Lab 1_C++ .pdf Week 2- Lab 1_C++


Question 1:Try to write this code in C++ on Replit/Cdev/Jdoodle or MS Visualstudio Softwares and paste a screenshot in your word document.•

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Get the last number in the series (200).•

Divide 200 by 2 to get a result.•

Add 200 + 1 to get a sum.

Multiply the result by the sum.
• Notice a pattern? This fill-in-the-blank algorithm works for any number:
• Get the last number in the series ().
• Divide by 2 to get a result.• Add + 1 to get a sum.
• Multiply the result by the sum
Question 2
Try to explore the link below, it’s a very interesting and interactive tab for kids/beginnerCoders of C++. Create a small code of animation and save it to your computer, paste thescreenshot of the animation you have created(Code) with the small video of it uploaded onBB.
Question 3:
. Search about programming for(choose
1)i. Video based tutorial OR
ii. Game
2. Programming languages and comparison with C++
i. Name all existing languages
ii. More focus on Java, Python, C#
iii. Comparison with C++ and explain it.
iv. What is JavaScript
Deliverables:Submit the Word Document with Q/A and their screenshots wherever asked. This is apractice lab. Submission Due Next week 1/24 @ 11:59pm. It’s recommended to usethe resourceful compilers and links mentioned in the practice lab for better understandingof the course and should be done right after the class ends so that the concepts are clear.