Leadership and Teams


the promotion of teams should be a prominent component of an organization’s strategic plan, Assume you have been appointed as the Plant Manager of a new 5,000 employee production facility to be opened in Saudi Arabia by a long-established European firm. This is the professor instruction PLEASE MAKE SURE THERE IS NO PLAGIARISM or COPYING PLEASE DO NOT CHAT GPT OR SIMILAR APPS Students must use APA style guidelines. Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook, along with scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles. GUIDELINES FILE ATTACHED.POWER POINT SLIDES ATTACHED. THANK YOU .

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Leadership and Teams
It may sound intuitive, or commonplace, that the promotion of teams should be a prominent
component of an organization’s strategic plan. However, when created and managed
ineffectively, the utilization of teams can be met with indecision, incessant delays, conflict,
dissention and eventually a dramatic loss in productivity. Compose an essay that address the
following in relation to the formation and utilization of teams within an organization. Assume
you have been appointed as the Plant Manager of a new 5,000 employee production facility
to be opened in Saudi Arabia by a long-established European firm:

First, as there are cultural, societal, and economic differences between European and
Saudi Arabian firms, briefly summarize the key differences between operating a
business/organization in Europe and Saudi Arabia.
• Second, the formation and utilization of teams is seen as central to the operational
success of this new production facility in Saudi Arabia. As the leader of the endeavor,
suggest a team model/theory you would implement to create and sustain a teamoriented culture in the production facility. Briefly define/describe the model/theory and
its particular relevance in this endeavor.
• Finally, assess—in particular—how the use of this model will result in a more efficient
and effective production facility (for instance, identify cites/sources that showcase
how the use of teams results in a more efficient and effective operation).

Write an essay that includes an introduction paragraph, the essay’s body, and a
conclusion paragraph to address the assignment’s guide questions. Do not address
the questions using a question-and-answer format.
Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:

Be 4-6 pages in length, which does not include the title and reference pages, which
are never a part of the content minimum requirements.
APA 7th style guidelines.
Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from
the textbook and at least two current, scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles.
Current articles are those published in the last five years.
Title of Your Paper
Your name
Department name, Institution name
Course number: Course name
Instructor’s name
Due date
Title of Your Paper
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In nec risus pretium,
condimentum leo imperdiet, iaculis lacus (Author, 2020). Curabitur volutpat sagittis facilisis.
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consectetur malesuada vel et risus. Etiam tempor nisl eu metus facilisis, eget venenatis elit
varius. Maecenas nec justo lobortis nulla convallis dapibus commodo ac velit. Vestibulum
fringilla eleifend ante, ut cursus eros condimentum a. In urna odio, tempus sit amet erat
ullamcorper, iaculis condimentum lectus (Author et al., 2020). Phasellus efficitur mi ligula,
ac pretium nulla maximus et. Duis imperdiet varius eros eget lacinia. Sed laoreet commodo
ex eget vestibulum. Vivamus finibus in turpis nec congue. Curabitur quis tellus non diam
sodales ultrices eu in magna (Author & Author, 2020).
Mauris facilisis libero eget nibh pulvinar, sed pulvinar est sollicitudin. Nam vel ex
ornare elit blandit iaculis. Sed venenatis magna ut congue fermentum. Pellentesque suscipit
vitae erat in varius. Suspendisse porta aliquet arcu et ornare. Quisque quis tellus dolor. Morbi
mi turpis, dictum sed purus tempor, aliquam consequat ex (Author & Author, 2020).
Vestibulum tincidunt et tortor id accumsan. Cras nec arcu eros. Duis consequat nisl eros.
Aliquam erat volutpat. Nunc ac sapien nisi. Duis imperdiet ultricies lectus, ac ullamcorper
massa vulputate vel. Duis erat massa, finibus condimentum pulvinar id, elementum eu augue.
Mauris lobortis ligula eu sollicitudin eleifend. Integer diam purus, feugiat sed turpis eget,
finibus euismod velit (Author, 2020).
Heading Level 1
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In nec risus pretium,
condimentum leo imperdiet, iaculis lacus. Curabitur volutpat sagittis facilisis.
Heading Level 2
Aliquam eget magna pharetra, venenatis metus vel, volutpat nunc. In feugiat ligula
quis tellus consectetur malesuada vel et risus.
Heading Level 3
Etiam tempor nisl eu metus facilisis, eget venenatis elit varius. Maecenas nec justo
lobortis nulla convallis dapibus commodo ac velit.
Heading Level 4. Vestibulum fringilla eleifend ante, ut cursus eros condimentum. In
urna odio, tempus sit amet erat ullamcorper, iaculis condimentum lectus.
Heading Level 5. Phasellus efficitur mi ligula, ac pretium nulla maximus et. Duis
imperdiet varius eros eget lacinia. Sed laoreet commodo ex eget vestibulum.
Author’s last name, Initial(s). (Year of publication). Title of the book. Publisher.
Author’s last name, Initial(s). (Year of publication). Title of the article. Title of Journal,
Volume(Issue), Pages. https://doi.org/DOI
Author’s last name, Initial(s). (Year, Month Day of publication). Title of the work. Website.
Author’s last name, Initial(s). (Year of publication). Title of the article. Newspaper.
Last name, Initial(s). [Channel]. (Year, Month Day of publication). Title of the video [Video].
Website. https://URL
Organization. (Year of publication). Word. In Dictionary. Publisher. https://URL
Chapter 16: Team Leadership
Northouse, Leadership, 9th edition. © SAGE Publications, 2021.
Description (1 of 19)
• Work teams increasingly prevalent.
• Composition of teams.
• Areas of study.
Northouse, Leadership, 9th edition. © SAGE Publications, 2021.
Description (2 of 19)
• Struggles of virtual teams.
• Desirable team outcomes.
• Disadvantages of traditional authority
Northouse, Leadership, 9th edition. © SAGE Publications, 2021.
Description (3 of 19)
• Study of team leadership is
process oriented.
• Shared or distributed leadership.
– Shared leadership risks and benefits.
Northouse, Leadership, 9th edition. © SAGE Publications, 2021.
Description (4 of 19)
Team Leadership Model (1 of 2).
• Hill Model for Team Leadership.
– Progression of leader actions.
• Skills of effective team leaders.
• Achieving effective team performance.
Northouse, Leadership, 9th edition. © SAGE Publications, 2021.
Description (5 of 19)
Team Leadership Model (2 of 2).
• Characteristics of good team leaders.
• Special leader responsibilities.
Northouse, Leadership, 9th edition. © SAGE Publications, 2021.
Description (6 of 19)
Team Leadership Model: Team Effectiveness
(1 of 5).
• Performance.
• Development.
• Achieving team objectives.
• Standards of effectiveness.
Northouse, Leadership, 9th edition. © SAGE Publications, 2021.
Description (7 of 19)
Team Leadership Model: Team Effectiveness
(2 of 5).
• Six enabling conditions.
• Assess team against indicators.
• Clear, elevating goal.
• Results-driven structure.
Northouse, Leadership, 9th edition. © SAGE Publications, 2021.
Description (8 of 19)
Team Leadership Model: Team Effectiveness
(3 of 5).
• Competent team members.
• Unified commitment.
• Collaborative climate.
• Standards of excellence.
Northouse, Leadership, 9th edition. © SAGE Publications, 2021.
Description (9 of 19)
Team Leadership Model: Team Effectiveness
(4 of 5).
• External support and recognition.
• Principled leadership.
• Committed leaders allow autonomy.
• Leaders reduce or enhance effectiveness.
Northouse, Leadership, 9th edition. © SAGE Publications, 2021.
Description (10 of 19)
Team Leadership Model: Team Effectiveness
(5 of 5).
• Characteristics used to evaluate team
• Team leaders need to use tools.
• Importance of past leadership decisions.
Northouse, Leadership, 9th edition. © SAGE Publications, 2021.
Description (11 of 19)
Team Leadership Model: Leadership Decisions
(1 of 6).
• Leadership Decision 1.
• Developing an accurate mental model.
• Seek out and utilize information.
Northouse, Leadership, 9th edition. © SAGE Publications, 2021.
Description (12 of 19)
Team Leadership Model: Leadership Decisions
(2 of 6).
• All members engage in monitoring.
• Working in concert.
• Facilitating teamwork.
Northouse, Leadership, 9th edition. © SAGE Publications, 2021.
Description (13 of 19)
Team Leadership Model: Leadership Decisions
(3 of 6).
• “Hasty to act” leaders.
• “Slow to act” leaders.
• Three phases of group life.
Northouse, Leadership, 9th edition. © SAGE Publications, 2021.
Description (14 of 19)
Team Leadership Model: Leadership Decisions
(4 of 6).
• Leadership Decision 2.
• Task and relational functions.
• Building team relationships.
• Virtual team leadership.
Northouse, Leadership, 9th edition. © SAGE Publications, 2021.
Description (15 of 19)
Team Leadership Model: Leadership Decisions
(5 of 6).
• Leadership Decision 3.
• Internal relational action and task intervention.
Northouse, Leadership, 9th edition. © SAGE Publications, 2021.
Description (16 of 19)
Team Leadership Model: Leadership Decisions
(6 of 6).
• Research focus on real-life teams.
• Balance of internal tasks and relational needs.
• External orientation.
Northouse, Leadership, 9th edition. © SAGE Publications, 2021.
Description (17 of 19)
Team Leadership Model: Leadership Actions (1 of 3).
• Importance of leader assessment.
• Appropriate function or skill.
• Knowledge of group dynamics.
Northouse, Leadership, 9th edition. © SAGE Publications, 2021.
Description (18 of 19)
Team Leadership Model: Leadership Actions (2 of 3).
• Recognize and interpret obstacles.
• Internal task leadership actions.
• Internal relational leadership actions.
Northouse, Leadership, 9th edition. © SAGE Publications, 2021.
Description (19 of 19)
Team Leadership Model: Leadership Actions (3 of 3).
• External environmental leadership actions.
• Importance of openness and objectivity.
• Meet needs of team.
Northouse, Leadership, 9th edition. © SAGE Publications, 2021.
How Does the Team Leadership
Model Work?
• Helps teams make decisions.
• Engages in leader mediation.
• Helps improve functioning.
• Reflects task and relational leadership.
Northouse, Leadership, 9th edition. © SAGE Publications, 2021.
• Real-life focus.
• Provides guidelines.
• Accounts for changing roles.
• Helps in team leader and
member selection.
Northouse, Leadership, 9th edition. © SAGE Publications, 2021.
• Incomplete skill list.
• Application to shared leadership
• Testing methods not fully refined.
Northouse, Leadership, 9th edition. © SAGE Publications, 2021.
• Useful in leader decision-making.
• Assessment tools available.
Northouse, Leadership, 9th edition. © SAGE Publications, 2021.

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