Lab Number 9


I will be attaching the PDF file that contains the lab and the information for it. Please make sure you read it very carefully and please double check that your grammar and punctuation is correct. Also make sure you pay attention to your sentence structure and spelling. Please make sure the whole assignment is neat and organized. If you have any questions please reach out to me. Thank you so so much.For the second part, once you’re finish with the lab, please answer the following question that will be attached.Thank you so much.

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Lab – Electromagnetic Induction Remote Lab
(40 total points)
Name: ____________
Before starting, please scroll through the worksheet to check the page numbers and get
all the information. Complete all activities before submitting the lab.

Learn how Faraday’s Law explains how induced current is created, and to research
applications of this process to how our electric grid works.
Type your answers directly into this document. Please highlight everything you type into this
report or any modifications you make in the document. There are no exceptions to this. Highlight
what you did so that your instructor can easily find your answers.
This lab uses the Faraday’s Law simulation from PhET Interactive Simulations at University of
Colorado Boulder.
You should see a coil of wire (with 4 loops), a magnet, a light bulb, and a voltmeter.
Activity 1 – Pushing a Magnet into a Coil (15 points)
1. Move the magnet so that it enters the right side of the coil with its North pole entering the
loop. Inside the coil, what is the direction of the original magnetic field and the induced
magnetic field due to the induced current? Explain why.
2. Note down your observations regarding the induced voltage in the voltmeter (positive or
negative) and the lighting of the bulb when:
a. The magnet is pushed into the right side of the coil.
b. The magnet stops in the coil.
c. The magnet is pulled out of the right side of the coil.
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3. When you pull the magnet out of the right side of the coil, what direction does the
induced magnetic field inside the coil point? Explain why.
4. Now push the magnet very slowly into the right side of the coil. What differences do you
note about the voltmeter and the lighting of the bulb compared with the previous
Activity 2 – Switching Polarity and Magnet’s Motion (10 points)
5. Click on the magnet button at the bottom to flip the polarity of the magnet.
6. Move the magnet so that it enters the right side of the coil with its South pole entering
the loop. Inside the coil, what is the direction of the original magnetic field and the
induced magnetic field due to the induced current? Explain why.
7. Note down your observations regarding the induced voltage in the voltmeter (positive or
negative) and the lighting of the bulb when:
a. The magnet is pushed into the right side of the coil.
b. The magnet stops in the coil.
c. The magnet is pulled out of the right side of the coil.
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8. What is different about pushing the south pole into the coil compared to pushing the
north pole? Explain why this difference happens.
9. With the magnet completely inside the coil, move it up and down, but do not let it touch
the coils. Be careful that you only move it up and down. What happens to the light bulb
and voltmeter? What is different compared to the previous experiments? Explain why it
is different.
Activity 3 – Real World Application (15 points)
10. Now put the magnet directly into the loop.
11. Rapidly click on the magnet button at the bottom so that the polarity flips back and forth
while it is in the coil.
12. Describe what you see happen. What type of current are you producing?
13. Faraday’s Law plays a vital role in how we generate electricity. Most of it comes from the
generation of steam in some way. Other methods include the movement of water or
wind. There are other ways that don’t involve electromagnetic induction (such as solar).
14. Research one of these methods that use electromagnetic induction.
a. Steam (coal, natural gas, nuclear, geothermal, etc.…)
b. Wind
c. Water
15. You may want to search for how windmills, dams, nuclear power plants, or other
methods work. How is the motion generated? How is the motion converted to electricity?
What does it look like inside where the electricity is being generated? What does the
actual device look like that converts the motion to electricity?
16. Write a description answering the questions asked in (15) and provide an explanation for
how the process works. Include pictures and explain what the pictures are showing. You
don’t need to write a research paper. Just get right to the point in a paragraph or
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After completing the Lab, please post the results of your research below describing one
of the methods of electricity generation using electromagnetic induction (from
questions 13-16 in the lab worksheet).

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