Learning objective


Learning objective

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Case scenario
Use of social media in an unprofessional way: You receive a social media friend request from a
colleague who has just started working with you. You visit their social media page and see that
they post a great deal of information about your workplace. They frequently post about their
workday and include pictures of themselves and colleagues at work. The most recent post
includes specific details about a client recently admitted with an unusual and interesting
diagnosis. The client’s name isn’t used, and no photo is included, but someone in the comments
section has written “I know who you are referring to”.
In Part A of this assignment, you were asked to reflect on the question: How might you
manage the situation? Do you have the knowledge and skills needed to manage the
When a practice issue occurs that could potentially lead to patient harm, nurses have the
professional and ethical responsibility to reflect on what happened and identify any gaps
in practice. When a gap in nursing knowledge or skills is identified, a learning plan can
help nurses develop an action plan to address specific areas of practice. Learning plans
are also an annual quality assurance requirement for all nurses who are registered with
the College of Nurses of Ontario. They provide a way for nurses to demonstrate to the
public a dedication to excellence in nursing practice and continuing competence.
Based on the case scenario and reflection that was written in Part A, students are
required to complete an individual learning plan that includes one (1) learning goal and
three (3) learning activities.

Step 1: Recall that in Part A you had to answer the question: do you have the
knowledge and skills needed to manage the situation described in your case
scenario? What gaps did you identify? What knowledge or skill could you gain
that would be helpful to manage the situation? This will help you come up
with a learning goal for yourself. When defining a learning goal, consider the
o What area of your nursing education or nursing practice needs
further development?
o How will addressing your learning needs improve your nursing
o How are you hoping to enhance or improve your learning and
competence in nursing?
o Is your goal realistic? Have you set a timeline to reach your goal?
o Learning goals should be written in SMART format. SMART stands for
Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-sensitive. See
CNO resource on SMART goals: https://www.cno.org/en/myqa/qaresources/are-your-learning-goals-smart/Links to an external site.
o Additional resource for writing SMART
goal: https://brocku.ca/webfm/PRP_SmartGoals_pdf.pdfLinks to an
external site.Open this document with ReadSpeaker
docReader Links to an external site.

Step 2: Describe how your learning goal aligns with patient safety principles
and nursing best practices surrounding patient safety. Include at least one
scholarly source that is relevant, reputable, and current.
Step 3: Which CNO Code of Conduct principles does your learning goal align
with? It should align with a minimum of 2 principles. Describe how your
learning goal aligns with the principles identified in the Code of Conduct from
the College of Nurses of Ontario found
here: https://www.cno.org/en/protect-public/code-of-conduct-fornurses/Links to an external site.

Step 4: Describe how your learning goal aligns with with at least three (3)
entry to practice competencies for Registered Practical Nurses.

Step 5: Identify three (3) specific learning activities you can complete to
address your learning goal and provide a timeline on when you intend to
complete these activities. When describing your learning activities, consider
the following:
o How are you going to achieve your learning goal?
o What resources will you need? What is your learning style?
o How, when, and where do you learn best?
o What might hinder the completion of this learning activity?
o How will you overcome these barriers?

To help, identify resources relevant to the nursing practice issue in your case
scenario (i.e. College of Nurses of Ontario (CNO) practice documents,
Registered Nurses Association Ontario (RNAO) Best Practice Guidelines,
WeRPN resources, Canadian Nurses Association (CNA) practice documents,
Online Modules and Webinars, etc.). Ensure your chosen resources
are relevant, current, and reputable.
Use proper APA (7th edition) referencing which includes in-text citations and
reference list.
Review the attached rubric for marking criteria in order to obtain all possible
points available.
Learning Outcomes
Related Course Learning Outcome:
CLO 3: Integrate evidence-based knowledge into nursing practice to promote continuous quality improvement
and a safe practice environment.
CLO 4: Explain the professional accountability and responsibility of nurses when providing care across the
PD 1 Learning Plan
PD 1 Learning Plan
This criterion is
linked to a Learning
This criterion is
linked to a Learning
to patient safety and
nursing practice
4 pts
Full Marks
Identifies a
focused, and
realistic learning
goal that relates
directly to
learning gaps
identified and to
the case scenario.
4 pts
Full Marks
Comprehension and
connection to patient
safety and nursing
practice is strongly
3 pts
Meets some
Identifies a learning
goal, but is missing one
SMART component.
Connection to learning
gaps and to the case
scenario is
demonstrated, but can be
improved upon.
3 pts
Meets some
Connections are made
to patient safety and
nursing practice, but
this could be improved
2 pts
Limited requirements
Learning goal is
identified, but is
lacking more than one
SMART components.
Connection to learning
gaps and to case
scenario is vague or
2 pts
Limited requirements
Limited evidence of
comprehension and
connection to patient
safety and nursing
1 pts
Does not meet
Identifies a learning
goal that does not meet
SMART requirements.
Learning goal does not
directly relate to
learning gaps or to the
case scenario.
1 pts
Does not meet
Minimal to no
connections made to
patient safety and
nursing practice.
4 pts
4 pts
PD 1 Learning Plan
This criterion is
linked to a Learning
Connection to
College of Nurses
of Ontario
This criterion is
linked to a Learning
4 pts
Full Marks
Comprehension and
connection to two CNO
Code of Conduct
principles and three
CNO entry to practice
competencies is
strongly evident.
4 pts
Full Marks
Concrete and
description of
learning activities
and related
Thorough number
and quality
resources are
3 pts
Meets some
Connections are made
to CNO Code of
Conduct principles
and CNO entry to
competencies, but this
could be improved
3 pts
Meets some
Concrete but brief
description of
learning activities and
and related
statements. Thorough
number and quality
resources are
2 pts
requirements met
Limited evidence of
comprehension and
connection to CNO
code of Conduct
principles and CNO
entry to practice
1 pts
Requirements not
Minimal to no
connection made to
CNO Code of
Conduct principles
and CNO entry to
2 pts
Limited requirements
Learning activities are
vague or generalized.
Limited information
provided on related
statements to support
activities. Inadequate
use of resources in type
and quality.
1 pts
Does not meet
Learning activities are
missing or incomplete.
Minimal amount of
information on related
activity statements
provided. Inadequate or
missing resources in
type and quality.
4 pts
4 pts
PD 1 Learning Plan
This criterion is
linked to a Learning
and expectations
Total Points: 20
4 pts
Full Marks
Excellent writing
skills. No spelling,
punctuation, or
grammar errors.
Extensive and
accurate vocabulary.
APA 7th edition
referencing adhered.
3 pts
Meets some
Evidence of good
writing skills. Minimal
spelling, grammar, and
punctuation errors. APA
7th edition referencing
is mostly adhered to
with some minor errors.
2 pts
Limited requirements
Fair writing skills.
Writing can be
understood but includes
errors in sentence
structure, word choice,
spelling and grammar.
Limited vocabulary.
Some attempt in
following APA 7th
edition referencing, but
many errors are made.
1 pts
No Marks
Poor writing skills.
Writing cannot be
understood, is
disorganized, and
includes errors in
sentence structure,
word choice,
spelling and
grammar. APA 7th
edition referencing
is limited or
4 pts

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