

300 wordsAfter
reading the textbook section on leadership theories, reflect on a
leader you have worked with (preferably in healthcare) or that you have
seen in action as a leader within the health information management
profession, and identify the leadership style that most closely relates
to the traits and skills that he or she exhibited as a leader. Describe the traits and skills that made them effective or ineffective as a leader.Provide
an example or insight of the leadership style exhibited by this leader
and how you felt this made them a good or bad leader.Provide one leadership tip for enhancing or improving this individual’s leadership style. Note:
If you do not work in a healthcare organization at this time, perform
research on a current leader in healthcare or in the health information
management profession. Reflect on the traits and skills that make this
individual an effective or ineffective leader. Provide one leadership
tip for enhancing or improving this individual’s leadership style.

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