Kinesiology Question


Final Hot Topic Paper – 75 points, DUE 12/5, 11:59PMYour final paper will include the following elements: Introduction of your topic, with sufficient background information (enough information that someone who has not read about this topic before could understand the rest of your paper). The different opinions on the ethical dilemma (may be more than two), with explanation on WHY people hold these opinions. YOUR opinion on the ethical dilemma. Why do you hold this opinion?How does this ethical dilemma potentially affect your future career (or life)?If presented with this ethical dilemma in your career, how do you plan to handle it?Important information: You will complete this paper using Google docs and will turn in the link on Canvas. Make sure that you share and allow me to edit the doc (start typing Sara Powell in the share box and I should pop up). Papers must be double-spaced, in 12-point font. No title page is necessary, but put your name on the first page. The superior (thus, high scoring) paper will present material from reputable references to support arguments and statements. You are REQUIRED to have at least three references, done correctly in APA format (in text citations and reference list). Note that any information that is not directly related to YOUR thoughts/opinion regarding the topic MUST BE CITED WITH A REFERENCE. Please check for proper grammar, spelling and mechanics. Final papers should be 6-8 pages of text, double spaced. This does not include the reference list. The most important thing to do is answer the prompt questions completely and thoroughly. No abstract or cover pages are required nor will they be included in the page count.Grades will be determined using a rubric, which is provided to you on Canvas and at the end of these guidelines.

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