Lab number 01


I will be attaching the PDF file that contains the lab and the information for it. Please make sure you read it very carefully and please double check that your grammar and punctuation is correct. Also make sure you pay attention to your sentence structure and spelling. If you have any questions please reach out to me. Thank you so so much.

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Lab – Properties of Waves
(40 total points)
Name: _________________________________
Before starting, please scroll through the worksheet to check the page numbers and get
all the information. Complete all activities before submitting the lab.

Learn the relationships between amplitude, wavelength, frequency, wave speed, and
other important quantities which describe wave motion.
Type your answers directly into this document. Please highlight everything you type into this
report or any modifications you make in the document. There are no exceptions to this. Highlight
what you did so that your instructor can easily find your answers.
Simulation A: (20 points)
This lab uses the Wave on a String simulation provided by PhET at
the University of Colorado Boulder.
Launch the simulation. In the top left box, choose “Oscillate.” In the
top right box, choose “No End.” In the box at the bottom, change
Damping to “None.” (Slow motion might be helpful.)
1. Is this a transverse or longitudinal wave? How do you know?
2. In which direction is the wave traveling compared to the disturbance, perpendicular or
3. Spend a few minutes exploring the amplitude of the wave by increasing and/or
decreasing it.
Describe amplitude in your own words.
4. Explore how amplitude affects wavelength. Use the following settings and measure the
approximate wavelength. Pause the simulation after a few waves pass and use the ruler.
(Click on the ruler button at the bottom right.)
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0.75 cm
1.60 Hz
0.90 cm
1.60 Hz
1.05 cm
1.60 Hz
1.20 cm
1.60 Hz
5. When amplitude increases, wavelength _________.
a. increases
b. decreases
c. stays the same.
6. This means that the relationship between amplitude and wavelength is ________
a. direct
b. inverse
c. not related
7. When amplitude increases, energy ______
a. increases
b. decreases
c. stays the same.
8. Return the amplitude to 0.75 cm. Then, spend a few minutes exploring the frequency of
the wave by increasing and/or decreasing it. Describe frequency in your own words.
9. Explore how frequency affects wavelength. Use the following settings and measure the
approximate wavelength. Pause the simulation after a few waves pass and use the ruler.
0.75 cm
1.40 Hz
0.75 cm
1.80 Hz
0.75 cm
2.10 Hz
0.75 cm
2.40 Hz
10. When frequency increases, wavelength _______.
a. increases
b. decreases
c. stays the same.
11. This means that the relationship between frequency and wavelength is:
a. direct
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b. inverse
c. not related
12. Return the frequency to 1.50 Hz and the amplitude to 0.75 cm. Now focus your eyes on
one bead of the string. (Slow motion may help.) Describe the motion of the bead.
13. Do waves transfer matter? Use evidence from the simulation to support your
14. Draw a transverse wave. Label the crest, trough, amplitude, and wavelength.
Simulation B: (20 points)
Click on the link for Waves Intro. Choose Sound. Do not change any of the settings.
15. Push the green button to start the waves. Is this a transverse or longitudinal wave? How
do you know?
16. Change the setting on the right to “particles.” In which direction is the
wave traveling compared to the disturbance, perpendicular or
parallel? (Switching to the box on the bottom left that sends out one
pulse might help if you are unsure. Just be sure to switch it back.)
17. Sound travels better in solids than in gases. Why? Use your experience with the
simulation to help you to explain.
18. Click the orange reset button. Check the box on the right to “play tone.”
Play with changing the amplitude.
a. How does the sound change when amplitude changes?
b. Changes in amplitude affect (choose 2):
A. volume
B. pitch
C. energy
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D. wavelength
19. Click the orange reset button. Check the box on the right to “play tone.”
Play with changing the frequency.
a. How does the sound change when frequency changes?
b. Changes in frequency affect (choose 2):
A. volume
B. pitch
C. energy
D. wavelength
20. Draw a sound wave. Label compression, rarefaction, and wavelength.
Change the simulation to water (on the bottom of the screen). Change the
view to “side view.” Click the green button to start the water.
21. In which direction is the wave traveling compared to the disturbance
(water drops), perpendicular or parallel?
22. Are water waves transverse or longitudinal? How do you know?
23. Play with changes in frequency. Changing frequency affects
a. wavelength
b. energy
c. amplitude
24. Play with changes in amplitude. Changing amplitude affects:
a. wavelength
b. energy
c. frequency
Change the simulation to light (on the bottom of the screen). Click the green button to turn on
the light.
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25. Play with changes in amplitude. Changing amplitude affects (choose
a. wavelength
b. energy
c. brightness
d. color
26. Reset the simulation. Check the box for graph.
a. What happens to the light when amplitude is at max?
b. What happens to the graph when amplitude is at max?
c. What happens to the light when amplitude is at zero?
d. What happens to the graph when amplitude is at zero?
27. Set the amplitude to max. Play with frequency. Changing frequency changes (choose
a. wavelength
b. energy
c. brightness
d. color
28. Adjust the frequency to high (right) and low (left).
a. What happens to the light when frequency is high?
b. What happens to the graph when frequency is high?
c. What happens to the light when frequency is low?
d. What happens to the graph when frequency is low?
29. Based on your observations, answer the following. You may want to pause the
simulation and use the measuring tape.
a. When frequency increases, wavelength _______.
A. increases
B. decreases
C. stays the same.
b. This means that the relationship between frequency and wavelength is:
A. direct
B. inverse
C. not related
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