Latin American Security


Assume you are assigned to the Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (DASD) for Western Hemisphere Affairs. A new DASD has been nominated by the President and will soon begin confirmation hearings before the Senate Armed Forces Committee. You have been tasked to develop one of a number of background/point papers for the nominated DASD to use during her confirmation hearings before the Senate Armed Forces Committee. You are to write a 5 page paper that addresses two principal themes: a. What are the major regional and international realities and trends that will affect Latin American security for the next decade; and b. What are possible future alternatives for Latin American security.

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Latin American Security
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Please demonstrate that you have mastered:

CO-1: Analyze how geopolitical and historical factors affect divisions within what is called ‘Latin America’, and how the concept ‘security’ is defined.

CO-2: Evaluate core governance issues and their implications for security within Latin America.

CO-3: Analyze the impact of internal and transnational non-state actors on the security environment throughout Latin America.

CO-4: Assess how NGOs, IGOs, and non-hemispheric actors affect security within the nations of Latin America.

CO-5: Evaluate the changing role of the United States related to Latin American security.