Leadership 24



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Leadership 24
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In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency:

Address challenges in group collaboration through various approaches to leadership

You work for Firm X, a department store chain that targets a consumer demographic of shoppers under the age of 35. The store offers clothes, technology, electronics, and home furnishings, and has recently begun to sell groceries and other household goods. In addition to selling brand-name items, Firm X makes its own line of high-quality products. You work for the product development team that designs and sources these products.

A recent restructuring of departments within the organization has merged your team with another department and left you without a direct supervisor for the time being. Your team has a rare opportunity to meet, interview, and ultimately hire a head of product development for the new product development team.

While this is an exciting opportunity, it is not a simple decision. You must hire a leader whose personality, leadership style, and methods will bring out the best in your team. The new supervisor will also have to help the new team learn to work together to succeed and perform as expected. To make things more complicated, there is no one correct leader. There are many types of effective leaders—the challenge will be evaluating which leader fits you and your team best.

Part 1: Memo on Leadership and Management

Team dynamics are very important for performance, and you know it is vital that your team select a leader and manager who will be a good fit. To help inform your decision, you have decided to provide your team with a summary of leadership styles in a 250- to 500-word memo. Consider the leadership theories and methods highlighted in the learning resources.

In your memo, be sure to include the following:

Definitions, in your own words, of at least three of the following major theories of leadership:
Great man theory
Trait theories
Behavioral theories
Contingency theories
Behavioral theories
Transactional theory
Transformational theory
Visionary leadership
Situational leadership

Definitions, in your own words, of at least three of the following major styles of management:
Situational or Contingency

An explanation of how contemporary leadership theories and methods differ from historical theories and approaches (be sure to identify specific historical theories and specific contemporary methods and explain why changes have occurred in leadership theory throughout history).

A discussion of the differences between leadership and management, considering these questions:
What skills and attributes should both leaders and managers possess?
In a workplace context, how do the roles and responsibilities of a leader differ from those of a manager?
Part 2: Presentation to the Team

Now that you have provided them with some background information about leadership, make a recommendation to your team for selecting a new leader. You have received cover letters from three promising candidates, and they each have different leadership styles. Using what you have learned about leadership theories and methods, you will select one of the candidates and present your choice to your team based on your own preferences.

Note: For the purposes of this project, you can assume that your personal work habits and preferred leadership and management styles are similar to the other members of your Firm X team.

First, review the Leadership Position Cover Letters in the Deliverables section. Review each candidate’s approaches and philosophies on management and leadership carefully before making a final decision.
Once you have come to a final decision, create a 5- to 8-slide presentation on your recommended candidate. Your presentation will be used by your team to inform Firm X’s leadership team of your selection.

In your presentation, be sure to cover the following topics:

Referring to their cover letter, describe which specific leadership theory (or theories) the selected candidate identifies with and which specific management style (or styles) they use in their work. How did this impact your decision in choosing them for the Firm X team?

What specific methods, dispositions, or methods do you believe make your chosen candidate the correct fit to lead the team and address the challenges that the group might face?

What is your personal philosophy on leadership?
When you consider what makes a great leader, what comes to mind?
Do you believe any specific leadership theories or methods have played a significant role in defining that philosophy? If so, which and why?
How does the leader match your personal philosophy on leadership? How do they differ? Be sure to cite specific examples.

Think about challenges or conflicts that you have faced with teams in the past or at your current job. Provide at least three examples of challenges or conflicts a team might face in the workplace related to group dynamics. Explain how your chosen leader is likely to address them based on their leadership and management styles. Be sure to include specific examples of conflict resolution techniques they could use to improve group dynamics.
What to Submit
Memo (250–500 words)
Write a memo defining key leadership theories and management styles for the Firm X team. In the memo, you will also include an explanation of the ways in which contemporary leadership theories and methods differ from historical theories and approaches, and a discussion of the differences between leadership and management.

Presentation on Selected Leader for the Team (5–8 slides)
Create a slide presentation on your recommended leadership candidate. You can review the cover letters from each leadership candidate in the Leadership Position Cover Letters PDF document. As you read, consider each candidate’s approaches and philosophies on management and leadership carefully before making a final decision. Your presentation will be used by your team to inform Firm X’s leadership team of your selection.

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Leadership Position Cover Letters
Candidate 1: Zoe Santos
Hello team,
It is with great excitement that I am applying to the head of product development here at Firm X. In my
four years here at the company, I have developed such a passion for the exceptional products that we
produce. Given my experience at Firm X, I believe I am ready to take a step up and embrace more
responsibility for the company that has given me so much. While I do not have much formal leadership
or management experience, I have learned so much in my time here at the company that will prepare
me for the role.
If my time at Firm X has taught me anything, it is that teams work well when they work collaboratively.
As a manager, I would always value the input of my team, and I would trust them to get work done on
time and at the highest quality. I believe that allowing teams to have creative freedom in their roles is
I would not describe myself as a disciplinarian. In fact, my management style would be largely hands-off.
I believe that employees should be empowered to solve problems on their own. In my view, managers
only need to step in if deadlines are being missed or if work is not being completed to the high standard
of quality we expect here at Firm X. Luckily, knowing the bright people on this team, that shouldn’t be
much of a problem!
I hope you will consider me for this position, and I look forward to the chance to meet with the team in
All the best,
Zoe Santos
Candidate 2: Kacey Y. Parker
Greetings, Firm X team,
I am writing to express my interest in the leadership position for the product development team at Firm
X. I believe that my proven history as a results-oriented manager in my previous leadership position at
NanoFlex Software Company has prepared me well to succeed at Firm X.
A little bit about my leadership style: My preferred way of working is to make decisions for the team as
quickly and efficiently as possible in order to keep things moving along at a good pace. I will provide a
clear direction for the team so that very little is left to chance, uncertainty, or varying opinions between
team members. I believe that establishing a clear hierarchy within the team is important for clear
communication, and that employees perform better when the path forward is clear. Rather than waste
time gathering input and feedback, I prefer to weigh the options and come to a top-down decision that
will keep the team moving.
I tend to believe that great leaders are born, not made. Anyone can be a decent manager, but it is not
just anyone who can inspire people in the ways that born leaders can. If hired, I aspire to do my very
best to inspire the team to perform at its best every day.
I look forward to the opportunity to discuss what I can offer Firm X.
With warm regards,
Kacey Y. Parker
Candidate 3: Mary-Beth Howe
To whom it may concern,
Please accept this letter as an indication of my sincere interest in the head of product development
position at Firm X. My experiences working in leadership positions at companies like Superb’s Retail
Centers and Happy Hippo Strip Malls have prepared me well to take on the challenges that the team at
Firm X will face.
In my experience, the best leaders inspire teams through a consistent vision and set of values. I believe
in encouraging team members to innovate, present new ideas, and work together to find solutions to
problems the company faces. If chosen for this role, I would try to set the tone for this type of work on
day one through leading by example and valuing input from my team members.
In terms of day-to-day management, I would look to create an environment of team-oriented decision
making. I think that it is important for staff members to retain the ability to directly participate in
decision making. However, I do not believe that problem solving and decision making should be left
completely to the team. As a leader and manager, I want to work directly with team members to create
the high-quality products that will live up to the Firm X name. I understand that, ultimately, the final
decision-making power would rest with me. This is not a power I would shy away from using, but I would
always seek the input of the team before making a final call.
I sincerely hope that I will have the chance to discuss my fit for this position.
Mary-Beth Howe

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