and ethical requirements
• the ability to communicate professionally in written form to a variety of audiences, in an accurate, concise, factual and
objective manner, acknowledging the basis of any subjective opinions
• an understanding of the ethical considerations with respect to using online communication and social media for service
provision including confidentiality, privacy and professional boundaries.
Please document the learning tasks you will undertake and in the second column, outline how you will demonstrate to your field
educator that you have achieved the required learning in each of these tasks (minimum of three learning tasks).
Learning Tasks
Evidence of Learning
(what you will do) SMARTA task
How and when will you demonstrate your knowledge/skill?
Mid Placement Review of Learning Area 5
Student’s Comments on Progress:
Social Work Field Educator/Task Supervisor’s Comments on Student’s Progress:
Overall Mid Placement Rating for Learning Area 5
Social Work Field Educator:
Final Report Comments for Learning Area 5
Student’s Comments on Progress:
Social Work Field Educator/Task Supervisor’s Comments on Student’s Progress:
Overall Final Rating for Learning Area 5
Social Work Field Educator:
Learning Area 6 – Self learning and critical reflection:
The ability to take responsibility for one’s own learning and development, and to perform at a level of competence appropriate
to a beginning social work practitioner, including the skills to manage one’s future career and the transition from university to
professional practice.
6.1. Demonstrates appropriate responsibility, accountability, reliability and initiative within the work setting
6.2. Demonstrates the ability to participate proactively in negotiating and developing the supervisory relationship
6.3. Demonstrates commitment and initiative in arranging social work supervisory sessions
6.4. Demonstrates a willingness to take appropriate risks, identify personal feelings and experiences and expose this
practice to the scrutiny of the supervisor
6.5. Demonstrates the ability to engage in reflection on practice in supervision and in practice including examination of
personal and professional values that influence practice
6.6. Demonstrates the capacity to work with increasing autonomy and professional responsibility
6.7. Demonstrates an ability to locate and discuss emerging practice issues and relate these to current literature
6.8. Identify areas for learning & development & recognise the importance of future professional development as a social
6.9. Demonstrates a capacity to share personal and professional knowledge and experience appropriately
Please document the learning tasks you will undertake and in the second column, outline how you will demonstrate to your field
educator that you have achieved the required learning in each of these tasks (minimum of three learning tasks).
Learning Tasks
Evidence of Learning
(what you will do) SMARTA task
How and when will you demonstrate your knowledge/skill?
Mid Placement Review of Learning Area 6
Student’s Comments on Progress:
Social Work Field Educator/Task Supervisor’s Comments on Student’s Progress:
Overall Mid Placement Rating for Learning Area 6
Social Work Field Educator:
Final Report Comments for Learning Area 6
Student’s Comments on Progress:
Social Work Field Educator/Task Supervisor’s Comments on Student’s Progress:
Overall Final Rating for Learning Area 6
Social Work Field Educator:
Learning Area 7 – Assessment and Intervention skills
Applying knowledge of assessment, intervention and referral skills to practice
7.1 Demonstrate analysis and assessment of needs to inform the service being offered through:
• the ability to undertake multidimensional assessments in a collaborative manner with individuals, families, groups and
communities across a diverse range of circumstances
• the ability to identify and assess protective and risk factors, and integrate these into an assessment formulation
7.2 Demonstrates the use of a range of specific social work intervention and referral methods collaboratively and appropriately
to the area of practice through:
• evidence-informed practice when working to address the needs and goals of individuals, families, groups and
• An understanding of how empowering and non-oppressive practice methods can both challenge systemic and policy
injustices and enact change using methods such as social action, advocacy, and research and evaluation.
• the ability to work collaboratively with other agencies, teams and across jurisdictions at a practice and/or policy level
• the ability to develop intervention plans that outline collaborative goals, planned outcomes, and mechanisms of review
• the ability to implement intervention plans, engaging in activities such as facilitation, referral, mediation, negotiation,
advocacy, counselling, education and skills transference, collaborative service co-ordination, crisis intervention and
working with interpreters and service users’ significant others.
Please document the learning tasks you will undertake and in the second column, outline how you will demonstrate to your field
educator that you have achieved the required learning in each of these tasks (minimum of three learning tasks).
Learning Tasks
Evidence of Learning
(what you will do) SMARTA task
How and when will you demonstrate your knowledge/skill?
Mid Placement Review of Learning Area 7
Student’s Comments on Progress:
Social Work Field Educator/Task Supervisor’s Comments on Student’s Progress:
Overall Mid Placement Rating for Learning Area 7
Social Work Field Educator:
Final Report Comments for Learning Area 7
Student’s Comments on Progress:
Social Work Field Educator/Task Supervisor’s Comments on Student’s Progress:
Overall Final Rating for Learning Area 7
Social Work Field Educator:
Learning Area 8 – Research:
Recognition of research as an integral part of social work practice; demonstrating knowledge and understanding of all types and
stages of social research
8.1 Demonstrates an understanding of how research knowledge informs practice – through locating and critically analyzing
current literature, research, and practice knowledge relevant to the placement setting
Demonstrates an ability to contribute to organization-based research
8.3 Able to identify researchable topics/issues relevant to the practice setting, including the ability to suggest appropriate
research methodologies and ways of disseminating and utilizing the research findings
8.4 Demonstrates an ability to seek out and establish collaborative partnerships (networks) with others working in the field or
related fields, in order to obtain relevant information.
Please document the learning tasks you will undertake and in the second column, outline how you will demonstrate to your field
educator that you have achieved the required learning in each of these tasks (minimum of three learning tasks).
Learning Tasks
Evidence of Learning
(what you will do) SMARTA task
How and when will you demonstrate your knowledge/skill?
Mid Placement Review of Learning Area 8
Student’s Comments on Progress:
Social Work Field Educator/Task Supervisor’s Comments on Student’s Progress:
Overall Mid Placement Rating for Learning Area 8
Social Work Field Educator:
Final Report Comments for Learning Area 8
Student’s Comments on Progress:
Social Work Field Educator/Task Supervisor’s Comments on Student’s Progress:
Overall Final Rating for Learning Area 8
Social Work Field Educator:
Learning Area 9 – Culturally sensitive practice:
Develop understanding and knowledge of cultural diversity in order to work in a culturally responsive and inclusive way
9.1. Critically reflects on own subjectivity, personal values, social locations, cultures/racial identifications and beliefs and how
these impact on interactions with service users, supervisors, community members and colleagues; and on organisational
policies and practices
9.2. Demonstrates knowledge of diversity between and within different cultures including ethnicity, disability, economic status,
age, sexuality, gender and transgender, faiths and beliefs
9.3. Uses critically reflective practice including service user and peer feedback, and supervision, to guard against own racial
complicities and prejudices, remaining open to hearing the stories and information provided by people from culturally
diverse backgrounds
9.4. As an Indigenous or non-Indigenous student, demonstrate awareness and understanding of the specific context of
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples by:
• demonstrating knowledge and developing understandings of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, protocols
and practices in a local context through respectful exploration and examination of current and historical information
regarding the local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander populations
• demonstrating an understanding of the historical and continuing dispossession, disadvantage, racism and oppressions
experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and the impact this has on current social work practice.
Please document the learning tasks you will undertake and in the second column, outline how you will demonstrate to your field
educator that you have achieved the required learning in each of these tasks (minimum of three learning tasks).
Learning Tasks
Evidence of Learning
(what you will do) SMARTA task
How and when will you demonstrate your knowledge/skill?
Mid Placement Review of Learning Area 9
Student’s Comments on Progress:
Social Work Field Educator/Task Supervisor’s Comments on Student’s Progress:
Overall Mid Placement Rating for Learning Area 9
Social Work Field Educator:
Final Report Comments for Learning Area 9
Student’s Comments on Progress:
Social Work Field Educator/Task Supervisor’s Comments on Student’s Progress:
Overall Final Rating for Learning Area 9
Social Work Field Educator:
Mid Placement Summary Report
(please identify author of comments)
Areas of achievement and strength
Areas for development (for the 2nd half of placement)
Has the student has met the standards for mid placement in your agency?
Signatures (confirming the joint completion and acceptance of the Final Assessment Report)
Field Educator signature & name:
Liaison Person name & signature:
Task Supervisor name & signature:
Student name & signature:
Yes / No
Final Assessment Summary Report
(please identify author of comments)
Areas of achievement and strength
Areas for development (To guide next placement or professional practice)
Has the student has met the standards for a first/final placement in your agency?
Signatures (confirming the joint completion and acceptance of the Final Assessment Report)
Field Educator signature & name:
Liaison Person name & signature:
Task Supervisor name & signature:
Student name & signature:
Yes / No
Attachment 1 – Summary of Placement Tasks
Please summarise all key placement tasks that you have completed (no more than 1 page) Update this page as the placement
progresses for review at mid placement and final placement liaison meetings.
Group together similar tasks as one item (Eg attendance at interagency case meetings, completion of comprehensive assessments)

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