Language focus


Discuss language instruction of ELL. Part 1 Grade of choice 3rd Include the following in your discussion:How do you address language form (vocabulary, grammar, and discourse specific to a particular content area) and language function (the purposes for communication/use of language in academic and social contexts) in your classroom?How do you address the relationship between verbal and written expression in your classroom?What strategies do you implement to support the various language needs of ELLs?How do you provide ELLs with content area instruction that meets grade level expectations, while supporting their English language development?At least two additional questions to discuss with the teacher.Part 2:Plan and ReflectFollowing the observation, identify a student or group of students with ELL needs you are able to work with in future field experiences.. Discuss the needs of the students and how you can best assist in supporting their language acquisition needs during time in the mentor’s classroom.Write a 250-500 word reflection summarizing your observations and discussion. Include how you will support the student or group of students in additional field experiences.APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

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