Lab 3 : Forecasting | SMA, Exponential, Additive Seasonal


2. Workbook & Worksheet Configuration: In the Excel workbook, create a separate worksheet for each problem; label. the tab for question 2 as Q2 and label the tab for question 5 as Q5. 3. Coding and Spreadsheet DSN: Create the tables (or a single combined table) on the Q2 worksheet for parts (b), (c), and (d) for question 2. Then, repeat this for question 5, parts (d) and (e) on worksheet Q5. Code the cells by hand in Q2 and use the regression tool for Q5. DO NOT use the analysis tool pack forecasting modules. (NOTE: Code the worksheets to perform the forecasts. DO NOT enter in (raw) numbers based on hand calculations. No credit if coding not visible in formula view. However, it is suggested that student verify their understanding of the algorithm by performing a few “spot check” hand calculations and compare then Excel’s results.) Caution: Pay attention to the best practices for tables covered in Ch3!4. Visualization – Charts: Addendum: Develop a chart to compare the actual values to forecast values based on the moving average and exponential methods (all 3 on the same chart) on the Q2 worksheet. Likewise, develop a chart comparing the actual vs. seasonal with trend model values on the Q5 worksheet. Caution: Pay attention to the best practices for charts covered in Ch3!5. Clean Deliverables: Organize the workbook such that both the tables and the regression report on the worksheets are presentable and the spreadsheet design of each worksheet follows best practices. Remember best practices covered to date in the preceding labs, the assigned reading, and the lectures.6. Highlights: Use YELLOW to highlight all the cells of the models and regression report that you referenced to answer parts (b), (c), & (d) of Q2 and (d) & (e) of Q5.

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Lab 3 : Forecasting | SMA, Exponential, Additive Seasonal
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