Leadership Journey Card Outcome


The purpose of this assignment is to reflect on the progress you made with the two leadership journey card assignments. What did you learn about yourself over the three leadership journey cards you developed? Has this assignment inspired you to go out an seek new experiences linked to leadership in a regulated environment? Will you continue to record and document your leadership experiences? This is your reflection – make it valuable to you.

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Leadership Journey Card Outcome
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This is a critical assignment and will help each student reflect on the learning outcomes of the course. Take the time to ponder on this assignment, reflect upon, and edit your work. This will be a significant take away assignment from the course.

Write a 3 – page, double spaced, Times New Roman 12 font, standard margins on this topic.

(The assignment below is the previous assignment about what we have to now reflect on.I have attached it below)

The previous leadership assignment was based on the purpose of this assignment is to aid students in developing and telling stories that have meaning, will assist with understanding organizational needs and directions, and will allow a leader to connect with the organizational at a deep level. (I have attached the previous two assignment.)

. Focus your leadership journey cards in the following areas with linkage to leadership in a regulated environment.Quote with Meaning: Select a quote / book / et al that has special meaning to you that links to your story. Explain the meaning of the quote [et al] in the context of the work. For example, if you select a book, what is the message of the book. Include a photo.What the Concept of the Quote Means to Me: Reflect on why the quote / book / et al had special meaning to you. Link this to the concept of being a leader in a regulated environment

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Leadership Jouney card 1
A Tale of Finding Self
Quote with Meaning
“Realize deeply that the present moment is all you have. Make the NOW the primary focus of your life.”
Eckhart Tolle’s book titled “The Power of Now” provides insights into the relevance of the present
moment. Leaders often focus on future goals, opportunities, and new endeavors, forgetting the present
moment. As much as it is essential to focus on the future, utilizing the present moment is vital because
that is all we have at any given moment.
What Finding Self Means to Me
I understand the need to project into the future but, more importantly, enjoy the current
moment. When the organization I am heading is doing well, it is important to pose and enjoy the
milestones. One finds oneself when one stops racing through things and starts absorbing and enjoying every moment, they are alive. You find
yourself when you concentrate on your inner self without thinking of any outside circumstances. And that is where your power lies as a leader.
Also, the everyday interactions with those I lead are highly essential to my journey of finding myself as they inform me of the need for
continuous improvement. Thus, it is always critical for me to ensure that I am interacting with people who can have a desirable impact on my life.
My Story
In my life, I have always exuded leadership qualities, but I can’t say that I have always loved being a leader. As an immigrant from
Pakistan who moved to the United States five years ago, I encountered several challenges. I consistently felt like I didn’t quite belong, grappling
with differences in language, work practices, and the unfamiliar nuances of American culture. I know that leadership comes with power and
responsibility, but the feeling of being lost in the position gets to me. I was working as a Compliance Analyst, meaning that I had to know
everything happening in the organization and ensure we were adhering to all the policies and regulations and are compliance with all the
requirements. That role made me always be on my toes, thinking of any eventualities and how to face them. Needless to say, I was never in the
moment, and I lost myself in this position. I had no friends as I was always working, and as for my colleagues, I thought that I had to keep a
distance from them to ensure that they took me seriously. I always thought I needed to prove myself to everyone, and this led to a toxic work
environment for everyone else. This eventually hurt our organization as no one felt comfortable communicating with one another. Gradually, I
realized how wrong I was solely responsible for this, and there was an urgency to change how things work around here. I decided to
acknowledge my mistakes and apologize to my team for how I wanted the best version of myself and how unfairly I had treated them. I am more
committed to fostering a healthier work environment and being more approachable.
I wanted them to feel as if they were talking to a friend. I instituted frequent team meetings in which all team members participated. I facilitated a
free flow of ideas by letting each team member know that their opinions were important. After implementing these, I saw a drastic difference in
productivity and efficiency. Honestly, my life has never been the same again. I now appreciate leadership more as I have learned to balance being
in the present moment and having future projections. This has also helped me to be intrinsically motivated as a leader. Through this journey, I
learned the importance of self-reflection, humility, and the impact of leadership on organizational culture.
Actions I Will Take

I plan to continue my journey of finding myself through intrinsic evaluation and motivation on being the best version of myself.

I will prioritize a transparent and open communication channel between team members.

I will work on having a healthy work-life balance and will also encourage my team to do so for their emotional and physical well-

I am committed to working with my team and getting their feedback to improve as a unit.

I acknowledge that leadership is a continuous process. I pledge to be more adaptable, and I am willing to modify my leadership
approach in response to the team’s and the organization’s changing needs.
Leadership Journey card
Quote: “If you want to lift yourself, lift someone else.” Booker T Washington.
This means lifting yourself by lifting other people. This phrase has a detailed idea that emphasizes that one can elevate or improve
in a particular area by helping and supporting other people. This personal improvement occurs through a reciprocal relationship
between individual growth and efforts to improve the well-being of the people around you. This quote is more applicable in
teamwork, where team leaders or other people with additional power help themselves by empowering disadvantaged team
members. The interconnectedness that team leaders or people with power create with other members positively impacts the entire
team, and through helping others, the team leaders also benefit significantly.
My Story:
I began my professional Journey in Pakistan right after high school when I joined a dynamic team of sales representatives for a
renowned company. This job entailed contacting potential customers and convincing them about the potential and value of the
brand we were selling. I loved this job for its challenges, the chances to explore something new, and the learning I was going
through under a supervisor who had a team of six sales representatives. Eventually, it all translated to chasing a company’s everincreasing sales targets and doing whatever I had to do to be on top of the list at the end of the month. Although we all were
good friends, the competition was stiff since we had to compete for customers in a narrow pool of potential customers. My early
focus as a sales associate was on performing individually and meeting sales targets. As I moved through my career, I quickly
realized that the power of working together and forming a team was critical not only to my success but to the success of the team
and, ultimately, the organization. A team in which we fostered a culture of working together and the idea that we were better by
leveraging every one of our skills sets and experiences, which allowed us to perform far better than we would have as individuals.
We tried to create an environment where team cohesion had been increased, and the creation of healthy peer pressure led to
exceedance, not only of any sales goals but a great atmosphere where team members felt the value. After a few months, we had
more sales than the target. I was promoted to supervisor as my team had more sales collectively than the company had achieved
since it started operating. Other members reached out for my assistance, and I trained them on how to win more customers, and
we started working as a team. By embracing teamwork and fostering a collaborative environment, I was able to exceed
expectations, empower others, and contribute to the overall success of the company.
Actions that I will take:
1)I will emphasize collective teamwork in a workplace that has an individualistic culture.
2)I will establish a feedback mechanism to continuously capture team members’ experiences and challenges and solicit
their ideas for how activities and dynamics can be improved.
3)I intend to make team building my primary focus, and in doing so, I will seek to foster an atmosphere of open
communication, trust, and collaboration among your team members.
4)I will invest in the professional development of my team members by identifying their strengths and areas for

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