Leader Self-Analysis


write a short 2-3 page paper on your leadership strengths, weaknesses, style and your leadership development aspirations. Questions to guide your analysis are given below:Where are you now? What are your current leadership strengths and weaknesses? Be specific and draw on your feedback from leadership attributes (i.e., emotional intelligence and personality) and behaviors. You do not need to discuss each piece of feedback, as I prefer depth of analysis over breadth.What are your leadership aspirations for the next 3-5 years? Be specific. What are your leadership developmental gaps (i.e., a gap between where you are now and where you want to go)? To identify your gap, you may wish to review professional association websites or interview those in positions you would like to hold to learn what skills you mayy need to develop https://www.onetonline.org/is one website that our faculty have recommended for career exploration and job analysis.Given the gap between Questions 1 and 2 above (i.e., where you are now and the skills you need to attain your aspirations), what is one leadership attribute/behavior developmental goal? Focusing on this one goal, please complete the developmental worksheet (see attached template). This worksheet is intended to help you close the gap.This assignment is a guided reflection paper– meaning that while I am interested in your thoughts and reactions to the feedback, you should present them by addressing the three questions above.Assignment components:Paper answering questions 1 and 2 above: 2-3 pages, double-spaced, 12-point font, 1″ margins.Developmental worksheet addressing question 3 above (see attached template)

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Leader Self-Analysis
At the end of the “focus on the leader” section, you will have towrite a short 2-3 page
paper on your leadership strengths, weaknesses, style and your leadership
development aspirations. Questions to guide your analysis are given below:
1. Where are you now?(I am in charge of sales in the company) What are your current
leadership strengths and weaknesses? (My weakness is that I am not confident
sometimes)Be specific and draw on your feedback from leadership attributes (i.e.,
emotional intelligence and personality) and behaviors. You do not need to discuss
each piece of feedback, as I prefer depth of analysis over breadth.
2. What are your leadership aspirations for the next 3-5 years? Be specific. What are
your leadership developmental gaps (i.e., a gap between where you are now and
where you want to go)? To identify your gap, you may wish to review professional
association websites or interview those in positions you would like to hold to learn
what skills you may need to develop. O*NET is one website that our faculty have
recommended for career exploration and job analysis.
3. Given the gap between Questions 1 and 2 above (i.e., where you are now and the
skills you need to attain your aspirations), what is one leadership attribute/behavior
developmental goal? Focusing on this one goal, please complete the developmental
worksheet on the following pages. This worksheet is intended to help you close the
This assignment is a guided reflection paper– meaning that while I am interested in
your thoughts and reactions to the feedback, you should present them by addressing
the three questions above.
Assignment components:
At the end you need to upload two files
Paper: 2-3 pages, double-spaced, 12-point font, 1″ margins.
Developmental worksheet (see other Docs I upload)
OB Developmental Issue Worksheet
Your name: ____________________________
OB leadership developmental issue (identified from Leader Self-Analysis paper):
Learning strategies for development: Below are a list of learning strategies for improving your
developmental issue. Select 3 of the 5 to indicate how you might address an OB area of growth. Be
specific (e.g., if you say you want to read or educate yourself through a course, what is the name of the
book or class and why do you think it will help address this area of growth?)
1. Seek new challenges/projects
Specific action/time/deadline
2. Education through courses/workshops/reading
Specific action/time/deadline
3. Develop ongoing feedback
Names/strategies for identifying people
Specific action/time/deadline
4. Identify role models and coaches
Names/strategies for identifying people
Specific action/time/deadline
5. Other learning tactics
Specific action/time/deadline

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