Leadership Theory (hcad510)


CLO #1: Assess elements of contemporary leadership theories and models.
CLO #2: Analyze qualities and skills of a highly effective, ethical leader.

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Leadership Theory (hcad510)
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First, choose two leaders:

One leader that you served under in a past or present position
One leader (can be of the past or present) that you would like to extensively research their leadership theory and influence.

These same leaders will become the focus of each of your written assignments for this class, as these assignments will build upon one another, culminating in your final project. DO NOT choose a family member!

This first assignment aligns with Part 1: Leadership in Healthcare.

For each leader:

Provide a professional background.
Identify and discuss their leadership theory/theories and leadership style.
Describe and provide examples of at least 2 attributes of their style.
Identify and describe whether they are transactional or transformational in their approach to their leadership role.
Discuss how their leadership theory/theories evolved over time.
Provide an overview of their personal values.
Identify what challenges they may face as leaders in their organization.

This is an APA paper of at least 4 pages, plus cover page and reference page with at least 3 current (within the past 5 years) scholarly sources.